Crumbs To Brix: Archiweedies' Organic, 4x8

Big pots =big plants!....More soil =bigger, badder plants....or more soil =more,bigger buds! However ya wanna say it!
Totally! I’m starting to see what you’re on about with those giant containers of yours boss!
In the end, it makes things easier for me. I f i had more space , would have 4 , 15's. or 20's , but cuz i only have 42" in width , to get my yields, without vegging too long, is to put two, in a huge pot X 2 to get the highest possible yield out of the space. Each plant , in effect, has all 26 gals. to enjoy. Sure i could try only putting one each in the 26ers , but then i would have to grow them a lot longer to fill the space . For growers using tents ,.like 4 x 4's , i think the best set up , for yield is to grow using four 10's. or 15's. Another huge factor , is lighting , of course. My thoughts are to just give them as much as you can, period. Doc agrees as well , and says whatever the light manufacturer tells you....double it! Very important . Cheers
In the end, it makes things easier for me. I f i had more space , would have 4 , 15's. or 20's , but cuz i only have 42" in width , to get my yields, without vegging too long, is to put two, in a huge pot X 2 to get the highest possible yield out of the space. Each plant , in effect, has all 26 gals. to enjoy. Sure i could try only putting one each in the 26ers , but then i would have to grow them a lot longer to fill the space . For growers using tents ,.like 4 x 4's , i think the best set up , for yield is to grow using four 10's. or 15's. Another huge factor , is lighting , of course. My thoughts are to just give them as much as you can, period. Doc agrees as well , and says whatever the light manufacturer tells you....double it! Very important . Cheers
Cheers Duggs! Yeah I think the 10's are nice. I could see myself growing in 15's. My inexperience with the kit and photoperiod plants has me wondering how tall I really want these plants. Im definitely height restricted more than how wide I want to grow em'.
One day, when me and the wife have the house to ourselves, I'll move my operation indoors and not have to have an armada of equipment inside the tent. I suppose I could put my equipment in my old 4x4 and just use it as a lung room but its still height-restricted and non-insulated.
By the way, rambling is fine with me brother! :passitleft:
Right on,..very cool Archie. Ya, ok,..with your tent , and height concerns. First thing i would do is to get your light/s up as high as possible, and leave it/them there. Good idea to clear that heat up there with a lil clip fan.. Next, concentrate on filling the 4 x 4 as low as you can. What this means is , your gonna grow/veg them a bit longer , gaining more maturity and branching. LST thru the first 2 months . When the space has filled with lots of leaders....flip them . Bingo , now your lookin at buds from wall.
another good reason to keep the canopy as level as you can, so that when they start to bloom , and you cant mess with them, they are fairly level. OK...done rambling....:rollit:
I don’t know how this happened but Durban is starting to flower it looks like. I’m at a loss here for how this happened other than to say it has been hotter with the HPS but it’s the only plant flowering.

Fudddddge :rolleyes:

Edit: Hotter as in I hit 90F yesterday.
The only other thing I can think of is I changed the photperiod from 18/6 to 16/8. Previously, the cycle was off from 2 pm to 8 pm. I gave it a longer day of ‘sun’ and the lights are now off from 8 am to 4 pm. This change took place on January 15th. That would have been roughly two weeks ago.
Good morning Archie....please leave photoperiod at 16/8 ...Your Durban will be fine .try to get temps around 85 max ok!

I’ve temporarily turned the HPS down to 600w again to keep temps more stable. I’m sitting tight, no worries.

Outdoors, photos start flowering as early as three weeks after the summer solstice, which is a much smaller change than two hours. That could be your cause here.

Yea I’m not sure but I’m really digging how this plant is growing. The good news if that’s all this plant stretched I’m not as worried about headspace.
From what I've been told Archie, lights on time must ALWAYS remain the same and what you did is what caused the photo period stress. I think technically they are now revegging which could slow things down a bit but the should be fine, I think. I had the same thing happen BUT I never changed the lighting cycle, the best we can figure out is that the vegging plants were rather old and go some other kind of stress, they were full on flowering for a few weeks before I flipped. Are still doing OK and I should get a decent harvest but have to be vigilant and keep my eyes out for nanners, so far so good. I'll try to dig up some pics of pre flip flowers and today.

Post flip

Thanks Ween, thats helpful!
After conferring with Duggan, he isnt worried about it so neither am I. I am on board with his suggestion of 16/8. It's unfortunate this happened but I was preparing for atleast another 2-3 weeks of veg or more if needed.
I am, like you, somewhat concerned about nanners but if the worst that happens then we'll be alright.

Edit: failed to mention that I am replacing my can filter with a new can 33. The one in the 4x8 seems to be clogged and its over 2 years old now. I also foolishly ran my humidity higher than I really shoud have I think with the filter.
A most excellent choice for notch quality.
I have had my Can #33 going on 6 yrs now. Things to make your filters last much longer include...over sizing your fan /filter combo ya dont have to have it screaming away at it at between 65 and 85 % thru a speed controller(around 20 dollars).
Next ...turn it off when crop is done and you are sweeping up and cleaning up.....prevents all that dust and dirt from getting collected and clogging up filter.
Next...limit bends and 90's in any duct work to make it easier on your fan.
Next...change the pre filter often....i mean before it gets really dark ...or black.
Doing these simple things will help your fan/filter stay effective and happy...much , much longer.
Cheers eh.
A most excellent choice for notch quality.
I have had my Can #33 going on 6 yrs now. Things to make your filters last much longer include...over sizing your fan /filter combo ya dont have to have it screaming away at it at between 65 and 85 % thru a speed controller(around 20 dollars).
Next ...turn it off when crop is done and you are sweeping up and cleaning up.....prevents all that dust and dirt from getting collected and clogging up filter.
Next...limit bends and 90's in any duct work to make it easier on your fan.
Next...change the pre filter often....i mean before it gets really dark ...or black.
Doing these simple things will help your fan/filter stay effective and happy...much , much longer.
Cheers eh.
Thanks Duggan! Sounds like the manual that should come with em' but don't haha!

Hit the three plants in DBHBB soil with Brix foliar at lights on just now. Happy plants smiling back at me.
Pics or it didn't happen!
You know what? Yea it’s Day 60!

Update Day 60 Veg

How’s the pics looking for you folks out there. I’ve been trying to dial in the white balance and I feel like I’m getting close.

BC 2.1 is real close to needing a drink, her first since transplant.
Looks like that Durban is going to need to get bent!

What training did do on BC2? That is one squat bush! And the plants look thrilled to be in the big pots.

Okay so it did happen!

Hey Shed, Durban is currently about 14" tall from soil line. I may need some bamboo sticks to hold the weight.
The only training done to the mother's BC1 and BC2, whom are not in DBHBB btw) was topping. Keep in mind, they were pretty rootbound in their one gallon pots and they are just now starting to really wake up after their liberation into 3 gallon soft pots. :thumb: I hope I dont have to train them much from here on out, cause they're branches are super woody as new growth has been slow to develop.
For the record, the cutting from BC2, BC 2.1, is in DBHBB and is growing all natural.
Great mornin to ya Archie....lookin good sir!
Please remember to wait for one hr after lights come on to give foliars ok. It takes about that long for the stomata to open on ths leaf surfaces.
Cheers eh.
Thanks Duggan, and thank ye for the reminder to wait and let the stomata wake up. I've made a note of it on my calendar to remind me.
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