Dank's Adventures In Dankland

Hey Dank. Nice work on the clones! I used to do the exact same thing then moved to using small water bottle, cutting the top 90% around. As soon as I see roots, in the soil. Oh, I also lightly scrape the bottom inch or so of the skin. The bottles are the perfect size. I've got some blueberry clones going right now, hoping to see roots!

So here's my personal favorite way to take clones. I use r.o. water and clonex solution to soak rapid rooters and then I take cuts at a 45° angle, dip into clonex gel and drop it into a solo cup. Then take a clear solo cup, mist inside and use it as a dome on top. Here's my 501st og and rugburn OG from Wednesday before last. So 11 days
Looking good Dank, I like how you used another solo cup for a moister dome Plants are looing nice too
Hey Dank. Nice work on the clones! I used to do the exact same thing then moved to using small water bottle, cutting the top 90% around. As soon as I see roots, in the soil. Oh, I also lightly scrape the bottom inch or so of the skin. The bottles are the perfect size. I've got some blueberry clones going right now, hoping to see roots!

Another Great idea I will have to try that
Hey Dank. Nice work on the clones! I used to do the exact same thing then moved to using small water bottle, cutting the top 90% around. As soon as I see roots, in the soil. Oh, I also lightly scrape the bottom inch or so of the skin. The bottles are the perfect size. I've got some blueberry clones going right now, hoping to see roots!

That's even better! I really like reusing stuff. Thanks :thumb:
So I'm still on the hunt for another mother plant. I have half dozen different strains going at the moment. If I don't get what I'm looking for I'm going to do a pheno hunt with my remaining LSC seeds from @ilikemsticky . I regret not keeping the one I had. Hopefully I'll get another one with the quality of the first one. At the moment I have 3 from Rare Dankness - 1 rare darkness, 1 501st og, 1 rugburn OG. 1- Chernobyl from TGA genetics , 1 from Cali connection 818 headband, and 1 Ting from MTG seeds. Also 2 seedlings from Mass medical strains 1 pupil Magoo and grape pupil. I'm blazing thru my jar of LSC and it will be missed :)
I regret not keeping the one I had. Hopefully I'll get another one with the quality of the first one. At the moment I have 3 from Rare Dankness - 1 rare
I cant tell you how many times ive wished I would have kept a cut hope you find another one like that I no what its like when you have favorite that your reaching for the most I guess you need to supplement a little make that lsc last a while lol! :)
Thanks Sticky! I think I'm in trouble tho, all six of the plants in the small bloom tent are female's :laughtwo: . It's gonna get crowded
ive been there its awful hard to get rid of a female but I would consider myself lucky though getting that many fems maybe trim a branch or two to fit them in there good luck bud! :)
Ok so my 32"x48"x60" is officially overrun :laugh: The headband and Chernobyl are on the blurple lights. Will blurples give light burn or stress? I've never flowered with just these
if you get them to close they will burn keep a real close watch I like to keep mine about 15-18 in away but it depends on the light I have one that's pretty powerful it needs to be 18-20 away you can tell when they don't like it the leaves will start curling or just show some discoloration or generally not look happy good luck dankman btw I will pull them over a little that helps especially if like me you already have the lights as high as they'll go!
if you get them to close they will burn keep a real close watch I like to keep mine about 15-18 in away but it depends on the light I have one that's pretty powerful it needs to be 18-20 away you can tell when they don't like it the leaves will start curling or just show some discoloration or generally not look happy good luck dankman btw I will pull them over a little that helps especially if like me you already have the lights as high as they'll go!
Thanks Sticky! I swear they grew 4" since last night
Fold over the tops. I had to do that to the PC I'm taking Monday, I folded 2 branches and fucked up both b/c the stems popped open. PC didn't give a shit though, she stood one of them split right back up in 3 days, I had to fold it back down and hang some yoyos on it to keep the main branch down. With COBs I can move branches out of the hot zones, but if they were under QBs, I don't think that would work.
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