Con's 3rd Indoor Auto Grow - Improved 3.0

Looks like a chunky monkey to me!! Happy Saturday!! 😎✌️
Thanks Scottay & you to, had to try the FC x SN tonight so did a quick dry & filled the vape & is a nice buzz (relieves pain fairly well) other than tasting a little hayish, but could also taste strawberrys so that was kinda cool, taker easy
Thanks Scottay & you to, had to try the FC x SN tonight so did a quick dry & filled the vape & is a nice buzz (relieves pain fairly well) other than tasting a little hayish, but could also taste strawberrys so that was kinda cool, taker easy
I vape my material as well and then I make some fuckin killer brownies with my used material!!! I just really like the vape because it's straight flavor the first round!!😎✌️
@con, wow, you have seriously chunky buds. Excellent work on the undercarriage cleanup. I’ve learned how important it is when you train a plant with a canopy. I have the Double Grape side by side with the Cherry Pie. On the DG I did a total shit job on the underside, and see what I have? Contrast that with the CP, on which I did a great job on the undercarriage, and every cola is big and chunky. Those crap branches and buds really rob a lot more energy, and therefore bulk, from your money buds/colas, than I ever thought. I’ll never fail to clean up underneath properly again, it’s such a dramatic difference. So you also experienced the leaves going nuts effect. I figured you would at least on the one. Are you enjoying the defoliation? Ha. For me it was like they didn’t even feel it or were aware that I took a huge handful of leaves - just like yours, they perked right back up and kept making more. Lol. But do you feel the chunkiness of the buds has anything to do with the side lighting? It’s a tough thing to gauge. But jeez, you’re like, universally chunky here. That’s kinda rare, no? I’d bet on the side lights having their desired effect. Great job.
Morning folks Sunday fun day, Week 10 & all seems good, the DG & FC x SN have survived the drought & the leaves that remain have picked back up & trichomes have grew a bit longer from my observations but no more amber from the beginning of the drought so i'll give them a few more days, the DG had a late bloomer bud that shot up a week or 2 before the drought so hopefully it catches up before the chop, did a tester of the FC x SN last night & was a good buzz with decent pain relief, the FB is coming along nicely & i snipped the tops of the buds again for some back building, can't tell yet if its working, the GC is plugging along just fine & getting big & still stretching she's a bushy one & trimming her frequently Lol! trimming her bush LOL!!!!! had to lower the PPFD back around 900 PPFD the plants don't like it higher than that, RH at 45-50 temps steady @ 24-25c lights hanging @ 18-22'', plus i added some stressor juice Chitosal to the FB & GC i think when i used it last indoor grow on my GC it was to strong for autos so i mixed a lower strenth the GC got folier sprayed & FB got it to the roots & didn't want spray while so far into bloom will post pic of the Chitosal in a bit, thats it for now, have a great day & week, EDIT : went out 3 days & no meat in the freezer my buddy is going where we went last year & handing him my tag so i might get one yet

FB auto steals the show!

A beast she is, con. :yummy:
@con, wow, you have seriously chunky buds. Excellent work on the undercarriage cleanup. I’ve learned how important it is when you train a plant with a canopy. I have the Double Grape side by side with the Cherry Pie. On the DG I did a total shit job on the underside, and see what I have? Contrast that with the CP, on which I did a great job on the undercarriage, and every cola is big and chunky. Those crap branches and buds really rob a lot more energy, and therefore bulk, from your money buds/colas, than I ever thought. I’ll never fail to clean up underneath properly again, it’s such a dramatic difference. So you also experienced the leaves going nuts effect. I figured you would at least on the one. Are you enjoying the defoliation? Ha. For me it was like they didn’t even feel it or were aware that I took a huge handful of leaves - just like yours, they perked right back up and kept making more. Lol. But do you feel the chunkiness of the buds has anything to do with the side lighting? It’s a tough thing to gauge. But jeez, you’re like, universally chunky here. That’s kinda rare, no? I’d bet on the side lights having their desired effect. Great job.
Thanks @Jon yes the side lighting def puts out more salad under the canopy while in veg & for density EHH hard to say but i do think it helps kinda hard to tell with only growing these strains for the first time except the GC which where pretty dense from my last indoor grow so i'll try to gauge with this one, i don't mind the defol now that i have room to move around in the new tent & gets me off the sofa, & for the DG i still think it only going to yield 2 oz but def under 3 as with the FC x SN Mephesto are sweet plants but i don't think they are big yielders for the most part i bet you will get a bit more weight than mine, smaller buds but a lot more
I vape my material as well and then I make some fuckin killer brownies with my used material!!! I just really like the vape because it's straight flavor the first round!!😎✌️
yeah i find the vape much easier on the lungs & i find with growing your own you can get pretty good flavor through the whole vape session i just use a solo II & time set at 5-6 min, you have no journals ?
Thanks GDB quite different structure than your indica leaning FB to my sativa leaning FB but i'm sure they'll both be excellent smokers
Diff structures but the same chunky buds! :Rasta:
forgot the group shot & here's the stressor i'm using on the FB & GC they're not a sponsor on 420 so not going to post details about it, i don't know if they sell it to our southern neighbors


