Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

He's more of a Doctor X to me.

I copied this desciption out of Wiki on Dr. X:

As a high-level telepath, Xavier can read, control and influence human minds. A scientific genius, he is also a leading authority on genetics, mutation, and psionic powers

Thats the ticket. :rollit:
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Welcome to 420, bro! Glad you're here and I hope you join the Deep Water Culture and dislpay the logo proudly. This site is much more friendler adn civil and polite than the other site.

Please go to INTRODUCE YOURSELF and let teh hospitality team welcome another Deep Water Culture here.

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or use the yellow envelope at the top of the Posting Window for INSERT IMAGE, and put the address there.

Thanks Rose, I just started a thread to introduce myself as you sugested, and I will start my Roseman inspired grow journal the next few days. How do I get that logo in my sig???:ganjamon:
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I too have read this whole thread and I am growing my first crop right now I'm about two weeks in to vegging.
One thing I didn't quite understand is you said you had to keep your water under 70 degrees.
I live in one of the coolest climates and am growing with my tanks on the cold concrete and my water temprature still goes to 72.
Should I just hope for the best or what are the alternatives.
Thanks a lot for the tutorial. I have 2 Deep Water Culture units going and am enjoying the heck out of it.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I too have read this whole thread and I am growing my first crop right now I'm about two weeks in to vegging.
One thing I didn't quite understand is you said you had to keep your water under 70 degrees.
I live in one of the coolest climates and am growing with my tanks on the cold concrete and my water temprature still goes to 72.
Should I just hope for the best or what are the alternatives.
Thanks a lot for the tutorial. I have 2 Deep Water Culture units going and am enjoying the heck out of it.

The temperature of the water is very important for maximum growth. Anything over the mid 70s is bad and root rot is just around the corner waiting to jump in. 65 is ideal, but difficult to achieve. Your water is being heated by the lights, or you have your air pump being heated by a light, perhaps? Either way, try to reduce the temp of the water a degree or two lower, with a fan blowing on the tank, or something blocking the lights from shining on the tank lid or air pump..

Good Luck, man, you ought to join the Deep Water Culture Gang.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Join the Club! Join the Deep Water Culture

We Grow Hydro in all of it's forms and specialize in Deep Water Culture and DWC (deep water culture). We firmly believe in paying it forward for help received and we get our kicks from helping people that used to be just like us - new growers with a willingness to read, learn, and understand to produce the medicine we need/want. We learned from those before us and continue to do so with the shared knowledge that a group of growers with a single mission can provide.

Our goals are many but I will state a few here:

The help all growers, with special emphasis on the new hydro grower, achieve a good crop the first time they are ready to try.

To teach with patience and respect as a means of helping the new grower become comfortable to ask us any question on growing and for the helper to learn as much as they teach.

To become ambassadors for the legalization of the wonderful medicine we grow whenever and wherever that will lead.

To support each other in our hard times and celebrate to good times with equal passion.

After we complete a successful grow with the help of the Deep Water Culture, we pleadge to stay around to help others as we have been helped and thereby spread the knowledge and continue the peaceful cycle of payback/payforward.

And to understand that some of the people we meet here are in true need of these meds and have good days and bad days just like in the real world.

Peace and fun are what we seek!

How can you join our band of growers?

By adding this Deep Water Culture Smiley Logo :420: to your signature, and claiming membership to the Deep Water Culture, you pledge to be very helpful to Newbies with DWC and Deep Water Culture with patience and caring and make all other Deep Water Culture proud to be a member of the group. You agree to teach others growing with Bubbles. If you do not know the answer, go get someone else from the Deep Water Culture Group to help.

If you know someone that can help teach others or needs help themselves, invite them to this thread or The Deep Water Culture Home and we will do our best.

We ARE Family,
We are The Deep Water Culture!:420:

I invite all the Deep Water Culture to share their experiences. It is in the sharing that we learn. It is in the learning that we grow in more ways than one.

:420: :420: :420: :420: :420:
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Thank you roseman I am shopping for parts for my own try at Deep Water Culture due in large part to the excellent tutorial.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I am not very knowledgable in Soil Growing so I did not include Soil Growing Terms.
I do hope this especially helps the new growers and new Deep Water Culture.

18/6: Time in Vegging or Growing Cycle 18 hours of light to 6 of darkness.

12/12: Time in Bloom of Flowering Cycle. 12 hours light and 12 hours darkness.

24/7 : Time in Vegging or Growing Cycle 24 hours of light in 7 days a week.

