Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Now this crazy thing is certainly going to be water only after the flush..... the auto Pineapple Express is producing amazing amount of buddage. I've never grown an auto before but I swear it is going to produce dang near as much as one of my regular girls and I always read they where for a fast small amount of buddage grow but look at this thing....:circle-of-love:
That PE has got some swelling and more stacking to go! Just wait till you try it, its awesome smoke! :)

Yea I figure she will go at least 3 more weeks but by the time I flush her it will be another week from now and hopefully she will only need a couple more weeks and I want her good and flushed so I can get her true flavor with the vape... I really can't wait on this one...:battingeyelashes:.....:circle-of-love:
Fifi, when I grew my autos I got about an ounce from each plant, dry. The smoke was great and it did not cause anxiety. I didn't try the PE yet, but the BID grow, I'll probably also grow that PE in the greenhouse.

I know I said I wouldn't grow outside again, but we just put up the greenhouse today and I get this insane growing bug when that thing is back up. I did power wash the entire inside and I am going to use the SNS this year as a preventative, so we'll see. I have the same seeds as you so we'll also see if I get the same type plant out of my PE.

Autos are great for outside, I think. I won't have that problem I had earlier in the year with photoperiod.

Dennise :thumb: IMO you have definitely got the golden touch and the greenest thumb ever for only growing about a year !! I have grown several autos and never seen one like yours !! It's huge !
All of your girls have some serious buds !!
How far away do you have your led from seedlings.??..I germinated in a wet paper towel and they both got tap roots, I planted them last Wednesday and I have to look hard to see them, trying to show but not quite yet. I thought by today they would be bigger than that.

You know I try to keep it clean but DAMN Fifi, you're blowing this round out of the water! It's like every one of your grows are more impressive than the last one.

That might be my problem. I put the seedlings in their permanent home ( 5 gallon pots) since they're autos.
Need to get out my cfl now. This is the first time I've had an LED light with seedlings, last time it was cfl.
Thanks !!!! for your help !

OHHH I didn't know we were talking auto's cause I didn't have space in my box for the 3 gallon pot I did put her in the cabinet as soon as I potted her up cause I did pot her straight to the 3 gallon pot but the LED (TopLed 48x3w) was pulled up as high as it would go so I guess that was probably 4'.... Sorry I should have asked..:oops:......:circle-of-love:
You know I try to keep it clean but DAMN Fifi, you're blowing this round out of the water! It's like every one of your grows are more impressive than the last one.

:bigblush: Thank you so very much.... A friend of my fellas is here and has gotten a little here and there from us and said he let a friend of his hit his pipe and he took one hit and got so high is heart beat scared him and he got real paranoid off of 1 hit and swears it's the best he has ever smoked.. I can't wait till this next harvest... IMO it is going to kick butt and be even better than the last..:circle-of-love:
I didn't know about the seedlings and LED's needing to be higher. Good to know. I do still have the CFL's, but I would not have used them if I didn't read this. What's the reason behind having the lights so high from the seedlings?

Maybe the light is too strong??

On another note and a tiny off topic, but I know you'd be interested; my neighbor's son who did five tours in Afghanistan in full combat is living with them. He has horrible PTSD etc...and every other thing you can imagine from that stress. So, I've had trees in pots which I have been growing for my neighbors and we went over and planted them all today, next door.

The son, whose name is Austin came out to talk and I finally asked him about the pot and has he tried it. He said he tried at a concert and he loved it, but didn't know much about it. I asked if he wanted some and his eyes lit up! Oh that made me so happy. I gave him a stuffed quart jar full and a pack of papers. Good deed for the day (my honor).

Enjoy the day and every day...
PE is a fairly small to medium auto. You can get short, medium , large and super autos.

Ill be honest I've been out of the auto game for a while, when I was auto they were still fairly unstable. My extreme methods and training them sent me a few hermies and some spoilt crops. Yet once I hit my stride over 5 oz per plant is simple!!! :)
If you get a big bugger like DP think diff etc then you can get bigger yield still. A few I got 8 plus one just over 10 and half.
The one thing that used to be the one drawback, was simply the nonsense on the timeline. I used to have to run them till they looked dead!!! Then they were perfect with good amber etc.
So yep autos can do far more than your PE!! :)
Just train early and on a small gentle scale, set em young and sit back! :)
I didn't know about the seedlings and LED's needing to be higher. Good to know. I do still have the CFL's, but I would not have used them if I didn't read this. What's the reason behind having the lights so high from the seedlings?

Maybe the light is too strong??

On another note and a tiny off topic, but I know you'd be interested; my neighbor's son who did five tours in Afghanistan in full combat is living with them. He has horrible PTSD etc...and every other thing you can imagine from that stress. So, I've had trees in pots which I have been growing for my neighbors and we went over and planted them all today, next door.

The son, whose name is Austin came out to talk and I finally asked him about the pot and has he tried it. He said he tried at a concert and he loved it, but didn't know much about it. I asked if he wanted some and his eyes lit up! Oh that made me so happy. I gave him a stuffed quart jar full and a pack of papers. Good deed for the day (my honor).

Enjoy the day and every day...

As a veteran with PTSD i have to say that was an exceptional thing you took a long time before i admitted to having a problem and then getting therapist actually suggested the use of cannabis because i refused to take a handful of pills doesnt make the bad shit stay away, but i turns my frown upside down........cant help to be giggly:) for the pain of the body breaking down.....does wonders:).....sorry to ramble.......i started this wanting to say Thank You for your kind gesture to a fellow Veteran.....i hope your day is as wonderful as you made his:circle-of-love:
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