Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

As a veteran with PTSD i have to say that was an exceptional thing you took a long time before i admitted to having a problem and then getting therapist actually suggested the use of cannabis because i refused to take a handful of pills doesnt make the bad shit stay away, but i turns my frown upside down........cant help to be giggly:) for the pain of the body breaking down.....does wonders:).....sorry to ramble.......i started this wanting to say Thank You for your kind gesture to a fellow Veteran.....i hope your day is as wonderful as you made his:circle-of-love:

Well I sure do hope I did the right thing. I waited so long because I just didn't want to give him pot if he had addiction problems or alcohol problems. On the other hand, I am a recovering alcoholic sober 30 years on Feb. 5, 2014. I started smoking last October after being begged by friends to just try.

Funny thing, I always said as a young person I would always, always smoke pot my whole life. For sure, until I no longer want to, I will continue to smoke and grow it. It's also so nice to hear from you, a veteran, who knows the pressure this guy is going through. I've known him since he was 16 years old and now he is 31 with 4 children who moved to Colorado with their mother as she cheated on him while she was waiting for him in Germany. Oy what a web.

Welcome home, soldier. Every one of you. :love:
@ Garden... I'm sure either of my son's would be greatly appreciative so I'm sure this soldier was too. Good job!...
:passitleft: High Light... Hope you have a big blast of blooming buds today.......
Morning Granny........
Green I have 2 boys in the Army and 1 has PTSD after coming home from Afghanistan and it turns out that my oldest boy has been diagnosed with it now too... When they asked him how he felt about having to discharge his weapon at the enemy he replied with "the recoil was a bitch".... Apparently that was not the answer they were looking for...:thedoubletake: Soooo now they are making him go through the therapy too... He is not happy about it and doesn't seem to see it their way but none the less has come home with some issues.... Both actually joined to stay out of trouble with MJ and only smoke when on leave and at home but they both say it is the best thing to help with their issues... 1 of them is on meds and the oldest refused to take them... I just stand by and cry a lot....:blushsmile:...
:passitleft: High Cronic......:circle-of-love:
Oh I am so sorry about your second boy being diagnosed. I didn't realize I had it until I was older and I could sort stuff out. I never realized how I was reliving over and over these horrible things I went through by having a trigger.

Pot is the only thing that helps. If I get horrible, a Xanax works, but I take about three of them a year.

I hope your younger boy settles down and realizes he needs medication temporarily to get his chemistry back screwed on. I used to be on meds too as you know and no more. Just weed. Miracle weed.

Sending hugs and love to those boys, their babies and wives.
And you and V
@ Garden... I'm sure either of my son's would be greatly appreciative so I'm sure this soldier was too. Good job!...
:passitleft: High Light... Hope you have a big blast of blooming buds today.......
Morning Granny........
Green I have 2 boys in the Army and 1 has PTSD after coming home from Afghanistan and it turns out that my oldest boy has been diagnosed with it now too... When they asked him how he felt about having to discharge his weapon at the enemy he replied with "the recoil was a bitch".... Apparently that was not the answer they were looking for...:thedoubletake: Soooo now they are making him go through the therapy too... He is not happy about it and doesn't seem to see it their way but none the less has come home with some issues.... Both actually joined to stay out of trouble with MJ and only smoke when on leave and at home but they both say it is the best thing to help with their issues... 1 of them is on meds and the oldest refused to take them... I just stand by and cry a lot....:blushsmile:...
:passitleft: High Cronic......:circle-of-love:

My wife says it took patience and education for her to understand what i was going through........she read everything she could to see what she could do to help me.......she is my rock and one of the main reasons i finally got help:)......but for the meds....i am with your boy that refuses to take them........the VAs answer is to drug us up as much as possible......:(.......weed definately helps:)
Jsut remeber to have patience with them......alot of crap comes out our mouths that sounded a lot better in our minds.........negative actions dont mean we dont love but rather dont know how to deal with them after what we have seen or been i need to tell sound like a perfect mama and i would be proud to call you keep up the great work:):Namaste::love:
Green, all three of us has PTSD. I so get you. I guess one of the benefits of getting older is that we do learn what is good for us and we do whatever it takes. Everybody is different.

