Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Thanks for all the work Roseman, I`m going to use this for my first hydro grow. Maybe you should write a book, would be a classic in no time : )
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Roseman you are the man and a Bud Brother.

Long may you shine! :thanks::peace:
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I guess i'll ride along with the others and say, wicked awesome job Roseman :thumb:

This is most definetly something i'll be referring to over and over when i move out and start my grow, Labrat convinced me to go bubbles with his massive tubs and you have now concinved me to take it a step further and go Deep Water Culture.

I'd rep you if i could, but all i have now are kind words for you. This will without sligthest doubt provide a wealth of knowldege and save many a grower from alot of troubles.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Roseman thank you for posting up where information is located. I'm going to add hyper links to each # you listed.
Edit hyperlinks completed. If anyone finds any errors please PM so I can correct them.

Holy Geezus! +rep for you as well. An index with hyper-links.... this just takes the cake man.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

:bravo: roseman you the man i've followed this thread from start to finish thanks to you i've got my bucket and bits needed seeds in germ so within the next week i'll be a Deep Water Culture:thumb: and thanks to geist for the links this will be very handy:roorrip: peace

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Reps for Roseman!!

This thread was THE single most informative Deep Water Culture thread I have read in several months of researching. I already had the Stealth Hydro starter kit but this thread topped of my tank and gave me the push I needed to get started.
I do not have the space to go nearly this big, and this being my first grow (not counting those failed Phototron tries in my teens and early twenties) I am staying small.

Thanks again and enjoy the fruits of your labor!!:thumb::thanks::welldone:
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Congrats on a job well done Rose!!! Clear, concise, relevant. I love it. Wonderful Job!!!
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

geist, Theanswerto1984is17776, Stgeneziz,
2hiegh4u, diesel farmer, Moustache, Chief MostlyCrazy,
Stakkur, jawasan, smokedabong, Speyedr, Olias,
JonnyBtreed, ppmcdoodles,

You're very welcomed. And Thank You for the props.

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

:cheer:What a first rate tutorial:cheer:

The comprehensive "how to" for all aspiring Deep Water Culture growers.

Mad props and respect to you Roseman; this thread will help countless growers learn this art ;)

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Thanks Roseman! After countless searches on the web this is by far the BEST most Complete Information I have read. It is my "Bible"! Deep Water Culture and CFL's - I am completely sold! :thanks::thumb:

+reps for you!
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Holy crap. I've been following this one for a while and must say that in the end it's everything a beginner could want. I'll be using your method once I get my cabinet assembled.

Roseman if you ever are looking to adopt an adult as a second child please let me know :p

Thankyou and +rep
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