Cooking with The Chronic

Lol your always welcome to chime in Shed!

Thanks P! Excited to check out your tincture!
I just gotta decarb some buds. I've had the kids home for the last 2 weeks. LoL

I might toss a Turkey bag of nugs in the oven tonight after they go to bed. I can, at least, get it decarb'd so I can play with the tincture over this weekend.

Next week looks like it will be dedicated to harvesting. Doubt I'll get out of trim prison long enough to play in the kitchen. LoL

Gonna change directions a bit in the kitchen...

Now, I'll be stoned & drunk!

Totally kidding! It's tincture time!

Stay lifted homies!
I've got an entire keifer/home brew bottle full of tincture, that comes in around 10 mg/ml if memory serves! Very excited to see what you do with it :high-five:
Whipped up about 2 1/2 dozen cookies a couple nights ago! Made with 1/2 cup infused coconut oil and 1/4 cup plain coconut oil. I think my oil was 5mg/ml but its been awhile since I made that batch and cant find out where I wrote it we'll say each cookie is about 25mg. 1/2 cup oil at 5mg/ml is 600 mg....divided by 26 cookies gives a person roughly 23 mg per cookie - assuming the cookies are the same size :rolleyes:!


3/4 cup coconut oil (in liquid form)
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
3/4 cup packed brownsugar
3/4 cup sugar

Whip together, then add:

2 1/2 cups flour (I used ~2 1/4) for "thinner" cookies
3/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup chocolate chips - more or less to suit your wants! Could also add Reese's peanut butter chips :slide:

They are super tasty...and just the right dose for my work morning :drool:

Whipped up about 2 1/2 dozen cookies a couple nights ago! Made with 1/2 cup infused coconut oil and 1/4 cup plain coconut oil. I think my oil was 5mg/ml but its been awhile since I made that batch and cant find out where I wrote it we'll say each cookie is about 25mg. 1/2 cup oil at 5mg/ml is 600 mg....divided by 26 cookies gives a person roughly 23 mg per cookie - assuming the cookies are the same size :rolleyes:!


3/4 cup coconut oil (in liquid form)
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
3/4 cup packed brownsugar
3/4 cup sugar

Whip together, then add:

2 1/2 cups flour (I used ~2 1/4) for "thinner" cookies
3/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup chocolate chips - more or less to suit your wants! Could also add Reese's peanut butter chips :slide:

They are super tasty...and just the right dose for my work morning :drool:


Them cookies look delicious!
....divided by 26 cookies gives a person roughly 23 mg per cookie - assuming the cookies are the same size :rolleyes:!
They are super tasty...and just the right dose for my work morning :drool:
To ensure equal doses on my baked goods I actually weigh each serving. If making brownies I cut and weigh into 16 equal weights to within a gram or two, then individually wrap. For cookies you would weigh the dough balls before baking.

Them cookies look delicious!
Thanks man!

To ensure equal doses on my baked goods I actually weigh each serving. If making brownies I cut and weigh into 16 equal weights to within a gram or two, then individually wrap. For cookies you would weigh the dough balls before baking.
Good idea! Me personally, am not concerned with dosing...I like the surprise LOL! When making things for the pops though, I try to be fairly precise. Thanks BL!
I gotta pay more attention to the details...

I share my edibles way too much to be "willy-nilly" about the dosing.

2019 goals: No more willy-nilly 9milly
Lol...I'm the same way. I'm not too concerned as long as I know I'm getting a good 20mg a serving. Ive consumed 120mg at a time without negative effects...other than killing my tolerance!
I gotta pay more attention to the details...

I share my edibles way too much to be "willy-nilly" about the dosing.

2019 goals: No more willy-nilly 9milly
Just gotta remember always keep your personal bakes goodies aside!

Thanks man!

Good idea! Me personally, am not concerned with dosing...I like the surprise LOL! When making things for the pops though, I try to be fairly precise. Thanks BL!

I’m the same way! I like a strong kick your ass edible!

Speaking of I’ve got some Hershey’s chocolate and Reese Pb chip cookies coming up! Made them with my butter infused with 3.75g keif and the 8.75g of candied bud from when I made my.....Cannacreamer They should turn out pretty potent! I wasn’t able to calculate the dosage since it’s a mashup of keif and bud but they should sit me down for a while haha
I'll have the one on the bottom row, middle. :p
trim prison
I laugh every time I read this!
assuming the cookies are the same size
Measure by weight like BL says:
For cookies you would weigh the dough balls before baking
This ^^
When making things for the pops though, I try to be fairly precise.
Double this ^^

When I make my dad's canna-chocolate-chip cookies everything is done as precisely as possible because it's medicine. Cannabinoids are calculated, dough is made, weighed, divided by 42 (14 days, 3x/day), and each ball of dough is put on a scale before it goes on the pan.
Well, I found a recipe for caramels, guess I gotta make some buttuh cause I'm sure the light corn syrup is thicker than the coco oil. Thoughts?
"Anyone, Anyone, Anyone..." ~Ben Stein

The recipe calls for one cup of butter. If I follow the recipe that'll be roughly 1200 Mgs THC (perfect extraction...) divided into 80. That's 15 Mgs THC per caramel square. Or I could do a double extraction with the same cup of butter and go for around 30 Mgs THC each.

Ahhh the options...
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