I’m looking forward to seeing your review and your great growing skills with a great light like @Cultiuana .CL🍀
Thanks for the boost of confidence Clover. I'm gonna do my best to produce some killas for you all. Promise :high-five:
True story. I'm just so excited that I'm gonna have 8 under there and I know that the light is going to hit every single one of them as if I only had 4 in there. We are moving up in the grow world, TK2. I may not have 3 tents but I've got 2 perfect ones for me. It's gonna be weird taking out the FC4800. She'd been like another kid to me. I'll pull her out for another grow, though.

I always say this grow is gonna be the best grow but I'm convinced that this grow really will be the very best grow so far. This @Cultiuana CT-720 should blow my grow game up...aaaah I'm literally itching to put it up.

Baby bath then bed then light. :yahoo::slide:
I know the excitement all too well. I bet on this grow being the best. I only have 2 tents, well up and running :rofl:
How many?

Wow, thus must have been the one thing he didn’t lie to me about! I knew there was some good in him.....

You know what's funny. When I was young I played the clarinet-I know, of all things...

Anyway, I knew how to read music 100%. I just always got yelled at for asking for a new reed because between sets, I would sit there and nibble on the reed. I gave myself a splinter on my tongue once because I really didn't want to ask him one week for another one-he was in a less than stellar mood. In hindsight, I'm sure he was fighting with his wife over the type of toilet paper she got at Walmart.

On another note, since I am always honest, the light was less than discreet in it's packaging

CT-720 .jpg

Buuuut I dont think the FedEx guy cares.

I'm just so excited to just have opened this huge box! You can tell how wide it is by having it against my windows...

Cultiuana CT-720-box opening .jpg

I ran the set up info sheets by Stoner Lisa and she is now equally as excited to see this go up...

Cultiuna CT-720-Installation Instructions.jpg

Cultiuana CT-720-Box Content Sheet.jpg

She's old school though, she told me to make sure I consider the manufacturer notes for a safe install

Cultiuana CT-720-Manufacturer Recommendations.jpg

Check back with y'all soon my green friends
Fn zon was supposed to deliver my Calmag Wednesday and now they said tomorrow my poor girl is looking ragged.Smh CL🍀
I know the excitement all too well. I bet on this grow being the best. I only have 2 tents, well up and running :rofl:
Technically, I have 2 in the attic also so that brings me to 4 so I win!

You are one of my girls very best friends. You and Gigi were like peas and carrots Forrest. I'm sure you and Spicoli will be one in the same :green_heart:
Fn zon was supposed to deliver my Calmag Wednesday and now they said tomorrow my poor girl is looking ragged.Smh CL🍀
How often do you use Cmag and what brand? I use mine once a week on the girls. FF Bush Doctor.
Last grow I only used it once the entire grow, grows before twice a week. This round I'm doing the once a week thing. Just seeing what I like best and wondering what you do.
If we were neighbors, I'd drive on over to ya and give you some of mine tonight
How often do you use Cmag and what brand? I use mine once a week on the girls. FF Bush Doctor.
Last grow I only used it once the entire grow, grows before twice a week. This round I'm doing the once a week thing. Just seeing what I like best and wondering what you do.
If we were neighbors, I'd drive on over to ya and give you some of mine tonight
TSL first time. CL🍀
Yellowing fry tips . CL🍀
I see no spots though? Send me a pic
Be back in 10 CL🍀
Good cause I'm hitting the BA for the baby
I have 2 not in use as well so tied at 4.:hmmmm:
Damn it...you MF
Your going to run out of names soon
As if..my brain is a whirlwind of 80s and 90s movies amongst a shit ton of other worthless miscellaneous crap names that although worthless, are quite nostalgic now and definitely worthy of having a cannabis plant dedicated to them
Your the best 🙏CL🍀
No problem
Just got back from getting a Homemade Italian Meatball samich and I swear zon has got it out for me. Damn delivery driver blocked the street and when I told the $&@!£ can’t she pull all the way over she said it’s not her problem. I told her was gonna call n report her. Said she didn’t care. Had that been a male I would’ve kicked the living $&!@ out of him and prolly be in custody rite now. Smh I need to burn a little herb. CL🍀
I see no spots though? Send me a pic

Good cause I'm hitting the BA for the baby

Damn it...you MF

As if..my brain is a whirlwind of 80s and 90s movies amongst a shit ton of other worthless miscellaneous crap names that although worthless, are quite nostalgic now and definitely worthy of having a cannabis plant dedicated to them

