Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Damn, maybe this is where I'm messing up. I gave one a trans drench in a 1 gal. But I only used 3 ml of trans and 1.5 ml of tea. I saw where you used 45ml of trans and 5 ml of tea. I didn't know we was supposed to use that much, one kit wouldn't last 2 weeks before running out of trans. I was going by 1ml per gal of soil, is this still right? Maybe I'm not giving strong enough
Damn, maybe this is where I'm messing up. I gave one a trans drench in a 1 gal. But I only used 3 ml of trans and 1.5 ml of tea. I saw where you used 45ml of trans and 5 ml of tea. I didn't know we was supposed to use that much, one kit wouldn't last 2 weeks before running out of trans. I was going by 1ml per gal of soil, is this still right? Maybe I'm not giving strong enough

Doc has been saying that the drenches can be used 2 or 3 times higher than the base 1 ml per gallon of soil.

I did the same thing, went with 1.5 ml trans per gallon of soil and 5 ml of tea per 5 gallons RO Water.

So for my 4 X 15 Gallons of soil, I used 90 ml of trans and 10 ml of tea.

Lets see what happens. :high-five:
Mornin Scotia , Doc and friends! Scotia , remember to concentrate on a light misting from underneath and not too much OK! Looking great bud!...:thumb:...:high-five:

And when do you find is best time to spray. I normally sprayed them about 20 minutes before lights on and leave all fans turned off for that time. Any better recommendations then what I've done.
As long as my lights have been on for a lil while ..i'm good to go with the sprays. I leave all fans on,..no need to turn them off. Not a big deal Scotia...most important thing with the sprays , is to lightly mist the undersides of the leaves and NOT drench the whole plant or make the concentration too strong . Sometimes i hold a pc. of cardboard up to protect the lights from overspray since i spray from 'bottom-up' Cheers bud!
Damn, maybe this is where I'm messing up. I gave one a trans drench in a 1 gal. But I only used 3 ml of trans and 1.5 ml of tea. I saw where you used 45ml of trans and 5 ml of tea. I didn't know we was supposed to use that much, one kit wouldn't last 2 weeks before running out of trans. I was going by 1ml per gal of soil, is this still right? Maybe I'm not giving strong enough

Hi Buck.....the 1 mil per gallon will work just fine for top/saucer watering for most strains. But with dunking, we've got to use double.

And as you know the Rescue and Super Drench are always mixed strong. What you're seeing with those numbers is a Rescue drench....and I don't need them very often, but sometimes it's necessary.

I haven't given my starts anything that strong yet....but will not hesitate if they need it.

BTW, I'm thinking/cogitating about changing directions and labels to reflect this. Just know this: Transplant won't burn....even mixing it REALLY strong. Please don't do it with Cat Drench.
And when do you find is best time to spray. I normally sprayed them about 20 minutes before lights on and leave all fans turned off for that time. Any better recommendations then what I've done.

Hey there Dark! So I do turn my fans off while I spray... only
Because it's such a small tent and I don't want it blowing back into me. But I think it's best to wait until lights
Are on for a few... make sure those stoma are open and ready. I could be wrong... and like Dugan says... just a light fine mist, and make sure there is no puddling in the tops of the leaves. I usually give my girls a light shake at the main stem to work down any excess. Fun time ahead!! Your ladies look really great!!
I was dunking, I thought I doubled it. 1 gal pot, 3 ml trans and 2 ml of tea. On my 7 gal I use 10 ml of drench for top feeding. A rescue drench, is that 1 oz of trans per plant or all 6. That 45 ml for a 1 gal pot, that's what puzzled me, or is it 2 oz's per plant if dunking

Remember, when we dunk, most of the product is left behind in the bucket so each plant isn't getting anywhere near as much as it seems......and yes, 1oz per gallon of water for the Rescue Drench.

The problem is that we've got some growers who grow one single plant and understandably wish to conserve the products, using just enough each time........and on the other end, there's me who has hundreds of gallons of each product laying about the place, and I usually feed 10 or more at a time. A single 5 gallon bucket can dunk about 12 plants quite easily.

So, here's what I'm trying to reconcile and figure out SO THAT EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS IT:

If I'm feeding 20 plants, I'll mix up 5 gallons of water and an ounce an a half of Transplant with 5 or so mils of Tea, put half in each of two buckets and dunk 'em two at a time. It would work the same if I dunked one, single plant in that 5 gallon bucket, it would just be very wasteful.

If I was going to do just a single plant----which I never do cuz I've got more than one at all times....I'd find a bucket with different dimensions so I can use less water and have less waste.....but the ratio of product needs to be the same. That's why we went with the Mils/gallon of soil thing. It seemed it was working out that way for most folks we talked to.

But do you see the problem here? putting 45 mils in a 5 gallon bucket is how I would do it. But someone else might only want 3 or 4 mils of drench to feed a single plant. Obviously, if they put that amount in 5 gallons it would quite different.

