Dank's Adventures In Dankland

So I'm outta town for a few days. I have a friend looking over my garden till I get back. Hopefully it will be okay. I'm always worried about it while I'm away. My Ting clone was still green when I left, but was a little rough looking. It'll be make or break now I guess :laughtwo: When I get home I'll set up the 32"x48"x60" to flower some of my seedlings that are big enough. I only have a couple Gen #1 Mars 300 LEDs so I'm not expecting too much. But they are big and taking over the 3'x3'. It'll give a chance to look at them in bloom, even though I know they can be better with better lighting
have a good time bud! :)
have a good time bud! :)
Thanks sticky! I'm sitting on the deck of a little cabin we rented drinking morning coffee :) It's sitting in the woods
daayum I want to be there I love being in the mtns. enjoy! :)

Unless you live in the mtns, then you're like "I want to go to the city and look at some lights and things moving", lol.
lol :) hey sky I live in the foothills about 2000 ft. and I don't like going down the hill ever I like quiet and solitude!

I'd love to have a spot out in the wilderness. I don't blame you for never going down that hill. Cities suck. People that live this close together become bitter because of it.
I'd love to have a spot out in the wilderness. I don't blame you for never going down that hill. Cities suck. People that live this close together become bitter because of it.
oh I have to go down that hill and sometimes quite often most of the family members live in sac so I do go there I just don't like it and my wife drives because she doesn't want to listen to me bitch about all the fugged up drivers lol!
Yip EEE My seeds came in 20 Blue Dream and 10 Gold Leaf from 420 Now I have to wait until next spring to pop them, Dam I am excited for next spring. I hope to have a nice crop I may only plant half and keep the others. I may get the a mix pack that has Gold Leaf , Super Silver Haze and Purple Haze and plant a couple of the Haze strains for variety I also Love a good Sativa :rollit:
lol :) hey sky I live in the foothills about 2000 ft. and I don't like going down the hill ever I like quiet and solitude!
I'd love to live in the hills! My area is flat as a pancake :) At least I have shit loads of corn fields to look at :laugh: I also hate driving in the big cities and I'm sure my wife hates hearing me complain about the dumbass's that can't drive. Lol
Yip EEE My seeds came in 20 Blue Dream and 10 Gold Leaf from 420 Now I have to wait until next spring to pop them, Dam I am excited for next spring. I hope to have a nice crop I may only plant half and keep the others. I may get the a mix pack that has Gold Leaf , Super Silver Haze and Purple Haze and plant a couple of the Haze strains for variety I also Love a good Sativa :rollit:
Hopefully you find some gems in those
While I'm out of town I had a friend come over to water my plants. Couple in veg were dry and wilted. Hopefully they will perk up after the watering. Shit happens I guess. He also noticed some fungus gnats. Shit I hate fungus knats. I'm going to get some yellow sticky traps
they'll be fine when you get home they'll be reaching for the light I no what mean though I hate leaving my plants alone which is why I up potted the babies they go into a 1 gal pot and I always water thoroughly and there usually good for 5 days or more im going to be gone 3 days so they'll be good! :)
Doc's Kit is built on ProMix and he says you can only rerun the ProMix 3 times. I suspect the reason for that is due to increasing amount of organic matter from roots, leaves and added kelp and seaweed. I believe he was answering your question when he said he aims for 5% organics, but not more than 8% or the CEC changes a lot.
I was thinking it was a living soil that could be amended I know it is posable to keep reusing the Oly Mix and the Coots mix. I thought I could keep reusing the brix soil Oh well Thank You for the clarification

I'm sorry if someone already said this but lots of people go past 3 runs with the Kit. Simply use less EWC and cut in some fresh pro mix.

I made it home from the weekend trip. Clones all made it. Veg girls look good. The flower tent has lights out. I'll have to check it out in the morning when they are back on. I ordered some yellow sticky traps. Hopefully it will help with the knats
hope you had a good time its always good to get back home to check your babies those sticky traps work good at getting them flying around but I will usually spray the floors and under everything in the tent with captain jack that puts a hurt on them to between the stickies and the spraying I keep them at just a few around good luck!
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