Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Hey Dark! Any chance you can easily dig up when you gave the second drench? I gave my 1st drench (TP) on day 20 after seeds went into soil and I think you were right around the same. So how many days after that did they get their second drench/dunk? It's been 9 days for me and it seems like it's gone be another 3 or 4 days. Assuming they'll get straight RO maybe 1/4 trans.

Do you keep a journal on paper? I looked at your blog post and it's really long plus there are no dates. What would be nice to see is something like this which is what I've done to my lil ones so far.

12/10/17 - Planted in 1st run soil
12/13/17 - 3 of 4 broke ground
12/20/17 - gave 1st drench - dunked in 2.5 oz of TP plus 3ml of tea all in 2.5-3 gallons of water

Not trying to be a PITA just thinking out loud.

Hey ween I do keep a written journal of all dates I've done something to them. There was 8 days between first and 2nd dunks.11 days between the drenchs cause I dunked with trans water in between. So first 3 feeding went transplant drench/trans water/GE drench. Then after original transplant drench it's been down to every 3-4 days until dec 25 then been feeding every 2-3 days. I was already requested to posts dates but didn't think it was significant due to fact everyone will have different times between feedings due to many different factors. Plus I can't keep track every time Doc sprinkles water or does something without posting about it and could throw people off. When pots dry there ready for another feeding.
Hey ween I do keep a written journal of all dates I've done something to them. There was 8 days between first and 2nd dunks.11 days between the drenchs cause I dunked with trans water in between. So first 3 feeding went transplant drench/trans water/GE drench. Then after original transplant drench it's been down to every 3-4 days until dec 25 then been feeding every 2-3 days. I was already requested to posts dates but didn't think it was significant due to fact everyone will have different times between feedings due to many different factors. Plus I can't keep track every time Doc sprinkles water or does something without posting about it and could throw people off. When pots dry there ready for another feeding.

Do you have different plants that were started at different stages? A couple seem much bigger than the others. I am trying to follow what you are doing for the most part and when I go back in the updates to see when you did something like the 2nd drench or 1st brix, it is impossible to find that info. I know our dates/times will be a little different but getting a baseline (Bass Line! :theband:) will be helpful and an update like I suggest with no pics, just info and dates would be super helpful just for yours not Doc's but I understand if it's a major PITA (hi major!)

Rock on!

Do you have different plants that were started at different stages? A couple seem much bigger than the others. I am trying to follow what you are doing for the most part and when I go back in the updates to see when you did something like the 2nd drench or 1st brix, it is impossible to find that info. I know our dates/times will be a little different but getting a baseline (Bass Line! :theband:) will be helpful and an update like I suggest with no pics, just info and dates would be super helpful just for yours not Doc's but I understand if it's a major PITA (hi major!)

Rock on!


All good brotha. Nope all passions started same time. If I remember correctly 2 passions popped from soil same time with the last seed a few days behind. Then I started 3 new bluecheese seeds but only 2 popped from soil about 20 days after the original passion seeds.
I'll be adding all my info to the blog now that I know it will hold that file size. Later tonight I'll add a date timeline of when and what I've done. Yes I know gazoo you originally asked this months ago.
Nov11/17 passion seeds went into soil
Nov18/17 first seeds emerged from soil
Dec4/17 top feed 8ml tp to 1/2 gallon of water
Dec11/17 first drench(dunked) 2.5oz tp +3ml tea 3gallon of water
Dec19/17 10ml tp to 3gallons of water
Dec22/17 30ml GE +3ml tea to 3gallons of water
Dec25/17 45ml tp +5ml tea to 4gallons of water. This was also the bluecheese first drench
Dec27/17 first brix spraying 10ml brix-350ml water
Dec28/17 1/4oz tp to 5gallon of water
Dec31/17 straight water
Jan2/17 30ml tp+5ml tea 4gallons water
Jan5/17 30ml GE+5ml tea 3gallon water
Jan8/17 5ml tp 2.5gallon water
Jan9/17 brix spray 10ml brix 350ml h20

Dec2/17- seed into soil
Dec?/17(didn't write down when they popped only took 2-3 days from what I remember)
Dec 25/17 first drench(dunk) 45ml tp+5ml tea to 4gallon water
Jan5/17 5ml tp 2.5 gallon water

Hope this helps and don't forget I've too watered when needed to keep top soil evenly moist while drying out which I don't write down. Just watered as needed some needed it some didn't.
Nov11/17 passion seeds went into soil
Nov18/17 first seeds emerged from soil
Dec4/17 top feed 8ml tp to 1/2 gallon of water
Dec11/17 first drench(dunked) 2.5oz tp +3ml tea 3gallon of water
Dec19/17 10ml tp to 3gallons of water
Dec22/17 30ml GE +3ml tea to 3gallons of water
Dec25/17 45ml tp +5ml tea to 4gallons of water. This was also the bluecheese first drench
Dec27/17 first brix spraying 10ml brix-350ml water
Dec28/17 1/4oz tp to 5gallon of water
Dec31/17 straight water
Jan2/17 30ml tp+5ml tea 4gallons water
Jan5/17 30ml GE+5ml tea 3gallon water
Jan8/17 5ml tp 2.5gallon water
Jan9/17 brix spray 10ml brix 350ml h20

Dec2/17- seed into soil
Dec?/17(didn’t write down when they popped only took 2-3 days from what I remember)
Dec 25/17 first drench(dunk) 45ml tp+5ml tea to 4gallon water
Jan5/17 5ml tp 2.5 gallon water

Hope this helps and don’t forget I’ve too watered when needed to keep top soil evenly moist while drying out which I don’t write down. Just watered as needed some needed it some didn’t.

