Con's 3rd Indoor Auto Grow - Improved 3.0

None taken @Sparkey224 - like I said, I’m no expert. But 850 from above is perfect, without the side lights. If anything it could be closer to 1000. Therefore, if you pile 650 on top of that, the intersecting light field create lots of areas of way too high ppfd. The buds foxtail like crazy. Last grow I began as con is now. I ended up raising them, angling them down as much as possible, and running at 200-300. It worked really well. When I was where con is, the undercarriage did great! And then I ended up stripping most of it anyway. When I moved them up and angled them down, the entire grow started to take off. Just my experience. But if you guys (@con, you too obviously) want to see how I did it it is in the completed journal at the bottom of my signature.

Try it however con! I applaud the balls it takes to try something rad and new more than anything else. Excellent adventurous spirit you have! Again - I just share what worked for me. And the pitfalls I found. I think I’m careful to say I’m no expert. Lol!!!

Thanks for the response Sparkey!
i see what you're saying, 1000 PPFD yeah i'm using the photon app but on a android phone so its not as good as a i phone but i calibrated my app to Spider farmers PPFD chart at 8'' away @ 1380 and any thing over 850-880 my leaves curl so i think my phone is probably out by some because of the generic parts unlike i phone with better parts, but i'm going to leave the lights there & see how the plants react & if they don't like it i'll try raising them up & see what they do, im going to measure the side light to check the spread & figure it out from there, i'll update in a bit, have a great day
hey @Jon i went back into your journal & read the conversations between you and @Hafta about side lighting & basically did what he said about turning off the main over head light & adjust the light so it hits the bottom of the main buds & below so i did that & re adjusted they where not to far off from where i had them, i need to find or build some sort of adjustable stand to get a better angle, plus i bumped up the PPFD to 450 & will keep a eye on them for the next few days and adjust accordingly, Thank you for the insight & input
hey @Jon i went back into your journal & read the conversations between you and @Hafta about side lighting & basically did what he said about turning off the main over head light & adjust the light so it hits the bottom of the main buds & below so i did that & re adjusted they where not to far off from where i had them, i need to find or build some sort of adjustable stand to get a better angle, plus i bumped up the PPFD to 450 & will keep a eye on them for the next few days and adjust accordingly, Thank you for the insight & input
Good stuff @con - sounds like you have a plan and have it under control. You’re obviously watching carefully if you’re noticing leaf curl above a certain ppfd, that’s excellent - it will serve you well with the side light experiment. Just keep an eye on them. I’ll be curious to see if you get a ton of leafing up. That’s what happened to me, but I started at an earlier point in their growth cycle. I’m hoping for your sake you’re past that, cuz it gets to be quite the PITA. Lmao!
Good stuff @con - sounds like you have a plan and have it under control. You’re obviously watching carefully if you’re noticing leaf curl above a certain ppfd, that’s excellent - it will serve you well with the side light experiment. Just keep an eye on them. I’ll be curious to see if you get a ton of leafing up. That’s what happened to me, but I started at an earlier point in their growth cycle. I’m hoping for your sake you’re past that, cuz it gets to be quite the PITA. Lmao!
Not sure how you ended up at 450 but glad you lowered them. When you add the side lights the app becomes useless unless you turn off one, measure, then turn off the other, measure again. Then you get clean readings on each at least. From there you can sort of feel it out.
Good day Folks, so i've seen some folks do this to get more light to the bottoms & underside is it worth it to do side lighting ? PPFD at 650-680 for the sides and did not effect the PPFD for the upper main, using my old 100 watters, any thought or recommendations? good idea or bad or both ? i have one on each end



Try hanging your side lights like this.....

Side Lighting Angle Adj 2 with labels.jpg

You can use rope for any hanging purpose (I prefer chain). Always attach your height/tilt rope/chain to the center. Run the "tilt" rope up over your top tent support bar and down to the crossbar, where you can adjust and tie it. You can customize height and tilt to whatever you like. When the "tilt" rope is slack, your light should be level.


Try hanging your side lights like this.....

Side Lighting Angle Adj 2 with labels.jpg

You can use rope for any hanging purpose (I prefer chain). Always attach your height/tilt rope/chain to the center. Run the "tilt" rope up over your top tent support bar and down to the crossbar, where you can adjust and tie it. You can customize height and tilt to whatever you like. When the "tilt" rope is slack, your light should be level.

