How many?
Wow, thus must have been the one thing he didn’t lie to me about! I knew there was some good in him.....
You know what's funny. When I was young I played the clarinet-I know, of all things...
Anyway, I knew how to read music 100%. I just always got yelled at for asking for a new reed because between sets, I would sit there and nibble on the reed. I gave myself a splinter on my tongue once because I really didn't want to ask him one week for another one-he was in a less than stellar mood. In hindsight, I'm sure he was fighting with his wife over the type of toilet paper she got at Walmart.
On another note, since I am always honest, the light was less than discreet in it's packaging
Buuuut I dont think the FedEx guy cares.
I'm just so excited to just have opened this huge box! You can tell how wide it is by having it against my windows...
I ran the set up info sheets by Stoner Lisa and she is now equally as excited to see this go up...
She's old school though, she told me to make sure I consider the manufacturer notes for a safe install
Check back with y'all soon my green friends