When we first started, I let everyone do their own math. So when I said 1 oz per 30 square feet (which is how it would work in a raised be outside and also how it works for 6 large plants occupying a 4x8 tray) I just left it at that and people figured out on their own how to adjust it for larger or smaller sizes.

That approach has drawbacks.

The "add exactly this much" approach also has major drawbacks.....so I'm desperately trying to thread the needle between the two so folks don't have to think so much and can just follow a formula.

But all along, I've always said that the drenches can be mixed MUCH STRONGER without ill effect and that feeding on the high side is better than on the low side and most importantly that people need to become familiar with the products and how they work so as so just "know" how much to use based on experience.....which is what I do and most of the people who actually use my gear better than me also do.

So, for a single, one gallon pot: if I was doing a normal feeding I'd find a bucket that the one gallon pot could be submerged in....fill that bucket with a gallon of water and 2 to 3 mils of the drench and 3 to 5 mils of Tea and let the soil wick up as much as possible, then drain.

This comes very close to the directions on each bottle....but you can't add the same amount to 5 gallons of water and get the concentration the same in the soil.

Does this make sense? Some folks can easily convert numbers and amounts......others are not so adept and natural this way. It's not easy trying to get each type of grower to understand all of this.

That's what this journal is for! Everyone can see in real time what I actually do and while there might be confusion, at least we know the answer! It's a matter of correcting the math.

The easiest thing for people who simply can't get it would be to top water only. Then, the instructions on the bottles would work great.
For dunking my one-gallon pots I find these buckets from the paint dept of the local big-box hardware store work well.


They allow me to use much less water, and I've worked it out so I know every bit of what I use gets absorbed. Because I don't have waste I stick closer to Greytail's original range of between 0.5 to 1 ml per gallon of soil used. It varies by chemovar, but that's an instinctive adjustment.

I've recently begun using more Transplant in the drenches, leaning more to the 1 ml mark, but I've been cautious about increasing Energy. What are your feelings about that Doc?
Remember, when we dunk, most of the product is left behind in the bucket so each plant isn't getting anywhere near as much as it seems......and yes, 1oz per gallon of water for the Rescue Drench.

The problem is that we've got some growers who grow one single plant and understandably wish to conserve the products, using just enough each time........and on the other end, there's me who has hundreds of gallons of each product laying about the place, and I usually feed 10 or more at a time. A single 5 gallon bucket can dunk about 12 plants quite easily.

So, here's what I'm trying to reconcile and figure out SO THAT EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS IT:

If I'm feeding 20 plants, I'll mix up 5 gallons of water and an ounce an a half of Transplant with 5 or so mils of Tea, put half in each of two buckets and dunk 'em two at a time. It would work the same if I dunked one, single plant in that 5 gallon bucket, it would just be very wasteful.

If I was going to do just a single plant----which I never do cuz I've got more than one at all times....I'd find a bucket with different dimensions so I can use less water and have less waste.....but the ratio of product needs to be the same. That's why we went with the Mils/gallon of soil thing. It seemed it was working out that way for most folks we talked to.

But do you see the problem here? putting 45 mils in a 5 gallon bucket is how I would do it. But someone else might only want 3 or 4 mils of drench to feed a single plant. Obviously, if they put that amount in 5 gallons it would quite different.

When we first started, I let everyone do their own math. So when I said 1 oz per 30 square feet (which is how it would work in a raised be outside and also how it works for 6 large plants occupying a 4x8 tray) I just left it at that and people figured out on their own how to adjust it for larger or smaller sizes.

That approach has drawbacks.

The "add exactly this much" approach also has major drawbacks.....so I'm desperately trying to thread the needle between the two so folks don't have to think so much and can just follow a formula.

But all along, I've always said that the drenches can be mixed MUCH STRONGER without ill effect and that feeding on the high side is better than on the low side and most importantly that people need to become familiar with the products and how they work so as so just "know" how much to use based on experience.....which is what I do and most of the people who actually use my gear better than me also do.

So, for a single, one gallon pot: if I was doing a normal feeding I'd find a bucket that the one gallon pot could be submerged in....fill that bucket with a gallon of water and 2 to 3 mils of the drench and 3 to 5 mils of Tea and let the soil wick up as much as possible, then drain.

This comes very close to the directions on each bottle....but you can't add the same amount to 5 gallons of water and get the concentration the same in the soil.

Does this make sense? Some folks can easily convert numbers and amounts......others are not so adept and natural this way. It's not easy trying to get each type of grower to understand all of this.

That's what this journal is for! Everyone can see in real time what I actually do and while there might be confusion, at least we know the answer! It's a matter of correcting the math.

The easiest thing for people who simply can't get it would be to top water only. Then, the instructions on the bottles would work great.