Thank you very much on the advise @Hafta
here we go with todays update with the side lights, dropped the PPFD to 350PPFD for the side lights & main light still @ 850 PPFD, Thanks again @Jon & @Hafta




NOW you’re talking @con! That’s what I meant. @Hafta has all the pictures and techniques, he’s a master at this. But do you see that the underneath buds will still get plenty of the augmented light that way? And by lifting them and angling down you are giving the meat of the juice (best part of light field) to the main colas. That’s what you want. You will reap the rewards at the end I am guessing, and I’ll go a bit further and say you will notice a significant uptick in density more so than size. As long as you don’t burn them, there is not one scientific nor logical reason it would not give you better buds. More
light (assuming not going too far and burning) = more bud. It’s an immutable truth.
was checking over the plants today & had a lower bud break on the DG so doing a tester, no amber but have cloudy trichomes, could not see any clear so here's a northern version of Sheds toaster canoe




Too cool with the heater, con!

You can do a quick dry and stay nice and warm at the same time. :)
Too cool with the heater, con!

You can do a quick dry and stay nice and warm at the same time. :)
ha yeah if i turn it off my 2 cats sit there & cry then i turn it back on then they go outside Lol! but works well for a quick dry, tester after supper have your self a great weekend GDB
was checking over the plants today & had a lower bud break on the DG so doing a tester, no amber but have cloudy trichomes, could not see any clear so here's a northern version of Sheds toaster canoe




Nice canoe!! So that’s a good shot of your buds. They look exactly like mine. They don’t bulk up a whole lot do they? Lots and lots of small buds, is that pretty much your assessment? I thought mine were small cuz I did such a shit job in flarf removal on her and have too many colas. But yours look the same. Hmm…
Good day everyone here we are at week 9, all seems good the Godzilla Cookies is just starting stretch & is pretty healthy i did a bit of pruning & defol & canopy is pretty flat , the FB is thickening up & the tallest of the bunch but a lot of white pistils so at least 3 more weeks, i broke one of the taller buds moving it around just the top 2.5 inch & propped it up & self healed after a few days, the DG is almost done i'm thinking with in 2 weeks not much for white pistils left & the red/brown are curling & tight most trichomes are cloudy & amber on the sugar leaves & smoked a few vape fulls last night & it was a lower golf ball sized nug & pretty dense maybe the side lighting helped ? hard to say side lighting has only been there 3-5 days was a pretty decent buzz that lasted a few hours tasted not so great but still had a grape flavor & the FC x SN is nearing the end also probably with in 2 weeks i do believe Mephisto says 65-70 days for both strains and they are about 62 days, temps steady @ 24-25c RH is 45-55, main lights bumped up to 900-920 PPFD & side lighting still about 350 PPFD & do notice the lower leaves are preying like they never have seen light before, will be bumping up to level 2 nute strenth for the Godzilla Cookies, i think i will be starting a drought for the DG & FC x SN as they are not going to be big producers i might as well get as much as i can out of them, Deer Season is here so i'll be doing a few day trips this week to hopefully get some in the freezer

& that's about it for now, take er easy folks, had a late bloomer on the Double grape last photo
They all look great con.

However, I'm especially enamored with the FB auto. Everything about her looks wonderful, all the way down to the white rocks on her soil! :Rasta:
They all look great con.

However, I'm especially enamored with the FB auto. Everything about her looks wonderful, all the way down to the white rocks on her soil! :Rasta:
Thanks GDB the FB hopefully fills out a bit more but looking good i forgot to mention i snipped the tops of all buds on the plants except the GC to see if this bud back building with fatten them up since they are done growing upwards
Thanks GDB the FB hopefully fills out a bit more but looking good i forgot to mention i snipped the tops of all buds on the plants except the GC to see if this bud back building with fatten them up since they are done growing upwards

Beautiful plants.

I will also be trying the back building on my next flower cycle. The results look pretty good.

Beautiful plants.

I will also be trying the back building on my next flower cycle. The results look pretty good.
Thank you @Hafta, the FB & FC x SN are not going to be large yielders but probably going to be good smoke & i do notice a bit better life in the plants with the side lighting & we'll see if the back building helps fatten them up a bit, just wish they all got a better start at the beginning but will turn out fine
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