I said it in my thread and I'll say it in yours: I'd be thrilled with any one of your plants con!
Thanks Shed i appreciate your words & couldn't of have done it with out your help & the other :420:members, & i'm sure you will be SMASHING your auto record with your winter grow with the limited edition seeds
Thanks @Jon yes the side lighting def puts out more salad under the canopy while in veg & for density EHH hard to say but i do think it helps kinda hard to tell with only growing these strains for the first time except the GC which where pretty dense from my last indoor grow so i'll try to gauge with this one, i don't mind the defol now that i have room to move around in the new tent & gets me off the sofa, & for the DG i still think it only going to yield 2 oz but def under 3 as with the FC x SN Mephesto are sweet plants but i don't think they are big yielders for the most part i bet you will get a bit more weight than mine, smaller buds but a lot more
Idk about yield, whatever, what I do know is that I tested a DG bud and my friend, even off the vine and in a toaster oven dry - this weed tastes like grapes for real. I got it on both the inhale and strongly in the exhale and aftertaste. It’s going to be glorious and way strong weed, and both our plants are healthy. That’s all that matters. And the frost is quite ridiculous, like Slurricane level frost. Insanity. (Nice frost shots)
Btw - looking for amber on the Fat Bastard? Did I read that right? Looks to me like you’re not even close to that. Just my eyes.
Idk about yield, whatever, what I do know is that I tested a DG bud and my friend, even off the vine and in a toaster oven dry - this weed tastes like grapes for real. I got it on both the inhale and strongly in the exhale and aftertaste. It’s going to be glorious and way strong weed, and both our plants are healthy. That’s all that matters. And the frost is quite ridiculous, like Slurricane level frost. Insanity. (Nice frost shots)
Btw - looking for amber on the Fat Bastard? Did I read that right? Looks to me like you’re not even close to that. Just my eyes.
Morning @Jon no i haven't even looked at the trics on the FB i was refering to the DG & FC x SN they did not amber up through out the drought, MMmm grape i think i'll try a DG tester today
Morning @Jon no i haven't even looked at the trics on the FB i was refering to the DG & FC x SN they did not amber up through out the drought, MMmm grape i think i'll try a DG tester today
Ah. Sorry, my bad, I guess I didn’t read closely enough. Lemme know if you taste grape!!
Ah. Sorry, my bad, I guess I didn’t read closely enough. Lemme know if you taste grape!!
will do i just took off a tiny nug & busted it up & will air dry so that will be tonights treat
will do i just took off a tiny nug & busted it up & will air dry so that will be tonights treat
It’ll be interesting to see. You’re what, 10 days behind me? I believe I’m just waiting on the red hairs to curl in. Everything is small on this plant, even the hairs. I gotta look close. Lmao!
It’ll be interesting to see. You’re what, 10 days behind me? I believe I’m just waiting on the red hairs to curl in. Everything is small on this plant, even the hairs. I gotta look close. Lmao!
i'm behind 14-15 days, mine is pretty well done i watered my DG & FC x SN friday & ended the drought & watered to run off & watered real slow, today they are both bone dry so watering with nutes as we speak i'm going to let them go another 4-10 days to see if i can get more amber they're all cloudy but sugar leaves have amber & not much on the buds, i'm taking my time with everything this grow i probably could chop today but i'm not
good evening folks, i keep running into this lately with my Godzilla Cookies, as i leaf tuck to expose budlets i keep getting my hands/fingers wet from the leaves having water on some my RH is 45-50% tenps 24-25c so i'm in the VPD zone at this stage a bit low for RH for the GC not by much though is this normal transpiration & not to worry about the plant is directly in front of the fan & still does it should i do more defol a up top or nothing to worry about mold wise


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