Dank's Adventures In Dankland

Real growers. I like watching the "dude grows channel" on YouTube. They make me laugh. Some good dudes

They definitely have great content, and good guests too. They seem to be into about everything grow related which can help people expand their horizons. I don't think Recharge has the same stuff as the Planters 2. The P2 is more like basalt or other rock dusts and has a lot of exotic trace elements, calcium and silicon.
In my research for the best components to use, I stumbled onto this article which is a fantastic read and I think you LOS cats should give it a read. FWIW, this product I think is a direct replacement for one of the kit components, and I found it on CustomHydoNutrients for dirt cheap.

Planters II - Fertilizer Brokerage
Good read but you have to buy a ton of it. Do they have it in smaller quantities ? It sounds good but I wonder if it would mess with other things in the soil. Probably not but with the Doc Buds High Brix they say do not add anything that's not in the recipe and the same with the Oly Mix and the Coots mix. I would try it in the SubCool super soil though if I could get it in small amounts
They definitely have great content, and good guests too. They seem to be into about everything grow related which can help people expand their horizons. I don't think Recharge has the same stuff as the Planters 2. The P2 is more like basalt or other rock dusts and has a lot of exotic trace elements, calcium and silicon.
I should have read on I see you found it in small quantities
Good read but you have to buy a ton of it. Do they have it in smaller quantities ? It sounds good but I wonder if it would mess with other things in the soil. Probably not but with the Doc Buds High Brix they say do not add anything that's not in the recipe and the same with the Oly Mix and the Coots mix. I would try it in the SubCool super soil though if I could get it in small amounts

I recently learned how to count the elements in hydro nutrient salts, so I now mix my own nutrient concentrations and have been growing complete from my own nutrient formulations for almost a year now. Having learned all of that, I now look at soil blends much differently and am trying to count those elements too. In hydro, I can recreate any formulation you could find so long as an accurate Guaranteed Analysis is printed on the labels. Hydro Buddy is a free app that I use to record all of these various products into a database that I can use to reference. I'm now inputting various things like soft rock phosphate and limestone or other common soil amendments. All of that being said, I am trying to amend my Faux Mix as close to Doc Bud's blend as I can, and if I decide to make any changes, or want to make any adjustments, I can. The Planters2 isn't that expensive and it's sold in as little as 1 pound for for like $5. When I make my order, I'll pick up 4lbs for $8 though. The only kicker is shipping costs really hurt. I've been breaking my budget with those costs and now have many different things I can tweak the recipe with. Soon I won't need to buy that stuff and my budget will loosen up for other things.

I like Doc's amendment and overall system because it mirrors the approach I find to work best for me in hydro, and that is to keep everything separate. Elemental chemistry does not always work for us and some times can work against us. Most of the various Super Soil formulations out there instruct to mix it all together, whereas DB's blend puts a (((LOT))) of emphasis on Calcium uptake and a super strong microbial population. My observations in hydro have shown those 2 aspects to be the most complicated to cater to. Doc's blend of things seems to address all of the major concerns which is why I want to mirror his blend as close as I can. I figure that would be a great place to start. If that's safe, I'll likely get bored and start experimenting till I fail miserably like I've done recently in hydro.

They say history repeats itself ...
It sounds like you have done A Lot of research. I like Docs blend and system too I do think it will come out best. I am not counting anything out though, I ordered some Blue Dream and some Gold Leaf seeds so I can do a good side by side of each soil, I got 20 of the 420 Blue Dream seeds and 10 of the 420 Gold leaf seeds so I will have enough to put in my different soils. I am not knowledgeable enough to recreate what Doc is doing. Dam you are into Hydro and Soil , maybe some day I will have enough knowledge to try both but for now I will stick to soil I get confused enough.
It sounds like you have done A Lot of research. I like Docs blend and system too I do think it will come out best. I am not counting anything out though, I ordered some Blue Dream and some Gold Leaf seeds so I can do a good side by side of each soil, I got 20 of the 420 Blue Dream seeds and 10 of the 420 Gold leaf seeds so I will have enough to put in my different soils. I am not knowledgeable enough to recreate what Doc is doing. Dam you are into Hydro and Soil , maybe some day I will have enough knowledge to try both but for now I will stick to soil I get confused enough.
hey pc ive got one of those gold leaf going rite now coming to the end if you want to look at some its in my sig!
It sounds like you have done A Lot of research. I like Docs blend and system too I do think it will come out best. I am not counting anything out though, I ordered some Blue Dream and some Gold Leaf seeds so I can do a good side by side of each soil, I got 20 of the 420 Blue Dream seeds and 10 of the 420 Gold leaf seeds so I will have enough to put in my different soils. I am not knowledgeable enough to recreate what Doc is doing. Dam you are into Hydro and Soil , maybe some day I will have enough knowledge to try both but for now I will stick to soil I get confused enough.