420 - Enjoying Marijuana, Being Identified or Associated with Marijuana.

Aeroponics - growing in a reservoir in which the roots are suspended in a nutrient mist or fog instead of in the water and nutrient solution. The Spray or Mist sticks to the roots, keeping them from dying out. Any extra water runs down the inside of the reservoir or container, collects at the bottom, and is recycled back to the nutrient reservoir again.

Air Bath - Allowing the roots to dangle in the air out of the water for a short period of time.

Air Stones - Air Diffusers - Devices commonly used in aquariums, and used in hydroponic reservoirs to add air or oxygen to the water.

Alternating Leaves- Alternating Nodes - as the plant first grows, every leaf will have another leaf growing exactly across from the other leaf. They grow in pairs. When the plant becomes an adult, a mature plant, the leaves will grow one at a time and be staggered. A leaf will pop out on one side, then, up the stem a half inch, another leaf will grow.

Ballast - Provides electricity to the HID, High Intensity Discharge light.

Bracts - Another word for calyxes, used in Europe.

Deep Water Culture - A Marijuana grower that uses Bubbles or Deep Water Culture or DWC.

Deep Water Culture - Slang for growing Hydroponically in Bubbles. A registered copyrighted word, it is the Hydroponic process of growing DWC with additional feeder tubes fed from a submersible water pump in the reservoir tank to each grow cup, producing a rapid growth.

Buds - The good parts! The desired parts of the plant for smoking and ingesting. The part of the female plant that contains high concentrations of THC. Buds are a lump or clump or cluster of very tight flowers.

Bud Leaves - the small leaves that grow out of the buds of the plant, usually covered in trichomes. Bud Leaves are also called Trim Leaves. Most growers save them for making HASH and Oil.

Buffers - Chemicals you add to the water to stabilize the pH, commonly made for aquariums.

Calyxes - the outer hull of a flower part that will show the two little pistals. It is PEAR shaped. It is the wrapping of a seed, or where a seed would be, if allowed to be fertilized with male pollen. In Europe, they are called "bracts".

Canopy - The tops of a plant, usually shading the lower growth, except when branch training methods are used. (See LST, and SOG) The TOP of the grow.

Carbon Filter - An air filter made with carbon charcoal to reduce odors.

CBD/CBN - byproducts of the main psychoactive ingredient in pot, THC. In slang, we say it adds the body high, or the couch lock high.

CFL - Compact Fluorescent Light - A Fluorescent Bulb smaller in size than the common tube type bulb. It has a built in Ballast and Starter. They come in Spiral and Round Tube Type, use much less electricity and do not get as hot or make as much heat as other bulbs.

CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute - The measured volume of air that is displaced in one minute. It is how vented air or the performance of the fan is measured.

Chlorophyll - the green pigment in leaves. Chlorophyll pigment is produced in the chloroplasts of leaf, stem and flower cells. Chlorophyll captures the sun's energy which is used to manufacture sugar from carbon dioxide and water. Chlorophylls are constantly being "used up" and thus are continually manufacture by the plant, provided the environmental conditions are appropriate. Chlorophyll gives the green taste.

Cloning - The process of duplicating female plants. It is simple "Rooting" a small branch from a female plant.

Colas - The female flowers developed tightly together to form dense clusters or clumps of buds.

Cotyledons - Small round leaves, they are the two first leaves seen on a small seedling, They are not considered "true leaves" and they soon yellow and fall off early in the seedling or sprouting stage.

Couch Lock High - The high of being tied or locked or glued to the sofa. The Body High part of the High.

Cure, Curing - Preparing harvested buds for storage. Curing is a biological process of allowing the SUGARS and STARCHES to change into something MORE pleasant to the taste and smell. Normally the SUGARS and STARCHES taste HARSH and not so pleasant. To grow, Plants need SUGARS that convert into starches from Fertilizers and sunlight. Curing also removes alot of chlorophyll or the chlorophyll taste that is sort of a grassy leafy medicine chemical taste and leaves a sweet tasty pleasant taste.
Also, we cure pot to avoid MOLD that can come within 30 days AFTER Drying.

Cuttings - Small branches or limbs removed to make Clones.

Dark Period - Lights Off Time.

Dirt Bag - Slang for a Soil Grower.

DIY - Do It Yourself.

Drain and Replenish - Emptying the reservoir tank and refilling it.

Drip System - This is a DWC System with feeder tubes DRIPPING water onto each grow cup and root base from above. That DRIP normally has to be on a Timer especially if it is a FLOW of water instead of just a DRIP.