So why not use stronger does at the start to insure a strong start and make
sure everything is awake and on track
Gazoo, hope your day is groovin bud. With the 'kit' and amounts to give , for how many and when ,..all those questions. I have found that following the original directions(5+ yrs. old) will work for any scenario. I use common sense when giving the drenches and sprays. For me, the easiest way to figure out dosage amounts was to go by how much water your going to use for however many plants....so if i am watering one plant , say in a 25 gal. pot...i know it will take approx. 5 gals. to really soak the whole thing,..so i use Doc's 5 gal. recipe. If i was watering one plant in a one gal. pot,..i know that 1/2 gal. of water will drench it good , so just do the math , it's easy:) So if you would use , say, 60mls. of a 'Drench' for 5 gals....just divide by 5 to get one gal. amounts and mix in (60divide by 5=12) use 12mls. of drench for one gal. of feed water.and give the plant 1/2 of it:)...sound right...that's what i do. You can also go by soil amounts using the same principal.
Please remember gang,...we are growing awesome plants here...not building space shuttles...

Happy New Year everyone...:circle-of-love:

Oh ya ,..i wanted to also add, that Doc will NEVER be able to tell, or write down the exact amounts of Drenches to give,..there are simply too many variables. Every grower could have different scenarios.
Gazoo, hope your day is groovin bud. With the 'kit' and amounts to give , for how many and when ,..all those questions. I have found that following the original directions(5+ yrs. old) will work for any scenario. I use common sense when giving the drenches and sprays. For me, the easiest way to figure out dosage amounts was to go by how much water your going to use for however many plants....so if i am watering one plant , say in a 25 gal. pot...i know it will take approx. 5 gals. to really soak the whole thing,..so i use Doc's 5 gal. recipe. If i was watering one plant in a one gal. pot,..i know that 1/2 gal. of water will drench it good , so just do the math , it's easy:) So if you would use , say, 60mls. of a 'Drench' for 5 gals....just divide by 5 to get one gal. amounts and mix in (60divide by 5=12) use 12mls. of drench for one gal. of feed water.and give the plant 1/2 of it:)...sound right...that's what i do. You can also go by soil amounts using the same principal.
Please remember gang,...we are growing awesome plants here...not building space shuttles...

Happy New Year everyone...:circle-of-love:

Oh ya ,..i wanted to also add, that Doc will NEVER be able to tell, or write down the exact amounts of Drenches to give,..there are simply too many variables. Every grower could have different scenarios.

That's what I've always went by as well. My original bottles had different direction which I found easy to break down or at least I though. The more I read the more I get confused now lol. That's where a lot of confusion is coming is when people try to break the math down in order to have no waste. I personally don't care about waste as I water other stuff around house with left overs.
So why not use stronger does at the start to insure a strong start and make
sure everything is awake and on track

Might just be not all plants will need this extra dose and I'd imagine once getting into 2nd and 3rd run soil it may start to get to strong.But I guess if it doesn't hurt the girls then why not.
As long as my lights have been on for a lil while ..i'm good to go with the sprays. I leave all fans on,..no need to turn them off. Not a big deal Scotia...most important thing with the sprays , is to lightly mist the undersides of the leaves and NOT drench the whole plant or make the concentration too strong . Sometimes i hold a pc. of cardboard up to protect the lights from overspray since i spray from 'bottom-up' Cheers bud!

Thanks duggan. I personally think I've gone to heavy spraying in past as I sometimes feel like I miss places. I personally take girls from room to my work room and spray then put back into room with fans off for 15-20 minutes with light off. Was afraid of spraying with lights on and burning them. That comes from always being told never to foliar feed with light on before getting into high brix growing a few grows ago.
Thanks duggan. I personally think I've gone to heavy spraying in past as I sometimes feel like I miss places. I personally take girls from room to my work room and spray then put back into room with fans off for 15-20 minutes with light off. Was afraid of spraying with lights on and burning them. That comes from always being told never to foliar feed with light on before getting into high brix growing a few grows ago.

Ya ,..that all comes from not wanting to explode our old H.I.D. lights....with a drop of water...yikes eh! All we gotta do now is clean off the lenses once and a while...:thumb:
For dunking my one-gallon pots I find these buckets from the paint dept of the local big-box hardware store work well.


They allow me to use much less water, and I've worked it out so I know every bit of what I use gets absorbed. Because I don't have waste I stick closer to Greytail's original range of between 0.5 to 1 ml per gallon of soil used. It varies by chemovar, but that's an instinctive adjustment.

I've recently begun using more Transplant in the drenches, leaning more to the 1 ml mark, but I've been cautious about increasing Energy. What are your feelings about that Doc?
I think you're spot on with GE, but don't be afraid to Super Drench once in a while!
I was thinking it didn't matter the amount of water being used, I thought it was based of number of gallons of soil. I have 28 plants all in different stages at 2 different houses. 1 grow I don't show off, I just show the little rooms.

I have 2 girls needing drench tonight. So I'm gonna give a full rescue drench to each to help get rid of a couple rust spotted leaves
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