The Brixers say that the kit takes a grow or two to have the needed experience to really get it right. The blend is just one part of the equasion. Your grower skills are the other part. That said, you'll likely need to do a few grows in all 3 recipes to be able to produce the best result each can offer, and only then would you know which one you want to go with. IMO, the best bet would be to try them one at a time. I doubt the differences would be so great one to the next that you couldn't just make the first one you try produce great results. There are plenty of journals of growers achieving high brix buds that are not using the high brix soil.
I seen on other sites people who are using super soil and other organic recipes take a sample of their used soil and send it in to Build a soil. Build a soil test it and sells what they recommend for amendments in mixed bags. I'm not sure what the cost is, but it's telling me that any soil can be reammend to a certain point. I'm curious to see what build a soil analysis will show. Meaning do they break down what's in their amendments
I seen on other sites people who are using super soil and other organic recipes take a sample of their used soil and send it in to Build a soil. Build a soil test it and sells what they recommend for amendments in mixed bags. I'm not sure what the cost is, but it's telling me that any soil can be reammend to a certain point. I'm curious to see what build a soil analysis will show. Meaning do they break down what's in their amendments
I would be interested to see what they would say. I may send in a sample I think Doc Buds does soil test for his High Brix system too :thumb:
hey pc ive got one of those gold leaf going rite now coming to the end if you want to look at some its in my sig!
Is it under your post {Organic Grow Here}
I seen on other sites people who are using super soil and other organic recipes take a sample of their used soil and send it in to Build a soil. Build a soil test it and sells what they recommend for amendments in mixed bags. I'm not sure what the cost is, but it's telling me that any soil can be reammend to a certain point. I'm curious to see what build a soil analysis will show. Meaning do they break down what's in their amendments

I would prefer an analysis and a recommendation of how to properly amend so that I could learn from the experience, but if the service is for them to merely prepare the amendment for me, I will never learn anything and in the process make myself into a dependent of their service. Maybe this is acceptable to someone of means, I clearly am not in that boat, lol.
I would prefer an analysis and a recommendation of how to properly amend so that I could learn from the experience, but if the service is for them to merely prepare the amendment for me, I will never learn anything and in the process make myself into a dependent of their service. Maybe this is acceptable to someone of means, I clearly am not in that boat, lol.
I totally agree! I'm betting that they won't directly tell you what is in the amendments they want to send. Lol
I know Bobrown sends his soil out to be tested every now and again and that service actually does give him all the info and recommendations. IDK which company he uses, but being as though this is already a service, maybe build-a-soil does give all that out? I was just saying that my mizer ass would consider it a gyp if that info was not included.
I know Bobrown sends his soil out to be tested every now and again and that service actually does give him all the info and recommendations. IDK which company he uses, but being as though this is already a service, maybe build-a-soil does give all that out? I was just saying that my mizer ass would consider it a gyp if that info was not included.
Haha I'm with you brother! And nothing wrong with being a mizzer. I'm blue collar to the core. No deep pockets here :)
So I'm outta town for a few days. I have a friend looking over my garden till I get back. Hopefully it will be okay. I'm always worried about it while I'm away. My Ting clone was still green when I left, but was a little rough looking. It'll be make or break now I guess :laughtwo: When I get home I'll set up the 32"x48"x60" to flower some of my seedlings that are big enough. I only have a couple Gen #1 Mars 300 LEDs so I'm not expecting too much. But they are big and taking over the 3'x3'. It'll give a chance to look at them in bloom, even though I know they can be better with better lighting
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