Dual Spectrum - The two Light Spectrums used and needed in growing. The color of the sun's rays, one spectrum is produced in Spring Time and the other in late summer and early autumn. Pot Plants primarily need the RED and BLUE Spectrums. These come from Warm White and Cool White Bulbs, or High Kelvin (6500K) and Low Kelvin (2700K) Bulbs. ( see Kelvin)

DWC - Deep Water Culture - Hydroponic growing in a reservoir tank, using an air pump and air stones to oxygenate the water.

Epidermis - The skin of a leaf.

Ebb and Flow - Also called Flood and Drain, simply a system of flooding water on and off the roots, timely and systematically.

Fan Leaves - (Sun Leaves) - They are the larger leaves that grow lower on the plant and are the food makers for the plant. Fan leaves are very necessary and healthy fan leaves should never be cut off. They contain very little THC but are a good source of CBD/CBN. Most growers save them to make oil.

Feeder Tube - Tube that runs from submersible water pump to each grow cup.

Feminized Seeds - Seeds which have a higher probability of being female plants.

FIM - FIMMING - A term for “F**k I Missed! A sort of topping process, where only a portion of the growth tip is removed, causing an increase in resulting cola sites. (See topping). You just go crazy cutting off end tips.

Floros, Flourescents - Light Bulbs with a separate or built in STARTER and BALLAST. They come in 18, 36 and 48 inch long tubes, or can be Compacts, Twisty bulbs and Circle bulbs. They are desirable for using less electricity and being cooler, but they do not penetrate as deep as HID Lights and are not as efficient as HID lights.
HID Lights use more electricity and are hotter.

Flowering Cycle, Blooming Cycle - The Cycle of 12/12 Lights to induce and grow buds.

Flush - Rinsing the reservoir or a plant’s roots of nutrients and contaminants by giving the plant large amounts of pure straight water and no nutrients or additives.

Foliar Feeding - Feeding the leaves and plant by spraying them with a Nutrient - Water mix.

Force Flowering - Providing a female plant 12/12 Light to force the plant into producing Pre-Flowers, or Flowers and then Buds.

Germinate, Germination - To begin to sprout a seed.

gph - Gallons per hour - A measurement of water flow.

Grow Cups - Basket type containers or slitted cups used to hold the hydroton and rockwool as a container for the plant base.

Grow Tent - A tent used for indoor growing, usually 4 x 4 or 6 x 6 feet square.

Hairs - See Pistils.

Harvesting - Cutting off the branches to get the buds.
Hash, Hashish - Baked, caked or compressed Kief.

Heat Moisture Stress - Stress caused by High Heat and Low Humidity. Indicated by leaf curling and leaf spotting.

Hermaphrodite - A plant that has both male and female flowers.

HID - High Intensity Discharge, Hot Powerful Lights.

HPS - The best light available today for growing Marijuana. High Pressure Sodium lights are very bright and very efficient. This light has a red spectrum that is ideal for the flowering phase. HPS comes in a wide variety of wattages from 40 watts up to 1000 watts.

Humidity - Moisture Content of the air.

Hydroponics - Growing plants in water, without soil.

Hydroton - Small round boiled clay made rocks that very easily hold and absorb water. They are used as a base in the grow cup.

Hybrid - A man-made plant or variety that has been developed by interbreeding two or more other varieties or strains of plants.

Indica - Indica Strains come from the other hemispheres of the world. They stay shorter, are stout plants, they grow faster, have larger buds and larger leaves and are more desirable for indoor growing. Indicas generally are a deep body high and a heady high, a couch lock high, a sleepy high. Indica strains are more desirable for medical purposes too.

Irrigation Hub, Irrigation Manifold - Cheap simple devise to divide the water into multiple flows or multiple feeder tubes.

Kelvin - The name of the Color Temperature or Spectrum of the light's rays, indicated by " K ". .

Kief - Removed Trichomes or Resin Glands.

Light-burn - When the heat from a light burns the plant.

Light Leaks - Light allowed in the grow area during the Dark Period.

LOLLIPOPPING - The cutting off of the lower third of a plant's growth so that the plant's energy goes to the upper 2/3s of the plant to make larger buds. They say it makes the plant look like a lollipop. (THIS PROCESS IS LAUGHED AT BY MANY GROWERS AS NOT BEING SCIENTIFIC OR FACTUAL)

Lumen - How we measured LIGHT SEEN by our eyes. One lumen is equal to the amount of light emitted by one candle that falls on one square foot of surface, one foot away.

