Con's 3rd Indoor Auto Grow - Improved 3.0

well heres a few pics of the girls after a light trim, lets see if the pics look better with a filter with out turning down the lights, i removed a few fan leaves on all of them i don't think i removed to much they all perked back up by this morning

Wow @con, very impressive work there! All of them are WAY improved. Not only have you exposed lots of bud sites, you have also improved air flow through the plant and now they can breathe easier. Now, if it were me, I’d try to take no more (or as few as possible). It’s easy to overdo it. Then the next thing you know you’re in flower and wondering why your buds are small and not dense - it’s cuz you took too many of their solar panels. I’d take only what’s absolutely necessary the whole rest of the way. Tucking over chopping. You know?
Wow @con, very impressive work there! All of them are WAY improved. Not only have you exposed lots of bud sites, you have also improved air flow through the plant and now they can breathe easier. Now, if it were me, I’d try to take no more (or as few as possible). It’s easy to overdo it. Then the next thing you know you’re in flower and wondering why your buds are small and not dense - it’s cuz you took too many of their solar panels. I’d take only what’s absolutely necessary the whole rest of the way. Tucking over chopping. You know?
yes im not planning on removing any more just leaf tucking & spread out the buds away from each other & no more training
That light defol really makes the flowers pop in those pics!
Thanks Shed, i don't think i've had happier plants, i don't know what it is the new tent or lights the quartz rock Lol! but by next sunday i don't think anyone will think they're the same plants ( probably a bit of exageration there ) but they are full of life
Good morning folks it is week 6 from the day they surfaced & all seems good had a bit of a growth spurt the last week & 3 out of 4 have stretched a bit, the Godzilla Cookies has not startes pistils yet , temps steady at 24-25c RH 55% PPFD 750 & lights approx 12 inchs away & had to raise up 3 of 4 plants to keep them level with the FB & have been watering with the 2nd level nutes with microbial mass pro @ .50ml a liter, all plants are taking 1-1.25 gal to run off & all have different watering times other than that all are green & healthy, hope your week end is good thanks for looking in

Good morning folks it is week 6 from the day they surfaced & all seems good had a bit of a growth spurt the last week & 3 out of 4 have stretched a bit, the Godzilla Cookies has not startes pistils yet , temps steady at 24-25c RH 55% PPFD 750 & lights approx 12 inchs away & had to raise up 3 of 4 plants to keep them level with the FB & have been watering with the 2nd level nutes with microbial mass pro @ .50ml a liter, all plants are taking 1-1.25 gal to run off & all have different watering times other than that all are green & healthy, hope your week end is good thanks for looking in

Beautiful plants.
Good morning folks it is week 6 from the day they surfaced & all seems good had a bit of a growth spurt the last week & 3 out of 4 have stretched a bit, the Godzilla Cookies has not startes pistils yet , temps steady at 24-25c RH 55% PPFD 750 & lights approx 12 inchs away & had to raise up 3 of 4 plants to keep them level with the FB & have been watering with the 2nd level nutes with microbial mass pro @ .50ml a liter, all plants are taking 1-1.25 gal to run off & all have different watering times other than that all are green & healthy, hope your week end is good thanks for looking in