As for the VA, I find the whole of that disgusting. The donations they get is enough to help ever veteran for the rest of their lives. It makes me sick the way the hospitals are so far behind the times. Rickety, even.

I think we all have much more in common than we know.
GF, from also a PTSD'd out vet... Nice. Karma's got a present for you.
Night terrors, fear, can't leave the f$#%ing house & seeing faces 2 hours after you woke up almost biting tongue thanx. Thank you marijuana. And a big thanx to Uncle Sam for taking SUCH good care of me.

The VA doesn't do...whew the delete buttons getting wore out. I'm ceasing & dassisting now.

Rangers Lead the Way...

Edit: Sorry D. Evil twin got out.
GF...i am with you on the VA.....i actually have coverage through my wife so most of my doctor visits are civilian now.....on average with my VA it took about 4 months to see my general doctor.....and up to 6 months for a specialist.......horendous.......your right we do have a lot in common:):) have a great night and green dreams:):Namaste:
Oh I am so sorry about your second boy being diagnosed. I didn't realize I had it until I was older and I could sort stuff out. I never realized how I was reliving over and over these horrible things I went through by having a trigger.

Pot is the only thing that helps. If I get horrible, a Xanax works, but I take about three of them a year.

I hope your younger boy settles down and realizes he needs medication temporarily to get his chemistry back screwed on. I used to be on meds too as you know and no more. Just weed. Miracle weed.

Sending hugs and love to those boys, their babies and wives.
And you and V
It's my youngest boy that is taking the meds and my oldest is not.... I probably said it wrong somewhere but it is m youngest.... but I have to admit for him they are working and he is OK with them... so be it I guess.... My daughter-in-law in being deployed in June back to Afghanistan for the 3rd time.....:circle-of-love:
My wife says it took patience and education for her to understand what i was going through........she read everything she could to see what she could do to help me.......she is my rock and one of the main reasons i finally got help:)......but for the meds....i am with your boy that refuses to take them........the VAs answer is to drug us up as much as possible......:(.......weed definately helps:)
Jsut remeber to have patience with them......alot of crap comes out our mouths that sounded a lot better in our minds.........negative actions dont mean we dont love but rather dont know how to deal with them after what we have seen or been i need to tell sound like a perfect mama and i would be proud to call you keep up the great work:):Namaste::love:
What a sweet thing to say and I pray every day of my life my boys feel that way......:circle-of-love:
Green, all three of us has PTSD. I so get you. I guess one of the benefits of getting older is that we do learn what is good for us and we do whatever it takes. Everybody is different.

As for the VA, I find the whole of that disgusting. The donations they get is enough to help ever veteran for the rest of their lives. It makes me sick the way the hospitals are so far behind the times. Rickety, even.

I think we all have much more in common than we know.
Yes... I was diagnosed in 2004 and I have a hard time leaving the house too Green.....:circle-of-love:
GF, from also a PTSD'd out vet... Nice. Karma's got a present for you.
Night terrors, fear, can't leave the f$#%ing house & seeing faces 2 hours after you woke up almost biting tongue thanx. Thank you marijuana. And a big thanx to Uncle Sam for taking SUCH good care of me.

The VA doesn't do...whew the delete buttons getting wore out. I'm ceasing & dassisting now.

Rangers Lead the Way...