LST - Low-Stress Training, the technique of controlling the branches to reduce plant height, and expose certain branches to light. LST is used in small grow areas with limited height space. This is accomplished by bending them over sideways and tying them over. Also by using wires or screens or nettings to control the Vertical height growth.

Macro-Nutrients - For a plant, there are nine major elements essential for healthy growth; these are called macronutrients. They are: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (which are all three derived from air and water); and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, and magnesium.

Manicure - Trimming off the Trim Leaves or Bud Leaves from the buds.

Metal Hilide - M H Light A multi purpose HID Light with a balanced spectrum, but leaning toward the Blue Spectrum for the Vegging Cycle. See MH.

MH - The Metal Halide is a very good source of the blue spectrum of light that is ideal for Vegging. Many growers use MH during the Vegging Cycle. MH is bright and cost efficient to operate, but not as efficient as HPS lights. Most commonly used sizes are 250 or 400 and 1000 watt. Works best when used in combination with HPS lights.

Micro-Nutrients - There are about eight nutrients essential to plant growth and health that are only present in very small quantities. These are manganese, boron, copper, iron, chlorine, cobalt, molybdenum, and zinc.

Misting - Spraying the plants with pH balanced water to increase humidity and prevent Heat Moisture Stress.

Mogul Socket - A larger light bulb socket, larger than normal or common. Some Bulbs require the larger mogul sockets.

Mottling - Discolored spots on the leaves.

Mylar - The most popular reflective material used on the walls to reflect light. Like the shiny tin foil looking balloons you see at birthday parties.

Necrosis - Yellowing Crisping Leaves. Dead or Dying Leaves.

N.F.T. - (Nutrient Film Technique) N.F.T. is simply using a FLOW of water on a timer, splashing the roots. A MIST or SPRAY can also be used.

Node - The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been attached.

NPK - N = Nitrogen. P = Phosphorus. And Potassium = K. You must have all three to grow a plant. N, P, and K are the three principal ingredients in most fertilizers. The NPK ratio is shown by three numbers, such as 10-5-10, that indicates the percentage of each.

Nute-burn - The result of over feeding. Nute-Burn starts with yellow tips.

Nutes - Slang for Nutrients.

Nutrients - Food or Fertilizer for plants.

Nutritional Lockout - Allow me to GIVE you a simplified definition of NUTRIONAL LOCKOUT. Can you imagine sitting a plate before a child at dinner time, with his most favorite food, hot dogs, ketchup and french fries? But also on the plate is a major portion of steamed broccoli, which he is just not fond of and insists on nibbling on. Now imagine telling that child, "you can not eat the hot dog and fries if you do not eat all the broccoli too". NUTRITIONAL LOCKOUT is when the child responds with "well then, I just won't eat!"

ONA - Odor Neutralizer Agent, the best available to neutralize odors.

Organic Nutrients - Natural, earth derived nutrients.

pH - Measurement of Alkaline or Acid. Measured on a scale of 1 to 14. Water is considered neutral at PH 7. PH levels below 7 are classified as acidic, or "sour". Levels above 7 are basic, alkaline or "sweet". Most plants prefer a slightly acidic soil pH of 6.0 to 6.5.

pH Meter - Electronic devise to measure the pH.

pH Test Strips - Colored Test Strip Indicators to dip into the water and determine the pH.

pH Up - pH Down - Chemicals use to adjust the pH up or down.

Phloem- Nutrient moving tissue.

Photoperiod - The timing of the light period. The number of hours of light and darkness the plant gets. Usually shown as 18/6 = 18 hours of light, and 6 hours of darkness.

Photosynthesis - The plant using LIGHT absorbed by Chlorophyll to make food and sugars for food for the plant.

Pistil - ( Slang = the hairs) A hair looking growth from calyxes of a female plant, also a precursor to the buds themselves. Pistils start out white and turn to dark red to show maturity. In some books, and in Europe, Pistils and Stigmas are inter- changeable.

Pop, Popping - a seed when it first opens. Example: I soaked my seeds last night and they all popped.

Popcorn Buds - Very small round buds about the size of a marble that had no stem and are not dense.

PPM - Parts Per Million. A measurement of nutrients and additives in the water.

PPM Meter - An electronic devise to measure ppm.

Pre-Flower - The first sign of SEX, it is what you see first before you see the actual flower.

PYTHIUM - Root Rot The dying and decaying of the roots, commonly caused by too warm of water.

Reservoir - The water container or water tank.

Resin Glands - European term for Trichomes.