Looking awesome @con! Beautiful and healthy looking! You may want to consider taking a few leaves from the Godzilla Cookies, she’s looking pretty clogged up there, a little like a shield from any air getting through?
Looking awesome @con! Beautiful and healthy looking! You may want to consider taking a few leaves from the Godzilla Cookies, she’s looking pretty clogged up there, a little like a shield from any air getting through?
good day @Jon, yeah i'll be looking over the plants today & probably remove a few leaves where needed & i raised my fan so its sitting above them & blowing downwards fairly equally on all plants they all are pretty happy & they don't like the PPFD above 820 so 750 for a few more days then will bump up to 800
good day @Jon, yeah i'll be looking over the plants today & probably remove a few leaves where needed & i raised my fan so its sitting above them & blowing downwards fairly equally on all plants they all are pretty happy & they don't like the PPFD above 820 so 750 for a few more days then will bump up to 800
Nice @con. It’s good that you are paying this close of attention to how the plant responds to light. If you weren’t, you couldn’t verbalize the difference between 750 and 820. Now that’s reading the plants!!! Good stuff!!!!
Nice @con. It’s good that you are paying this close of attention to how the plant responds to light. If you weren’t, you couldn’t verbalize the difference between 750 and 820. Now that’s reading the plants!!! Good stuff!!!!
Someone can toss all the science and white papers and whatever they want at me…for my money, the single most important skill in the entirety of growing is reading the plants.
Someone can toss all the science and white papers and whatever they want at me…for my money, the single most important skill in the entirety of growing is reading the plants.
I would agree that's indoors or outdoors. But you have more control on indoors, I think.
Someone can toss all the science and white papers and whatever they want at me…for my money, the single most important skill in the entirety of growing is reading the plants.
yeah im trying to read the plants & let them tell me what they want ( more or less just water & light ) this grow as compared to my others, i use the photone app but with a android so don't know how accurate it is compared to a i phone did a bunch of reading up on it, but if they start to hide from the light i turn it down but i got i do believe 2 sativa phenos & 2 indica phenos, i think thats the correct term & do believe they have different light requirements as the sativa seems more light sensitive
Good morning folks it is week 6 from the day they surfaced & all seems good had a bit of a growth spurt the last week & 3 out of 4 have stretched a bit, the Godzilla Cookies has not startes pistils yet , temps steady at 24-25c RH 55% PPFD 750 & lights approx 12 inchs away & had to raise up 3 of 4 plants to keep them level with the FB & have been watering with the 2nd level nutes with microbial mass pro @ .50ml a liter, all plants are taking 1-1.25 gal to run off & all have different watering times other than that all are green & healthy, hope your week end is good thanks for looking in

Hey @Grand Daddy Black you see what i mean about my Fat B leaning more on the sativa side ?
yeah im trying to read the plants & let them tell me what they want ( more or less just water & light ) this grow as compared to my others, i use the photone app but with a android so don't know how accurate it is compared to a i phone did a bunch of reading up on it, but if they start to hide from the light i turn it down but i got i do believe 2 sativa phenos & 2 indica phenos, i think thats the correct term & do believe they have different light requirements as the sativa seems more light sensitive
Good catch. Yes, generally speaking you’ll find light preference differences between strains and types. I wouldn’t go as far as to say what you see this time is how it’ll always be, but yeah, right track. You got this.
Good morning folks it is week 6 from the day they surfaced & all seems good had a bit of a growth spurt the last week & 3 out of 4 have stretched a bit, the Godzilla Cookies has not startes pistils yet , temps steady at 24-25c RH 55% PPFD 750 & lights approx 12 inchs away & had to raise up 3 of 4 plants to keep them level with the FB & have been watering with the 2nd level nutes with microbial mass pro @ .50ml a liter, all plants are taking 1-1.25 gal to run off & all have different watering times other than that all are green & healthy, hope your week end is good thanks for looking in

Damn they look great @con. I hope you know that what you have going on here very successfully is not that easy to do, take a small bow. All of your plants but the one are super low. I know that does a bunch of stuff - like making it a PITA to water, like worrying about RH with the leaves so crammed together, wondering what to take or not, etc. Low plants like that are difficult to pull off and yours looks great. One thing I find helps with low (and not so low) plants is to have air coming up from below, like a fan on the floor or something. I think @Kanno26 does it that way. That helps with air flow though the plant and mitigates the worry about the leaves that are so low and close to the top of the medium. Nice job man.
Damn they look great @con. I hope you know that what you have going on here very successfully is not that easy to do, take a small bow. All of your plants but the one are super low. I know that does a bunch of stuff - like making it a PITA to water, like worrying about RH with the leaves so crammed together, wondering what to take or not, etc. Low plants like that are difficult to pull off and yours looks great. One thing I find helps with low (and not so low) plants is to have air coming up from below, like a fan on the floor or something. I think @Kanno26 does it that way. That helps with air flow though the plant and mitigates the worry about the leaves that are so low and close to the top of the medium. Nice job man.
Thanks Jon, they're not so bad watering now that i can actually get to them, i set up my fan a bit better a few days ago now it sits higher than my plants and gives the plants good air flow across all of them
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