Dank's Adventures In Dankland

Oh yeah :headbanger:
Drive by..

Does look like balls don't it..

Man, that 24 is looking golden.. I can imagine the colors that wood pop come winter time??

I miss my Canon Powershot SX20. It had all the bells and whistles with simplicity. I swear by that camera. Had a great Marco lens setting. I made the mistake of carrying it around with a small heavy metal tripod attached to it for marco shots and must have been one of them long' nights cracked the housing that surrounded the threads... I bought the Rebel T6 this time. One of them package deals on ebay with a lens package. Cost abit more than the Powershot,, figured it was an upgrade. It's really more than I need,, but then I haven't even really used any of the specialty lenses. Thing came with a 500 page book.... And I don't like to read...

Drive by..

Does look like balls don't it..

Man, that 24 is looking golden.. I can imagine the colors that wood pop come winter time??

I miss my Canon Powershot SX20. It had all the bells and whistles with simplicity. I swear by that camera. Had a great Marco lens setting. I made the mistake of carrying it around with a small heavy metal tripod attached to it for marco shots and must have been one of them long' nights cracked the housing that surrounded the threads... I bought the Rebel T6 this time. One of them package deals on ebay with a lens package. Cost abit more than the Powershot,, figured it was an upgrade. It's really more than I need,, but then I haven't even really used any of the specialty lenses. Thing came with a 500 page book.... And I don't like to read...

I'm saving up for a decent camera. But I don't know shit about them. Too be honest I'm kinda concerned about the technical stuff. The T7 says you can load a app and send pics with Bluetooth. Sounds good but I wonder how well it actually works. I'd love to be able to get close up macro shots of trichs. Cause my eyes are shot. Thanks for stopping by Woody
24k is showing 10% amber trichs on theses clones. Tomorrow is 8 weeks in flower. The original seed plant took 9 to get to this point. I have fed these little more than the mother. Either way I'm trying to decide if I should chop this weekend or let it go another week. Been in flush for 10 days
She looks frosty and potent! I have a plant thats at 8 weeks and I'm tryna decide the same thing. Its mostly dependant on how badly I need the meds. So she's coming down asap lol
Thanks J! I think I've decided to leave it for one more week. I'm low, but not out of meds. I'll have to dip into some old stuff I don't really like. It'll force me to use it up :)
Hey Dankman!
I found one nanner on the LSC and what looks like balls on a leaf stem.
That does look like some balls. Could you find any more signs of nanners developing?
24k is showing 10% amber trichs on theses clones. Tomorrow is 8 weeks in flower. The original seed plant took 9 to get to this point. I have fed these little more than the mother. Either way I'm trying to decide if I should chop this weekend or let it go another week. Been in flush for 10 days
Damn your 24k is gorgeous! :high-five: Some awesome colours coming through, and she's dripping in frost. Nice brotha!
Thanks brother! No more signs of nuts on the LSC. It's really a gorgeous plant too. I just can't seem to get a good picture of it. Here's the pics of LSC today
you've done a nice job on this one im surprised about the nanners I didn't have any on the four I grew I guess it happens sounds like you have it under control I love the way these grow I think your going to like it!:)
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