Cooking with The Chronic

If there's room for all your bud and oil in the MB, run it all at once and get your meds 8 hours sooner!
The idea was to try getting 2 ounces into 1 cup originally. I think the instructions may have been scrambled a bit. If using 2 oz to 2 cups... you're right. Just run it all at once.
Yeah, it's that 2-cup minimum for the MB. I have found that it's okay for some of the bud to stick above the oil because the MB is going to grind it all down anyway. Just get the stems off first.

Okay so I will stop it and add the remaining bud so after 8 hrs I can indulge ✊

Fucking love you boyz

@Preston9mm thanks buddy solid and shed bro you know I love and appreciate you looking out ✊

Oh here is some more pics of what decarb looked liek out oven and setting I had to put it on.

When it's done, take a bit out for immediate use but put the rest in the fridge. 12 hours of cooling helps the lecithin work with the THC for best absorption.
Beautiful info right there man .

Def will do def will keep everyone posted on results as well . Hope this is best patch to date .
Yes. I run 160 degrees, though OldBear said he thought he had read that cannabinoids melted at 180 or so.
Hmm glass half full or half empty guess try this now and try diff another time ?
Thanks for the recipe dynamo! That's so great that you have kept the starter passed down from your dad. It's a cool home made legacy.

So you bake this in a metal pot?

You confused me with your first line about 700 grams plus 50 grams of 80 degree water. Is that 750 grams? And is there a particular type of yeast to buy? There seem to be a few standards.

Yes, basically a heavy cast iron pot with tight fitting lid so the water vapor is trapped with the bread so the moist heat allows for the expansion of the loave without forming a crust.

The 50 grams water is added with the salt 20 -30 minutes after initial mixing, the total is then 750.

There is no yeast per-say the starter (leavan) is the "wild" yeast.
There is a process to keep your starter trained, it must be fed.:Namaste:
Alright oil done just shy of two cups for final into a brown olive oil 500 ml bottle now til I figure if I can make gummies with this ?

But got brownies and just over 1/4 cup in Duncan Haines mix about cup and half left . Pic of brownies once out of oven going to eat a piece tonight then tomorrow morning when wake up before smoke wait hr see if it does anything unless I notice after about 45 mins or so tonight lol

Good times to come I hope:Namaste:
Edibles hit everyone differently. I start to feel it about the one hour mark, and it increases for the next hour. Now, if it hits after you’ve hit the smoke, just go to bed. :)

If you over do it, and it’s not enjoyable, try smelling some black pepper. That’s supposed to help. If you have CBD on hand, taking some CBD can also help moderate a high.

Other than that, have fun!
@Kingjoe83 ?

It's great! The only downside is the 2 cup minimum. Other than that (and cleaning) it's a nice piece to have on hand.
Maybe he did 2 kilos to 2 cups of oil! :hmmmm:

He'll be back in a few days. LoL
I had $200 to spend on the MB2, but then after decarbing in the oven a couple times -- and smelling up the entire house for a couple hours (my wife was not happy at all) --- I opted for the decarb machine instead. Pretty happy with it so far, and zero smell inside the house.
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