ReVegging, Re-Veg - After a Partial harvest of the larger buds, putting the plant back into the VEGGING Light Cycle to force the plant to continue to grow and then back to the 12/12 Flowering Cycle to grow the smaller buds larger.

RNC - Relationship (Ratio) of Nutrient Concentrate; the uneaten nutrients.

R O Water - Reverse Osmosis Water - Filtered water with all the minerals removed.

Rockwool - Rockwool Cube Blocks or slabs or cubes of rock wool are used extensively by hydroponic growers. Rock wool typically has an alkaline pH, is sterile and chemically inert. Rockwool is a man-made mineral fiber. The vast majority of rockwool used in the world is used for insulation purposes much like fiberglass. It holds water well and is the best substrate that can be used in Hydroponic growing. Rockwool is made by melting a combination of rock and sand and then spinning the mixture to make fibers which are formed into different shapes and sizes. The process is very similar to making cotton candy.

Root Zone - the area around the bottom base of the plant where the roots first appear.

Ruderalis - If it is not Sativa or Indica, it is Ruderalis. Think Thai Sticks. It is a much smaller strain that is more difficult to grow and producers much smaller buds and much smaller plants.

Sativa - Is a strain that has long, slender, finger-like leaves. It grows much taller than Indica and growers slower too. The Flowering Cycle of Sativa is much longer than Indica Strains. It is also more difficult to grow indoors. It is a heady high, and makes you feel creative and energetic too.

Scissor Hash - The sticky kief or trichomes that stick to the scissor while ypu are harvesting the buds.

SOG - "Screen Of Green" - Your grow is appraised or valued by the Tops and not by the entire plant or garden. The purpose of SOG is to maximize the use of a smaller grow space and less lighting by training the new growth of a plant into a screen or mesh or netting.

Sensimilla - Sensi Mexican for without seed or Virgin Pot. Slang is "Sensi".
It is the female buds or flowers that male pollen did not fertilize. Sensi is more potent in THC than fertilized pot with seeds.

Sex, "To Sex" " - The act of determining the gender of a plant by giving it a photoperiod of 12/12.

Shock -
The mental or emotional state of a plant that has been abused or neglected.

Stamen -The male reproductive part of a plant composed of two parts, the filament and the anther. It is the penis of the male plant.

Stigma - The sticky tip of a Pistil or another name for the Pistil..

Stomata - Opening in the epidermis (skin) of a leaf which permit oxygen exchange with the air.

Strain, Strains - A Variety or Species, or genetics. A kind or type of plant. Popular strains are Northern Lights, White Widow, Mazar, Bubble Gum, Panama Red, Gold Bud, Skunk, etc

Stress -
Any bad, wrong, unhealthy attention that the plant receives; Heat, too strong of light, over watering, over feeding, underfeeding, and coldness are examples of Stress. Stress slows growth.

Stretching - The plant REACHING and GROWING toward the light source.

Substrate - The source or base used to start the seed or sprout in.

Sun Leaves, or the Fan Leaves -
They are the larger leaves that grow lower on the plant, and are the food makers for the plant. Fan leaves are very necessary and healthy fan leaves should never be cut off. They contain very little THC but are a good source of CBD/CBN. Most growers save them to make oil.

Super Cropping - Steps and procedures to stress (torture) the plant to increase yield, THC or trichomes the last week of Flowering, before harvest.

TDS - Total Dissolved Solids or Total Dissolved Salts. (See RNC) Relates to the eaten or absorbed nutrients and the uneaten nutrients that become toxins to the plants.

THC - Tetrahydrocannabinol A compound obtained from cannabis that is the primary intoxicant in marijuana. The main psycho active ingredient in pot. This is what gets you HIGH.

Topping - Method used to increase yield and make more buds by trimming off the top new growth of each leaf top or end or tip of each branch.. Topping your plant causes two new leaf growths to grow back in place of the one that was cut off.

Topping Off - Replacing the water consumed that day that the plant drank.

Transpire - Transpiration - A plant sweating or giving off moisture.

Trichomes Trichs- Slang is "trichs" or "the crystals", or "the fairy dust", or "the ice" or "the sugar". In Europe, they are called "the Resin Glands". They are very microscopic penis shaped, or mushroom-shaped capitulate glands full of THC that form on the flowering buds and trim leaves.

Trim Leaves - the small leaves that grow out of the buds of the plant, usually covered in trichomes. Trim Leaves are also called Bud Leaves. Most growers save them for making HASH and Oil.

