Cooking with The Chronic

I made another batch of brownies for kids' friends and saved one for me. Ate it yesterday and it was just right (for me).

I decarbed some Blackberry Fire which is supposed to be 23%. I used 1.56 grams of it to make canola oil which I estimated to infuse at 85%. Assuming a 95% efficiency of decarb (claimed by the units maker) my 3 oz of oil (89 ml) yielded 290 mg (97 mg per oz). I used 1/3 cup of it in the brownie recipe (258 mg) which yielded 16 servings at 16.1 mg/serving. Most importantly, I finally remembered to add lecithin to the oil -- I usually forget until it's too late.

I think I'm going to aim for this same dosage from now on. :p
Well next on the list for this evening....


Lets do this!
You were definitely not as high as Joe was. Oh, for the record, the lecithin and the oil are supposed to sit overnight in the fridge so it can encapsulate the THC and aid the uptake...per SweetSue :).

Did you keep your mash? Freeze it and save up for a special occasion! It sounds like good stuff.
Great info - I did not know about chilling it over night! Now I must make more... and not give them all away this time :D
Small quibble: silicone molds are fun and a good way to make fairly even doses, but you can do just fine with a baking dish sprayed with some oil and cutting them into pieces by hand. They will just look kind of boring. :)
As promised Preston!

Infused EVOO for days!! Haha going to be making a ton of canna caps later it’s just in fridge cooling!

Let her cook low and slow all night should be some stout fan leaf oil!
Some gummies I’m whipping up!

I’ve got a massive batch of fan leaf oil in the making now!

200g decarbed and into the slow cooker with 5cups of EVOO.

Then I’ve got a bunch of EM lower buds that are dry and decarbed along with a bunch of keif to make into a potent batch of butter!

Then whipping up some cannacreamer for morning coffee with the new instapot! Non stop baking and prep today! I plan on taking 2 cups of the infused EVOO and double infusing it with another round of some SLH bud to really kick it up a notch for those daytime gummies!

Can’t wait to whip up some gummies and make a few other edible goodies! I’ll be sure to post the recipes and a how-to !

Stay medicated gang !
Well started the day off right today! A healthy sample of CannaCoffee Creamer really kicks up the morning sesh!

Hope your all well!
I will be copying this recipe next time I'm working in the kitchen.

After two solid years of eating and smoking I'm to the point I can no longer just offer my goods to peeps. I'm mean flowers sure no problems, but edibles and gellies, everything gets a disclaimer. Like, "This brownie will get me fucked up, you should only have a bite, maybe two..."
After two solid years of eating and smoking I'm to the point I can no longer just offer my goods to peeps. I'm mean flowers sure no problems, but edibles and gellies, everything gets a disclaimer. Like, "This brownie will get me fucked up, you should only have a bite, maybe two..."

Haha im in the same spot Age! All my friends know my tolerance so when they try my edibles the my are always cautious so I give them a warning! That’s also why I made my gummies with the fan leaf oil! More of my friends and family can enjoy a few instead of eating an arm off lol
Did a little tinkering in the kitchen yesterday. Made a 1/2 cup batch of oil from Pineapple Express. I used all the popcorn and a few buds to total 14g.

Did an oven decarb @ 240° for 90 min, then sealed up in a Mason jar with oil.

I used the Turkey bag this time to decarb, making sure to only open it & handle buds out at my workbench in the garage. No smell at all in the house!

Jar was placed in a crock-pot water bath for 4 hours @ 180°. I shook the jar every 30 min to stir.

Instead of wringing out the filter when I strained it, I just let it slowly drip.

This batch tastes much better!

I made a small batch of gummies that are great. I'll do another run soon when I get a break from the kids.

Happy Holidays y'all!
I just wanted to say thanks for adding a smaller batch method on here. :high-five: I’ve been wanting to make something, but I don’t have much extra for a big batch for oil/butter quite yet. Lots of inspiration on this thread!
Remelted my gummies today, added a couple more packs of jello and more oil. I had a dropper of oil from a friend... it was strong, I poured it all in, whisked it al together and got it in the molds. This time I let it cure on the counter, rather than the freezer. Anyways turned out a lot better than before
Remelted my gummies today, added a couple more packs of jello and more oil. I had a dropper of oil from a friend... it was strong, I poured it all in, whisked it al together and got it in the molds. This time I let it cure on the counter, rather than the freezer. Anyways turned out a lot better than before
Them are some serious gummies! I like your style!
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