Decoding The Holy Grail: Terpene & Cannabinoid Retention: Decarb to Extraction

For a good topical look for a chemovar that has a THC value close to 20%. Something purple will likely have b-Caryophyllene, which will help additionally with inflammation. The high THC will relax muscles more effectively.

For pain management you need to be a little more careful about ratios. Pain management is a different animal. Chronic pain responds best, in clinical practice, to a 1:1 ratio, so I’d look for the highest CBD value that has an equal number of THC molecules available.

Gorilla Seeds sells CBD Critical Mass. That’s the first one that springs to mind. The field of CBD varieties has exploded, and I haven’t kept track of them, to be honest.

Alternatively, if you have access to those lovely crystalline CBD products now available you can use any high THC and balance it out with that CBD. Then you begin with either a weaker infused dilution for capsules and work your way up the ladder of concentrations, or make CCO and convert it to biobombs, starting at a 20:1 ratio.

You want to be diluted enough to begin with at least four capsules a day without too much euphoria. With pain management the trick is to control the pain without too much euphoria. Because once you’re feeling really high you’re running the risk of feeling more pain.

Sorry guys. I wish that weren’t true either. When you use cannabis to manage chronic pain you’re better off choosing your euphoric experiences carefully. Still have your sweet buzzes, but be careful that they aren’t a constant presence. Too much THC overstimulates the ECS and it may pull receptors offline, which means you won’t get the same pain relief.

That doesn’t mean it’ll magnify pain, the way opioids do after extensive use, just that it’ll be a frustrating experience of getting high but still feeling pain.

We tend to come at the system with all we got, when the reality is the ECS appreciates a gentler touch and more time to do its valuable work.
Hey guys, are cbd products made from hemp any good? I haven't looked in to it but someone was asking.

It's a complicated field. Where did the hemp come from? Was it grown organically?

Before Cajun passed he shared that the hemp coming out of Kentucky was something special. If it were me, that's what I'd be looking for.

The concern with hemp-based meds is mostly that the plants are bio-accumulators, meaning they'll pull any metals and toxins from the soil. Hemp is an excellent way to clean up a plot of land, but we certainly don't want that in our medicines.

Because the concentrations of cannabinoids is so low in industrial hemp you process massive amounts of plant material to obtain small amounts of the essential oils. Consider the potential concentrations of things they may not be testing for.

The unnecessary fearmongering done about THC overlooks the way the major cannabinoids potentiate each other. You control euphoria with dosing and ratios. A full-plant extraction will always be a superior medicine. If you're using a hemp oil, be careful about origins and insist on seeing lab results.
I've seen numerous videos and blogs from knowledgeable individuals on the subject of hemp derived cbd. Most are pointing to advantages of marijuana derived products for various reasons.

However, a neighbor at mi case del norte suffers from serious fibromyalgia and has had muscle spasms in her back so intense that it's actually separated connective tissues from the bones. Pharmaceuticals have been largely ineffective and cause more maladies.

She recently procured a hemp derived cbd topical (only thing available in our intolerant state) and it has been life changing for her. She says a good massage with this product is the only thing she's found that gives relief.
Thanks Flower Mama. We have had a lot of fun with it along the way. And yes, some of the best info out there is right here. This is the only place I have found that was testing instead of guessing. Of course, that was the premise from the start.

That being said, we may not be done. From my end, I got stalled waiting for the new tcheck to do some further testing. It is not practical to test every step in a lab. But, I have done a lot of research while this thread was dark. More is coming.
Thanks Flower Mama. We have had a lot of fun with it along the way. And yes, some of the best info out there is right here. This is the only place I have found that was testing instead of guessing. Of course, that was the premise from the start.

That being said, we may not be done. From my end, I got stalled waiting for the new tcheck to do some further testing. It is not practical to test every step in a lab. But, I have done a lot of research while this thread was dark. More is coming.

I live in a currently illegal state (boo!). Is it possible for me to send a sample to Steep Hill to be tested or would I need to bring it in person? Also, I read early in this thread that there is a way to help with the cost of testing. Can I contribute to the cause?
Welcome Flower Mama,
In New Mexico, Steep Hill will only accept material form someone with a personal production card. I have ask about FedEx and UPS and they said no. Recreational legal States probably would take any walk in orders.

I have had a few plants die mid flower recently. That has left me short on material worth extensive testing.

FWIW, I have a good size Thunderstruck plant from seed that is a few weeks form harvest. I want to do a alcohol and dry ice extraction and have it tested for cannabinoids and terpenes as a concentrate at a minimum.

I never know
Hi Guys, (Kicknitup & Canyon) glad to see your still hanging out.
Hi CCO! Yep still at it. Glad you guys are keeping an eye on the thread.

Flower Mama, thanks for the willingness to help! Canyon is getting something going that I have been looking into also. I'd like to see that as the next round. The test he described would be very helpful. I would like to see one aimed at a 20% concentration and then a cheaper cannabinoid test on the same extraction evaporated down to the 30% range. That would answer some more questions.
Welcome Flower Mama,
In New Mexico, Steep Hill will only accept material form someone with a personal production card. I have ask about FedEx and UPS and they said no. Recreational legal States probably would take any walk in orders.

I have had a few plants die mid flower recently. That has left me short on material worth extensive testing.

FWIW, I have a good size Thunderstruck plant from seed that is a few weeks form harvest. I want to do a alcohol and dry ice extraction and have it tested for cannabinoids and terpenes as a concentrate at a minimum.

I never know

Thanks for the info Canyon. I kinda figured as much. I was reading the thread about dry ice / alcohol extraction this morning and I’m very curious to try it out and hear your impression about it.

Does anyone know what technique a lab uses to test the potency of flower? It seems to me they’d use some some variation of qwet.
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