Crumbs To Brix: Archiweedies' Organic, 4x8

Shed you got me thinking about Bedroom Cookies 1 and 2 I think I need to ry and spread them out with the LST loving. Not a whole lot mind you. Just a little pull downward for some of those branches furthest out. Lights out soon so it’ll have to wait until this evening.

Pulled some lettuce of my plants outside gonna have me some salad for lunch.
Shed you got me thinking about Bedroom Cookies 1 and 2 I think I need to ry and spread them out with the LST loving. Not a whole lot mind you. Just a little pull downward for some of those branches furthest out. Lights out soon so it’ll have to wait until this evening.

Pulled some lettuce of my plants outside gonna have me some salad for lunch.

Oh, and your indoor plants look good too! Getting closer on that white balance, still a bit too yellow but definitely better!
Nice lookin lettuce...:high-five:
Thanks! It's a Romaine variety I picked up from a local nursery. Nice pouch of seeds, should last me a while. Speaking of where do you store your cannabis seeds?

Oh, and your indoor plants look good too! Getting closer on that white balance, still a bit too yellow but definitely better!
Roger that thanks Jerm! yeah Im not a hundred percent happy with it but considering thats my camera's built in WB function its a better start. I posted those straight from the camera. Ill try and edit them and see whats up. Thanks for the honest evaluation! :high-five:

Looks like the lettuce got watered! Thanks for the info on the BC. I will not be topping the clone until it's a lot taller then :). Unless it stretches a lot! I'll go check the link to PW's again.
It did yeah! The kale and onions are doing great as well. My tulip bulbs are starting to break soil as well :yahoo:. First time I've grown lettuce. Last time I tried kale it was too hot here for them. Ill snag a pic soon if the weather cooperates.
Hey Archie...i just store them in my dresser drawer....its cool...dark...air tight...and dry....all that is nessesary.
Hah! Thats where I store mine. I been busy reading Lefty's journal for educational purposed Duggan. :thumb:
You should be opening your dresser more often!

Hahaha! Yeah, new pair of socks can go a looong way towards improving your hygiene lol. You crack me up Shed! :high-five::laugh:
This doesn't apply to the HB grow but it's an interesting bit of info I picked up from a conversation I had with someone at ProMix. I posted a question to them on their website about how I should be pH'ing my nutes: for soil or soil-less? I got a response that turned into a rather long email conversation, and I created a separate thread for the summary of that discussion:
Do we need to pH adjust our nutrient solutions?
Right on Shed, I stumbled onto that little gem this morning and it was a great read. I feel a little biased based on my own journey but I believe the science that says in a well built soil, the ph is buffered and therefore nutrient water ph has relatively little to do with soil ph.
That seems to be what he's saying. It's specific chemical components in the water that can change the pH of the medium over time, not the pH of the water that their riding along in!
It’s quite interesting! Did we reveal that it is the nitrogen source that has the biggest impact on ph changes?
Okay everyone Can 33 filter came in and I put it in place. This is a much higher quality filter than I had previously. I rearranged the plants a bit in the tent and watered to two non-DBHBB plants with regular RO water about a 1/2 gallon each maybe a little less.
Rain is making humidity easy for me! I think my filter probably degraded due to running high humidity. The negative pressure in here is much greater now with the fan on the same 70% setting.

Cheers everyone.
Happy Saturday everyone! Duggan and I were discussing training yesterday morning and he suggested some light LST and some supercropping. So After some training I sprayed the two with Destress that I primarily worked on which was Blueberry and Durban.

A light bulb came on for me this morning when I looked at the plants just now. The foliage from the sc site to the end of the branch is all rising towards the light. Maybe I’m slow, but I only looked at supercropping as a means to wrestle pesky plants from your lights. I think I’m understanding it can be a way to strengthen your plant in strategic spots while also giving your plant more tops. I must be more strategic in where I bend and lay these branches.

I also realized that some of the branches fall past 90degrees (parallel to the floor, if that makes sense) and I either need some bamboo or a way to add support to the damaged portion of the branch. I realized tape, while good for making stem repairs, also acts as a form of support and keeps the stem from hanging. There, apparently, should be a little more finesse in sc’ing than my Neanderthal ass can handle lol


I saw the first signs of roots yesterday and this cutting came in first place. This is a cut from Blueberry and she is the only cuttings in the dome to come from DBHBB soil. Interesting, but could be a coincidence. Cut showed roots on day 6.
I took some cuts from BC1 and BC2 again while I was cleaning her up. I’ve been interested in practicing my cloning game as of late so I’m trying these cuts in my Dewey aeroponic cloner.

Archie...i neglected to tell you NOT to go down so far on the top when you SC. Those tops that you SC'd way down like that will not straighten out now...too much damage has been done...too far down on the tops. U understand. SCing should be done on young , 'green' plants. Once they start to bloom for a few weeks it becomes a very tricky thing cuz the plant simply cannot straighten itself out , like they can when green , and younger OK. When you SC them well into bloom u have to be careful not to 'break them as i say. After they become big and are a lil out of control , height wise , it's not called Supercropping any more's called ' i made a i have to 'break it' to fix it. Cheers Archie.
And yes....when you SC properly ,all the surrounding vegetation near the SC sight gets much , much stronger and thicker...
Yup...wat Shed said Archie....The tips will indeed turn 'up', and grow nicely, and in the process , like Shed said, all the lil branches and growth , from the bend /break, will start to compete with the growing tip.This is a great thing,...but sometimes growers break it so far down that they never catch up and actually get lost by all the lower branches just passing it by. That happens , the odd time and pisses me off cuz the idea behind SCing is to 'slow down' the top and encourage prolific branching and growth, while giving shorter 'mains' a chance to 'catch up'......just puffed some A5 ......rambling Archie and friends.:high-five:
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