Vegging Cycle, Vegetative Cycle, (Grow Cycle) -
The Cycle of 18/6 or 24/7 Light to grow the baby plant to maturity and prepare for Flowering.

Ventilation - Circulating air in order to provide the plant with fresh air and/or to reduce the temperature in the grow area. Air movement also encourages strong stems.

Watts - A measure of the amount of electricity flowing through a wire. Watt hours measure the amount of watts used in one hour. A kilowatt/hour (KWH) is 1000 watt/hours.

Wet Paper Towel Method - A method of using a wet papertowel to germinate seeds.

Xylem - Water- transferring leaf tissue.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

On many grow sites I've seen a HELP I GOT SPIDER MITES new thread almost daily and very often when I see a new journal posted, I ask WHAT DID YOU DO TO PREVENT SPIDER MITES AND OTHER INSECTS, and most times they respond NOTHING.

I saw a new 1st timer here 3 weeks ago, he was asking for suggestions, and I asked him what did he do to prevent insects. He said he didn't need to do anything, he lived "the city" and had never had a bug in his house before. I asked him had he ever kept an area in his house warm and moist with high humidity and bright lights for 3 straight months before, and he replied NO. I also asked him did he wear the same shoes outdoors and then in his grow room. He got aggravated at me for urging him to do something. I unsubscribed. He'll learn the hard way.

We have lots of animals in our house, 2 cockitiels, a dozen finches, bearded dragons, geckos, turtles, a ferret, a dog and a cat. We asked our Vetanarian did he know what pesticide was safe for us to use in our house and he recommended Home Defense. He said he uses it and when it dries, it is safe for our pets but will kill any insect very fast.
It can be found at Lowes and Home Depot. I highly urge all growers to use a good safe pesticide on the doors, floor and walls of the grow area. I hear good and bad advice about No Pest Strips too, but I use one at the door of my grow room.

I also see new growers with soil grows (and unsterlized soil) and hydro grows in the same closet. I've seen hydro grow pics in the garage and they had shovels and the lawn mower and the garden tiller in the same pics.
When I bring in a screw driver or any necesary tools from my garage or barn, or outdoors to my closet, I wash them first before bringing them to the grow room. Larvae and bug eggs can be easily be brought to the grow room from outdoors and normally they would die but with the added extra Light, heat and humidity, they can thrive.

Shoes...........I never wear my outdoor shoes in the grow room. Shoes bring in pests and larvae too.

And last..... animals like dogs and cats can bring in larvae and pests, especially mites, from outdoors to the grow area and they should not be allowed in the area of the plants.

Pests have to be brought in someway, some how.

An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure..................and cheaper and easier too.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

SOG - "Screen Of Green" - Your grow is appraised or valued by the Tops and not by the entire plant or garden. The purpose of SOG is to maximize the use of a smaller grow space and less lighting by training the new growth of a plant into a screen or mesh or netting.

I certainly don't want to nitpick, but I thought Sea Of Green was a practice of growing many plants rather small and flowering young to keep the height down, resulting in lower yield per plant, but perhaps higher yields by Watt, area, or some other measure.

The definition above is what many refer to as a SCROG or SCreen Of Green, where fewer plants are used, vegged longer than SOG with vertical height instead being trained along the screen horizontally, resulting in higher yield per plant as well as by watt and area. Another advantage is fewer plants, and therefore lighter sentencing...
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I certainly don't want to nitpick, but I thought Sea Of Green was a practice of growing many plants rather small and flowering young to keep the height down, resulting in lower yield per plant, but perhaps higher yields by Watt, area, or some other measure.

The definition above is what many refer to as a SCROG or SCreen Of Green, where fewer plants are used, vegged longer than SOG with vertical height instead being trained along the screen horizontally, resulting in higher yield per plant as well as by watt and area. Another advantage is fewer plants, and therefore lighter sentencing...

You are absolutely right. I messed up and was editing adn put the SOG definition with the SCROG and deleted the worng one. Someone else caught it too and we are getting it edited.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I certainly don't want to nitpick, but I thought Sea Of Green was a practice of growing many plants rather small and flowering young to keep the height down, resulting in lower yield per plant, but perhaps higher yields by Watt, area, or some other measure.

The definition above is what many refer to as a SCROG or SCreen Of Green, where fewer plants are used, vegged longer than SOG with vertical height instead being trained along the screen horizontally, resulting in higher yield per plant as well as by watt and area. Another advantage is fewer plants, and therefore lighter sentencing...

You know, I did a definition of SCROG, but I like yours better.
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