Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Yea I'm not using together, I have girls on both programs. I wasn't mixing, but sometimes I do add mammoth p. Didn't use mammoth much this run, but used it every watering and feeding last round. Starting to think it may have had a positive influence

Mammoth P and Tea have a lot in common.....the more I learn about Mammoth P, the more I wonder about whether they don't come from the same place.

Buck, you see pics of my plants. I don't use anything but what's in the kit. Try to get it down first, before going to crazy on additives. For the record, I have ZERO problems with Mammoth P. Use it all you want.

I don't use it.

These are random pics....nothing but the kit and a proper environment

LOL....like I said, random. That last one is from a while ago, not the prettiest I've grown....but not bad either.
See I go off my old bottles which had something like 1oz drench to 5gallon of water and that's if I top feed. Pretty sure that was for 6 plants but makes it easy for me to break down. This 1ml drench per gallon of soil sort of confuses me. Obviously I understand I'm supposed to use 1ml of drench per gallon of soil trying to feed. What confused me is if I'm mixing for 5 1 gallon pots in 3 gallons of water and dunking would I mix 10 ml of drench per 3gallon of water for those 5 girls. Just seems on the low side to me. I'll just stick to my old way of measuring cause it seems to work for me.

This is exactly what confuses a lot of people using the kit. It seems like you guys are feeding really, really heavy. I understand a lot get left behind... but it still seems like a lot.
Like I've said before... I just don't see how anyone with ONLY the kit could feed like this and have even just one full run with 6 plants.
I mean... @30ml per 5 gallons of water... for 6 plants... that's 5ml per plant... way more than double the 1ml per gallon of soil.
I love how easy the kit can be once used to it... but feel like I'd need to buy more of everything (kit stuff) to grow like Doc does. This isn't as cheap to grow with as I had originally thought. I think that's where most of my confusion and aggravation comes from.
Not bashing your kit Doc! I love it... I just have limited funds... and try and conserve anywhere I can.
Sorry if this is off topic, or insulting... That's not my intention.
Interesting read this journal. I have a lot of journals and people to catch up on. Been down for quite some time. Hope you're doing well pal - and that you get that hash washing machine
Interesting read this journal. I have a lot of journals and people to catch up on. Been down for quite some time. Hope you're doing well pal - and that you get that hash washing machine

Yes Deville you were out for awhile. Was getting concerned about you ole pal good your coming around a bit. I'm a bit sick but I hope I'm on the
mend. I think the hash machine I got totally rip off for. They say it was delivered but I've never received it and signature used wasn't mine either. Fighting with company and mail company to hopefully get some results. But hey can't get to mad I did get 2 budmaster lights for the price of one.
That plant looks cold and shivering Buck. It should respond really well, especially if you use warm water.

The drier she got the more ruffled her leaves turned. Soil temps are around 70, leaf temps 76.

I think the mammoth p was helping to mask or fix my under feeding last round. Shiggs turned me onto using it, it has zero negative affect, it may actually help with some issues. I need to do more of a controlled study. Especially since I can run multiple chambers now, I have 3 veg rooms and 2 flower rooms
Interesting read this journal. I have a lot of journals and people to catch up on. Been down for quite some time. Hope you're doing well pal - and that you get that hash washing machine

If you really want to catch up on my journal I've put a summary in my signature area without of the chat in between. I'll be updating that with all my info now that it can hold that file size.I personally love the chat in between cause there lots of little hints from other in between mine and docs info.
I'm trying to get feel for this kit, desperately trying to knock a few runs out. I'm on borrowed time now, these damn treatments aren't doing much, but they are slowing the growth down, doc is giving at least a year if I keep getting treatments. But fuck they make me sicker than hell, just got over pneumonia. Just had another one this week, shit is getting old. Sorry for the rant
I'm trying to get feel for this kit, desperately trying to knock a few runs out. I'm on borrowed time now, these damn treatments aren't doing much, but they are slowing the growth down, doc is giving at least a year if I keep getting treatments. But fuck they make me sicker than hell, just got over pneumonia. Just had another one this week, shit is getting old. Sorry for the rant


Doctors are like WEATHERMEN they don't know Shit. Only gave my Father 6 months,
3.5 years later He lost the fight.