No problem
Plenty of pictures on my last post of GJ. CL🍀
I see no spots though? Send me a pic

Good cause I'm hitting the BA for the baby

Damn it...you MF

As if..my brain is a whirlwind of 80s and 90s movies amongst a shit ton of other worthless miscellaneous crap names that although worthless, are quite nostalgic now and definitely worthy of having a cannabis plant dedicated to them

No problem
My brain is just not big enough for that many names. I barely remember names of people I work with
Just got back from getting a Homemade Italian Meatball samich
oh yum...
and I swear zon has got it out for me.
Shall I send the Ghostbusters?
Damn delivery driver blocked the street and when I told the $&@!£ can’t she pull all the way over she said it’s not her problem. I told her was gonna call n report her. Said she didn’t care. Had that been a male I would’ve kicked the living $&!@ out of him and prolly be in custody rite now. Smh I need to burn a little herb. CL🍀
You know I'm a lady and I have watched enough Bill Burr to know that although you should never hit a woman, they sure as the day is long can give you all the reason in the world to south paw them with an upper cut. Just don't, then I'd have to scour up bail money for you and you end up with a felony. Not worth it but punch her all you want in your head and report her ass to Amazon. I loathe inconsiderate people
Plenty of pictures on my last post of GJ. CL🍀
Got there, finally.
My brain is just not big enough for that many names. I barely remember names of people I work with
You need more coffee and idk maybe some ginko biloba for your brain. DHA maybe? Maybe even do some puzzles. I still remember all the landline phone numbers from my youth so you better remember smelly Dan, too loud Peggy, dick for brains Scott and useless Jimmy that work with you
Hey @Krissi Carbone have you heard anything from @ Prescription Blend? My plant is prolly starving to.CL🍀
We talked about this just before
Just thought of a couple of good names for your next grow.Whatcha think about Neal McColley from my favorite movie?Also a fine Irish name. And then there’s Kaiser Soze from another good flick + finally Amersterdam. CL🍀
These are long names...I'm thinking let's mix them:

-Kaiser Suave
-Folly McColley
.....I need to smoke more, clearly
Damn it. I totally forgot to post the update. All I was concerned about was TK2's failing memory and Clover's plant names.

Damn me to hell...

Anyway, it's now DAY 10/11 ABOVE
They all got fed today that last mix of Seedling Feed and 2ml/gl Silica. The silica amount will move up to 4ml/gl once they get up-potted. I tap out at 5ml through flower.

As we discussed, one girl focus per day. Today's gem is our Kannabia Gelato-K via @CannaPot. She is 11 days above today and is a mix of Gelato and Bubba Kush.

I threw in some pics of her cured sister in my Bull journal earlier today. I'll drop just one of those nug shots and a trichome shot here with this update.

Some pics I took were not the best light so her coloring looks off but you can tell in the others she is looking just fine.

I have to set up the light today as I had unexpected but very welcomed company last night and didn't get to do that.

I also need to drive over to the gardening center and grab like 6/7 bags of FFOF for transplanting Monday or Tuesday. I'm thinking I may just got ahead at Day 13 which is Monday, to do the deed.

I need these girls to start getting their nutrients from my soil amendments and the rootage coming out of the bottom of these pots has become quite long.

But anyway, here is Chunk today: she's got a stripe like my Larry does, an SSC photoperiod in my What's Crack-A-Lacking journal. I love that!

Have a great day!
Highya Krissi,

Well, I made it through this one too. All caught up. I have learned quite a lot about you! I know you're not trying to hide anything, but it's fun learning about others you like! One - you're metabolism must be on overdrive most of the time. Or at least your mind is!! Most who love indica like the couchlock. You seem to use it so you can function better (maybe because of the OCD). I've never known anyone like you (that's a good thing). I like Sativa because it helps me do things I need to do (getting old!!). You do so many things daily you need some indica so you can slow down, or relax or even sleep.

Ramble away, I am the Queen of Coral and Rambling!
Ah, yes, the Coral Queen. That was some gorgeous bud!!
whatever I can do or not do to put a smile on someone's face!
I'm like that occasionally! Love tacky humor!! To each their own, haha.

I've probably missed half a dozen things to say, but my memory isn't working so well these days. So, I'll hope you have a great weekend, and Happy Smokin'
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