Edit: Sorry D. Evil twin got out.
Hate Hate Kill Kill .... I mean peace love MJ.....:winkyface:.....:circle-of-love:
GF...i am with you on the VA.....i actually have coverage through my wife so most of my doctor visits are civilian now.....on average with my VA it took about 4 months to see my general doctor.....and up to 6 months for a specialist.......horendous.......your right we do have a lot in common:):) have a great night and green dreams:):Namaste:
I am so glad you were able to get on with your wife and for the most part not have to deal with the VA... It is just a nightmare to get them to do anything.... Not looking for it to get a lot better in the near future but hopefully it won't be as long as it has been.....:circle-of-love:
High Dennise :circle-of-love:
:passitleft: High Cronic.....:circle-of-love:
Hello Dennise:) wishing your sons and everyone else a Happy Veterans Day:circle-of-love: Thank you all veterans for your service and sacrfices:):Namaste:
Good news......i got my Magical Butter machine:):):).......bad strainer bag:(:(......good should be here by the end of the week.......:):)
Oh I am so glad you got it and I think it was Canna that said if you go to the Dollar Store or Wally World and get a replacement auto coffee maker filter... the kind that has the mesh in the bottom and that will work.... The strainer basically looks like that anywho... Guess if ya have to wait till Fri it isn't the end of the world but I just hate waiting on things.... I just found a box of salty caramel cookies at the store and a box of cinnamon bun cupcakes so I'm thinking I will be doing some baking in the next few days myself......:circle-of-love:
Well Fifi, I've pulled out my Magical Butter machine & was ready to commence making canna-butter but what is this ingredient they're talking about; Lecithin
So the Lecithin is a must before using my machine or will it work without it. I was so ready to make butter.
Hate, hate, kill, kill?
Is that what you think we did? Wow. Thought you'd know better.

Your welcome. Guess I'll go kill some puppies now.

Sleep well. None of my bros still alive do...

I'm out.
Oh Cajun you totally took my meaning wrong and I am so sorry.... My youngest is a Ranger and that is the chant they do... It is something like Hate hate, kill kill, slash, something, mutilate... I really meant no offense and honestly it is what they chant.... I know what you guys do and did in the past and it is heroic and brave and Sir I honestly meant no offense.....:circle-of-love:
They dont come with the coffee filter looking one is a black strainer bag that looks to be about twice the size of the coffee one:),,,,,but i dont mind waiting another couple of days:) here for i know it:):Namaste:
Shows ya my age and how often I go shopping for anything..:blushsmile: Fri is coming quicker than I can get ready......:circle-of-love:
Well Fifi, I've pulled out my Magical Butter machine & was ready to commence making canna-butter but what is this ingredient they're talking about; Lecithin
It is an emulsifier and helps pull the THC out of the plant matter.... You don't have to use it but it does make your butter much better....:circle-of-love:
yea you can get soy lecithin at gnc or some health food place
Yea... yes you can... :passitleft: High Cronic......:circle-of-love:
So the Lecithin is a must before using my machine or will it work without it. I was so ready to make butter.
You can make it without the stuff but it just won't be as potent... You can still make really good butter... Just use a bit more of your good trim and popcorn.........:circle-of-love:
Hate, hate, kill, kill?
Is that what you think we did? Wow. Thought you'd know better.

Your welcome. Guess I'll go kill some puppies now.

Sleep well. None of my bros still alive do...

I'm out.
Cajun you know that's not how I meant that...:thedoubletake:. I am so sorry you took this the wrong way... I would never disrespect you or the things you did fighting for our wonderful country Sir... I hope I explained myself well enough to you in the pm but I will post here also... My son is a Ranger in the US Army and the chant they use is the one I was quoting.... I meant no disrespect to anyone and if I came across that way I am sincerely sorry from the bottom of my heart.... I have 2 sons in the US Army and both returned home from deployment with PTSD and I myself have had it for 10 years due to a sexual assault caused by my x husband that put me in the hospital for over a month mostly in a coma... Had a full body stroke, heart attack, renal failure and went into TTP... When I was found my core temp was 85 and I was pronounced dead... Out of that I recovered physically for the most part but mentally... not so much... I rarely leave my home and never alone unless I am heading straight to somewhere I am; doctors... places that are familiar..... I don't deal with strangers at all and won't even answer my front door if I don't know who is knocking on it.... I get it Cajun... far to well and again I apologize for anything I said that made you feel I was disrespecting you or anyone else.....:circle-of-love:
Just wanted to let you guys know when I went to check out some new beans the is offering double freebies on Good Friday... I started to check out and would have had 10 freebies but if I wait till Good Friday they will send me 20... Some are Sugar Black Rose, Carmello, Black Russian and a couple others but I can't remember... Just thought some of ya might want to know.....:circle-of-love:
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