EDIT: BTW he took it as a personnel challenge to prove them wrong,
Year after Year he would go in his scooter and tell the Doc
"I'm still here MF" and then laugh

Prove them Wrong my friend, I'm talking to the man about it now
Scotia,...ffs man,..thinkin of ya bud! Stay strong ...both you and Buck. Buck ,..don't you dare quit on us! Keep fighting please. I wanna meet you some day(was supposed to be on canoe trip...bahhh) Scotia , get lots of rest and do what the books say. Unfortunately this flu this yr. is a very bad one. I lost near 10 pounds ...and i'm just a little guy...so...!
Hey Gazoo, 119 , stick to the instructions with the kit as much as possible,...don't feel compelled to do exactly what Doc and Scotia are doing. Get your OWN comfort zone ...stick to it and learn at YOUR speed . Soak it all up,...feel your plants...read their leaves ,..yous will get it...it's NOT hard. Enjoy the day you guys.:Namaste::circle-of-love:
Scotia,...ffs man,..thinkin of ya bud! Stay strong ...both you and Buck. Buck ,..don't you dare quit on us! Keep fighting please. I wanna meet you some day(was supposed to be on canoe trip...bahhh) Scotia , get lots of rest and do what the books say. Unfortunately this flu this yr. is a very bad one. I lost near 10 pounds ...and i'm just a little guy...so...!
Hey Gazoo, 119 , stick to the instructions with the kit as much as possible,...don't feel compelled to do exactly what Doc and Scotia are doing. Get your OWN comfort zone ...stick to it and learn at YOUR speed . Soak it all up,...feel your plants...read their leaves ,..yous will get it...it's NOT hard. Enjoy the day you guys.:Namaste::circle-of-love:

Oh there is No Doubt I will MASTER this but my Friend it "IS HARD" so much
conflicting information.

EDIT: There is
"Using the Kit" = Easy anyone can do it
"Understanding the Kit" = Even easier when understood
and then there is
"MASTERING the Kit" = This is where I WANT to be

The Goal Strive for perfection, once there
Improve how I get there
Scotia,...ffs man,..thinkin of ya bud! Stay strong ...both you and Buck. Buck ,..don't you dare quit on us! Keep fighting please. I wanna meet you some day(was supposed to be on canoe trip...bahhh) Scotia , get lots of rest and do what the books say. Unfortunately this flu this yr. is a very bad one. I lost near 10 pounds ...and i'm just a little guy...so...!
Hey Gazoo, 119 , stick to the instructions with the kit as much as possible,...don't feel compelled to do exactly what Doc and Scotia are doing. Get your OWN comfort zone ...stick to it and learn at YOUR speed . Soak it all up,...feel your plants...read their leaves ,..yous will get it...it's NOT hard. Enjoy the day you guys.:Namaste::circle-of-love:

Hey there Duggs... I do follow the instructions for the most part. But I found last run with the Wonder Woman that she doesn't like the Brix as strong as recommended... so I spray at 6ml to 8oz water instead of 8ml to 8oz... and this time I haven't given a GE yet... because after the last run I noticed my roots were pretty weak... probably mostly the strain but I would still like that to improve!
Thanks for always looking out for us Duggs! .
I ain't quitting yet duggs, I still gotta try Doc's lemon paki first lol.

I found another problem area of mine. Where I was using promix bx, I don't think I added enough perlite for aeration. I'm gonna quit using perlite and start using the growstone rocks and maybe rice hulls. Damn perlite is always floating to the top, won't stay put lol
I don't recall Buck, if I've seen it mentioned anywhere before, but have you considered RSO as a treatment or amendment to current treatments or discussed it with any of your Doc's?...It doesn't seem to be in "vogue" as much as it used to, but I run across articles still touting its effectiveness...food for thought!??...nothing but best wishes for you Bud...cheerz...h00k...
Hi there! I have my soil mixed and cooking finally. What do you recommend for pots? I was using 5 gallon smart pots before. I want to switch to 7 gallons for my next grow, so I need to get what will work for drenches. Not sure if the smart pots will work for dunking. Cheers! LG
Hi there! I have my soil mixed and cooking finally. What do you recommend for pots? I was using 5 gallon smart pots before. I want to switch to 7 gallons for my next grow, so I need to get what will work for drenches. Not sure if the smart pots will work for dunking. Cheers! LG

Hey ladygaea. Welcome aboard don't think I've had a chance to welcome you. Doc recommends 1 gallons pots for vegging and 7gallon or bigger for bloom. For pots I think he recommends plastic pots. Some pots may allow outside edges of pot to prematurely dry and could cause problems. Imagine doc will chime in his 2 cents
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