Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

I love american dad, the cleveland show and family 21 year old got me into them....:).....made chocalate chip cookies and ate one about an hour a heavy stone.....brings a whole new meaning to couch lock:).....definatley the best butter i have made.......i ended up with about 3/4s of the butter i added.....strained as hard as i could and got most of it......i used an oz each of trim and popcorn mixed with some mid level buds.......the mbm was stacked with material...i had to soften the butter so the top would fit down correctly....anyway thank you very much for your help......and i think i will follow yours and canna s suggestion and make brownies:).....waste not want not:):love::Namaste:
They will be awesome I promise and you won't even be able to tell it is the smash... Make the fudge type not he cake type and you really won't be able to tell and they will be even better than the cookies....:high-five:.. be careful not to eat to many of them or you will feel almost like you have a hang over tomorrow... at least I do..:whoa:..:circle-of-love:
:passitleft: High Cajun.... Gonna have to run to town rather I like it or not.... Supposed to start snowing later today and they are calling for it to stack up about 3" and there is nothing in the house for me or the dogs so kinda gotta do it.... Any how I have some majorly good news!!!! All the good karma you guys sent paid off and everything worked out just as I wanted it to.... I can't tell ya what it is till the end of the month when everything gets here but it is huge..:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:.....Thank you all for all the great karma you sent my way cause it certainly paid off........:circle-of-love:
I wish we were getting snow.....just lots of rain.......70 degrees today.....45 tomorrow with a low of 20......50 degree shift....that crap is crazy:)....had to put that smash in my compost as i had left it out for like three days not thinking about it and there was some mold growing on it so brownies out this time:) batch:) thank you for the advice:):Namaste:
I wish we were getting snow.....just lots of rain.......70 degrees today.....45 tomorrow with a low of 20......50 degree shift....that crap is crazy:)....had to put that smash in my compost as i had left it out for like three days not thinking about it and there was some mold growing on it so brownies out this time:) batch:) thank you for the advice:):Namaste:

Yeah, toss it. I just discovered a covered bowl of it from my last budder making in the fridge. It had mold too. I usually put in the freezer right away. Oops. :)
Can't wait to read the news Dennise. :cheer:

And if you need some snow, we're getting up to 6 inches today alone. Winter storm warning. I can send you some.....

Nah that's OK... We're supposed to get a couple of inches tonight and get botty azz cold... Supposed to break cold record by over 10 degrees tonight and tomorrow and then next week we are supposed to break heat records of over 10 degrees above normal... Got to love it... don't like the weather... just stick around a minute and it will change.....:circle-of-love:
I wish we were getting snow.....just lots of rain.......70 degrees today.....45 tomorrow with a low of 20......50 degree shift....that crap is crazy:)....had to put that smash in my compost as i had left it out for like three days not thinking about it and there was some mold growing on it so brownies out this time:) batch:) thank you for the advice:):Namaste:
Oh no I don't think I would keep that... Next time....:circle-of-love:
Yeah, toss it. I just discovered a covered bowl of it from my last budder making in the fridge. It had mold too. I usually put in the freezer right away. Oops. :)
I hate it when that happens.... and it happens far more often than it should here.....:circle-of-love:
i would be scared for yall do cook around me , yall might blow yourselves up take me with yall. lmao .:rofl:
You wish you could bake like me.....:circle-of-love:
I have just a little bit of an update.... Everybody got a drink of purified water with 2 tsp Sledgehammer per gallon.... The girls in the closet went to sleep before I could get any pics but I will do a photo shoot tomorrow..... also the auto White Widow bean does have a little tap root now and was put to PeeJay's baby soil and now we are wait for her to pop her little head... Hopefully I do better than I did on the last try with an auto WW... But anyhow say hello to baby WW.....:circle-of-love:
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