Thanks Dark!

Doc, I'm curious about a couple things, first, darks first Brix was more than 6 weeks after seeds were dropped, is that approx when I should shoot for my first! Mine are 1 month since dropped in soil.

Second, wondering why the first drench was at 2.5 oz of TP (same as I did) but then subsequent drenches had much less, 30-45ml?

Thanks you two!
Thanks Dark!

Doc, I'm curious about a couple things, first, darks first Brix was more than 6 weeks after seeds were dropped, is that approx when I should shoot for my first! Mine are 1 month since dropped in soil.

Second, wondering why the first drench was at 2.5 oz of TP (same as I did) but then subsequent drenches had much less, 30-45ml?

Thanks you two!

First drench was on heavier side to wake up soil. My passion where showing bad colour and slow growth. After that they took off and regained good colour
Thanks Dark!

Doc, I'm curious about a couple things, first, darks first Brix was more than 6 weeks after seeds were dropped, is that approx when I should shoot for my first! Mine are 1 month since dropped in soil.

Second, wondering why the first drench was at 2.5 oz of TP (same as I did) but then subsequent drenches had much less, 30-45ml?

Thanks you two!

Hey Ween,

The onset of foliar feeding usually happens after there are 5 sets of true leaves. In other words, we don't count cotyledons, single and 3 bladed leaves. Some strains get there faster than others.

I think if you looked back on the summary you'll find why we went heavy with that first drench. I don't remember off the top of my head but I do remember discussing it and reasoning it out with a few folks at the time.

I think Dark is finding that 1oz per 2-3 gallons of water is just about perfect for dunking. If not he can chime in.

Mine are to the point where they need water daily. Maybe every 29 hours before they wilt. So I'm in the daily dunk mode, which means I'll do three drenches, then water, then three drenches.....then we're pretty close to final transplanting.
Evenin Scotia , Doc , Ween and many friends. Moving right along....Scotia , you were askin , or wondering about the foliars and when best applied. Doc and i like to give them in between Drenches ,..or drinks. Just to space it out good , know what i mean. I never spray on the days i feed or water , usually a day or two before ,..or after. Don't wanna give the microherd too much to do , i guess...cheers eh!:Namaste:
First drench was on heavier side to wake up soil. My passion where showing bad colour and slow growth. After that they took off and regained good colour

Hey Ween,

The onset of foliar feeding usually happens after there are 5 sets of true leaves. In other words, we don't count cotyledons, single and 3 bladed leaves. Some strains get there faster than others.

I think if you looked back on the summary you'll find why we went heavy with that first drench. I don't remember off the top of my head but I do remember discussing it and reasoning it out with a few folks at the time.

I think Dark is finding that 1oz per 2-3 gallons of water is just about perfect for dunking. If not he can chime in.

Mine are to the point where they need water daily. Maybe every 29 hours before they wilt. So I'm in the daily dunk mode, which means I'll do three drenches, then water, then three drenches.....then we're pretty close to final transplanting.

Evenin Scotia , Doc , Ween and many friends. Moving right along....Scotia , you were askin , or wondering about the foliars and when best applied. Doc and i like to give them in between Drenches ,..or drinks. Just to space it out good , know what i mean. I never spray on the days i feed or water , usually a day or two before ,..or after. Don't wanna give the microherd too much to do , i guess...cheers eh!:Namaste:

Thanks you guys! I'll be giving trans water dunk tomorrow and am thinking Brix tonight. Can you tell by these pics if they're ready for Brix? I'm pretty sure there are 5 sets of true leaves, especially on the 1.



Awesome journal! I can't wait to start with the kit. I ordered it New Years day and it delivered in a blizzard 3 days later! I don't think the kit had a chance to drop in temperature it shipped so fast to our frozen tundra! Doc Bud surpassed Amazon Prime! Mixing my soil tomorrow. I am ordering some new strains this week and adding a veg/clone tent! Can't wait to see my new girls pop! Cheers! LG
Thanks you guys! I'll be giving trans water dunk tomorrow and am thinking Brix tonight. Can you tell by these pics if they're ready for Brix? I'm pretty sure there are 5 sets of true leaves, especially on the 1.




And ween you may want to wait till full day after drench before brix. Duggan said him and doc don't brix spray on same day as drenchs. Don't want to overfeed
OK, so they're the picture of health and vigor.....but not ready to bloom due to not having alternating nodes yet. Maybe a week, maybe 2.


If you are getting ready to flip, have you ever considered defoliating? Now would be the perfect time if you suspect you're a week or two out!!
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