Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

I agree with Duggan...10 gauge Romex wire!! The terminal screws on the 15 & 20 amp receptacles are not designed for that thick of a wire. Man that must have been a Sucka to wire up.

I like 12 gauge Romex wire, good for 20 amps. I have 3 dedicated 20 amp circuits going to my GR. Plenty for lights, heat, AC, etc. I like piece of mind that stuff won't be overloaded, and planning for the future
We are starting counting from the 5th node it looks like ?
(I see 2 sets of 7 leaf finger leafs)

EDIT: Looking closer maybe the top set is 9, just cant see the 2 smaller fingers

Gazoo....always checkin' my math and busting my balls....:cool::cool::cheesygrinsmiley:

Take a look at this pic and count the leaves from stem to stem:

I counted the same way as Gazoo until you posted that pic right there :laughtwo: I typically have 5 blade leaves at the stage you are at so 9 is something else! What strain is this that you have going on?

This is Black Cherry Float. Bred by our very own Icemud! If he's lurking about I hope he joins in with some info.

He's a soil grower, uses minerals and biology; and so I figured this plant might do well in High Brix. So far, it's doing great! Watch it be a male......
This is Black Cherry Float. Bred by our very own Icemud! If he's lurking about I hope he joins in with some info.

He's a soil grower, uses minerals and biology; and so I figured this plant might do well in High Brix. So far, it's doing great! Watch it be a male......

That is how it usually goes! I have been popping two seeds any time I drop reg seeds to try and get a female. Almost every time the nicer structured, more vigorous plants have been male! I followed IceMud's far red inhibitor thread and have slacked on reading more. It sounds like it is a Black Cherry Soda cross which should be awesome if you get a female or 4!
That is how it usually goes! I have been popping two seeds any time I drop reg seeds to try and get a female. Almost every time the nicer structured, more vigorous plants have been male! I followed IceMud's far red inhibitor thread and have slacked on reading more. It sounds like it is a Black Cherry Soda cross which should be awesome if you get a female or 4!

I'm likely to get at least one. If not, I'll have other plants that can stand in for the duration of the journal.
No action taken today.....but I do have some observations:

9bladed leaves on the 2nd set!! This is a very happy and vigorous hybrid.

2 phenos from 2 seeds......cross isn't stable yet, which is no problem, but something to be aware of.


Hey Doc,

Just want to say thanks for your detailed observations and explanations, it helps to see how your thinking concerning the grow.

Hey,...what doin...Scotia,..Doc, Gazooo, and gang. You say the wires going from your panel,...to those receptacles in your GR are #10's. Overkill,...wasted copper..:wood:. #12 would be the largest , i would ever run to rec. locations, and that would only be in commercial/industrial applications. They are a real PITA to hook up to standard 15A receptacles. #10 is rated for 30 A , minimum and is usually , in residential applications , for clothes dryers, or other 30 A, 240 volt appliances/pumps/motors/heaters..etc. #14 is totally safe and reliable for household 15A circuits.
IMO , you are best to keep the light, as was said , their cost to re obtain it are simply not worth it. I am very envious of your Budmasters.
I used to go to their website , and drool over that exact light. They , believe this , or not , had a larger unit , i think it had 16 modules . They stopped manufacturing those , cant remember why right now...:tokin:
Anyhow ,..."drifting"..LMFAO...Ziggs...you out there...:rofl:...Have an awesome Friday night gang. :circle-of-love:

I agree with Duggan...10 gauge Romex wire!! The terminal screws on the 15 & 20 amp receptacles are not designed for that thick of a wire. Man that must have been a Sucka to wire up.

I like 12 gauge Romex wire, good for 20 amps. I have 3 dedicated 20 amp circuits going to my GR. Plenty for lights, heat, AC, etc. I like piece of mind that stuff won't be overloaded, and planning for the future

So I know 10 gauge is overkill but will it effect installing the 240 volt other then being difficult to wire due to wire size. When I installed all those plugs I didn't notice them being difficult to wire.
Or should I just pull through another 12 gauge wire and installed the 240 to that.
What are the downfalls of going overkill on wiring . Breaker won't blow if wire gets to hot when it should?
Hey Scotia,..no bud,..no worries ok! That #10 wire will work just fine. It has no effect on performance and is totally safe OK!
When you get things ready ,..buy exactly what DL showed you Ok,..that combination of cord end and receptacle is 100% correct and is exactly what you will need,..along with a two pole 15 A circuit breaker. it's very easy to do...when you go to do that work ,..drop me, DL or Buck a line and one of the three of us will be here to coach you thru it ,...just to make sure your golden OK!
Don't pull another wire thru ...your good to go with what you've got !! Have a great day bud! My weekend is filled with hockey...they won their first "Ranger Nation Day", 5-0,..it was pretty cool with the national anthem , player introduction and all that fluff they do for the big league teams...very cool. Was up on the big score board too. the boys were thrilled with it all!
anyhow , enjoy the day Scotia!....I'm gonna start calling you .'Lucky Scotia"...LOL!:)
Appreciate it duggan and all others who've helped get me through this electrical issue.
I miss playing hockey so bad. Played my home life growing up but due to back injury afraid to go play and screw myself over for everyday life stuff. Just finally got back into dirt bike riding after way to many years out and it was a waste of money as my fucked back couldn't handle it anymore. Raced motocross and played hockey since 5 years old my favourites and can't enjoy them anymore. Sucks really bad honestly. Now I just grow and fish lol
Appreciate it duggan and all others who’ve helped get me through this electrical issue.
I miss playing hockey so bad. Played my home life growing up but due to back injury afraid to go play and screw myself over for everyday life stuff. Just finally got back into dirt bike riding after way to many years out and it was a waste of money as my fucked back couldn’t handle it anymore. Raced motocross and played hockey since 5 years old my favourites and can’t enjoy them anymore. Sucks really bad honestly. Now I just grow and fish lol
It's tough making the transitions in life. The only thing more difficult is NOT making those transitions. Ever think of coaching?
Appreciate it duggan and all others who’ve helped get me through this electrical issue.
I miss playing hockey so bad. Played my home life growing up but due to back injury afraid to go play and screw myself over for everyday life stuff. Just finally got back into dirt bike riding after way to many years out and it was a waste of money as my fucked back couldn’t handle it anymore. Raced motocross and played hockey since 5 years old my favourites and can’t enjoy them anymore. Sucks really bad honestly. Now I just grow and fish lol
Nothin wrong with growin and fishin....love em both!
It's tough making the transitions in life. The only thing more difficult is NOT making those transitions. Ever think of coaching?

Naw couldn't coach a shit loads of kids. They don't allow my to smoke while coaching lol.i do have children and love the shit out of them just couldn't handle all the rest. Not enough patience.My hardest transition in life was having my career that I did very well in taken away from me due to working injury. I worked so hard to get to where I was to only have to ripped away and have to start over again when I was 35. And wcb has done next to nothing for me over the years either. I'm currently in 3 year battle with them to cover my medical expenses including my cannabis and job retraining. My buddy from here Wayne skinner won his back awhile ago through human rights board which should have made it easier for all of us to be covered but nope. My lawyer will win this case just a matter of when.
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