Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Used leftover GE from yesterday to dunk them today. Healthy and happy.

Also a pic of Grape Ape that was on my phone.....so I shared.


Wow those things scream happiness. Mine seem to be losing colour some. Will get some pics up tonight hopefully. This flu is still wiping my ass but girls themselves have not been neglected. Just takes all my energy to feed so then I got nothing else. Can barley get upstairs after feeding.
Wow those things scream happiness. Mine seem to be losing colour some. Will get some pics up tonight hopefully. This flu is still wiping my ass but girls themselves have not been neglected. Just takes all my energy to feed so then I got nothing else. Can barley get upstairs after feeding.

If they're losing color, feed 'em 3 days in a row, then water. You're probably very close to needing water daily, unless you're struggling with some environmental issue. Mine will be ready to bloom when they show alternating nodes.

FYI, I'm drenching 3x in a row, then watering. Strong too. They need it when they get to this stage. I actually back off when they get into bloom and have all that soil.
If they're losing color, feed 'em 3 days in a row, then water. You're probably very close to needing water daily, unless you're struggling with some environmental issue. Mine will be ready to bloom when they show alternating nodes.

FYI, I'm drenching 3x in a row, then watering. Strong too. They need it when they get to this stage. I actually back off when they get into bloom and have all that soil.

I've been feeding drench,drench,water but will up it to 3 times in a row. I'll up my dosage as well for the bigger ones. Environment is in check for sure heat humidity everything is in check. I'd say after this week and if I'm back to normal should be ready for transplant. There basically ready to feed daily. I get the droop but pots still have a bit of weight to them after 24hrs. I'd say then need it about every 36-40 hrs before pots feel light enough to dunk.
I’ve been feeding drench,drench,water but will up it to 3 times in a row. I’ll up my dosage as well for the bigger ones. Environment is in check for sure heat humidity everything is in check. I’d say after this week and if I’m back to normal should be ready for transplant. There basically ready to feed daily. I get the droop but pots still have a bit of weight to them after 24hrs. I’d say then need it about every 36-40 hrs before pots feel light enough to dunk.

EDIT Oh I got It, I Miss-read it
Wow those things scream happiness. Mine seem to be losing colour some. Will get some pics up tonight hopefully. This flu is still wiping my ass but girls themselves have not been neglected. Just takes all my energy to feed so then I got nothing else. Can barley get upstairs after feeding.

Careful man, take care of yourself. People are dying from this one.

Peace and love, this bowl's for you.

What are you currently feeding at buck. Remember doc says you can easily double or triple(I think hopefully doc will confirm) the dosage without any problems. I'm currently feeding mixing 3-5 gallons of water depending on how many feeding. And putting 30-60ml of drench to that water. Looks like I could maybe bump mine up some.

When you say your leafs are praying. Did you mean there tacoing. I always though leafs praying was a good sign of happy plant. As to the purple stems not to sure.
What are you currently feeding at buck. Remember doc says you can easily double or triple(I think hopefully doc will confirm) the dosage without any problems. I'm currently feeding mixing 3-5 gallons of water depending on how many feeding. And putting 30-60ml of drench to that water. Looks like I could maybe bump mine up some.

When you say your leafs are praying. Did you mean there tacoing. I always though leafs praying was a good sign of happy plant. As to the purple stems not to sure.

Maybe a little taco action but leaves are praying, seem happy. I'm giving drenches today, 2-3 are starting to wilt some.

I was doing 1ml per gal of soil for my dunks and doubling ( so only 2 ml of drench with 1ml of tea), this doesn't work for for veg. The 1ml per gal of soil works if you don't dunk. This is where I was messing up. I had to figure it out on my own by experimenting and talkiing with beavis. From now on out I'll do at least 1oz with 3 gal of water.

My girls in flower is the happy ones but they have purple stems. I'm going to give them 2ml per gal of soil today. I'm bumping everything up, they are going to strive or die lol. I've got 25-30 girls in other veg rooms to replace them with. I've been on a culling spree, I've tossed 6-7 plants past week lol.
See I go off my old bottles which had something like 1oz drench to 5gallon of water and that's if I top feed. Pretty sure that was for 6 plants but makes it easy for me to break down. This 1ml drench per gallon of soil sort of confuses me. Obviously I understand I'm supposed to use 1ml of drench per gallon of soil trying to feed. What confused me is if I'm mixing for 5 1 gallon pots in 3 gallons of water and dunking would I mix 10 ml of drench per 3gallon of water for those 5 girls. Just seems on the low side to me. I'll just stick to my old way of measuring cause it seems to work for me.
Aren't you having challenges with your environment? I thought you were battling low temps? If so, that's the problem.

Feeding more won't help if the metabolism is slowed and the soil life is hampered by cold temps.

My temps in flower rooms are good, it was just in that veg room, been fixed for almost 2 weeks now. The ones guy on IG was referring to was ones I have in flower. They look very happy but still having purple stems and a yellowing leaf here and there. Not many.

But I think I cured my veg issues, just gotta use 1oz or more to dunk. That was a big turn around after I did that. I'm about to start this on the girls I show. Crazy, my personal plants look perfect and they are a combination of synthetics and some HB plants. I've been trying to burn up my stockpile of nutrients, didn't want to throw away lol.

My temps have been corrected but I'm still having some lower humidity, but been spraying girls with water on a daily basis, it stays 35-40, but if I spray once a day I can keep around 60.
My temps in flower rooms are good, it was just in that veg room, been fixed for almost 2 weeks now. The ones guy on IG was referring to was ones I have in flower. They look very happy but still having purple stems and a yellowing leaf here and there. Not many.

But I think I cured my veg issues, just gotta use 1oz or more to dunk. That was a big turn around after I did that. I'm about to start this on the girls I show. Crazy, my personal plants look perfect and they are a combination of synthetics and some HB plants. I've been trying to burn up my stockpile of nutrients, didn't want to throw away lol.

My temps have been corrected but I'm still having some lower humidity, but been spraying girls with water on a daily basis, it stays 35-40, but if I spray once a day I can keep around 60.

Yes, in that case, up the feedings a bit. Careful on the synthetics!!
They don't look too bad. I'd start dunking daily on those. Transplant the one with alternating nodes anytime now......That's my indicator...

I think that's my problem. They probably needed a daily dunk for a bit now. But due to pot still having weight after 24hrs I hold off a bit and ends up being every 40hrs roughly before dunking. I'll move forward on daily dunks and will up pot the one with alternating nodes at end of week hopefully. Pretty sure I've seen alternating nodes on one of my other passions and my tallest bluecheese I think is getting ready to alternate as well.
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