Conradino23 Keeps On Keeping On Outdoor & Indoor Using LOS/High Brix Methods

Hope ya'll had a good evening last... As we start on the next.........

I've looked at the kits before for those.. Back when the 'net' first started spinning, I did abit of looking into... well as much as I could with dial-up and AOL and all that,, and I lived in the 'sticks', we got dropped more often than hooked up,,, but people were talking you had to sterilize your media and alot of BS sounded more involved than was worth it at the time. Now they sell bags of bulk crap you just mix in your media, cover with vermiculite and let it colonize. Then add your spores and wait.. Damn I'm getting old.. Was a time I stayed in the 'mix' and if I wanted something,, I'd be able to find it without alot of problems.

But as these years go by we seem to mellow into? Oh well.

Hope shit goes well for ya this year with your new prospect........
Hope ya'll had a good evening last... As we start on the next.........

I've looked at the kits before for those.. Back when the 'net' first started spinning, I did abit of looking into... well as much as I could with dial-up and AOL and all that,, and I lived in the 'sticks', we got dropped more often than hooked up,,, but people were talking you had to sterilize your media and alot of BS sounded more involved than was worth it at the time. Now they sell bags of bulk crap you just mix in your media, cover with vermiculite and let it colonize. Then add your spores and wait.. Damn I'm getting old.. Was a time I stayed in the 'mix' and if I wanted something,, I'd be able to find it without alot of problems.

But as these years go by we seem to mellow into? Oh well.

Hope shit goes well for ya this year with your new prospect........

Yeah it got really simple. I was looking into these kits too and it's all very straight forward.

The prospect is going well if you don't count the bank basically telling us to take our business elsewhere, but you don't really expect to have 0 problems, do you :)

hello con ok that ud has been in the jar for a bit now im chomping at the bit to have some of it so tonight it is ill let you no! :) :thanks:

dam that's good! :)

I keep puffing on the #5 too and enjoy it a lot!
I Love the fruity taste I am not into the Chemical taste or burnt rubber or deasil etc. I smoke it but not for the flavor I like more fruity , sweet, pine , earthy taste. Just thought I would comment because I have been lurking in the back ground for a while now on this journal just thought I would say hi
I love those flavors also its a mood thing the #5 is great smoke when you want to kick back and get relaxed! :)
That's the chem pheno correct? I've got 2 of those going and what I'm hoping is a boom pheno in veg right now. Waiting on clones to root and space to open in flower.
That's the chem pheno correct? I've got 2 of those going and what I'm hoping is a boom pheno in veg right now. Waiting on clones to root and space to open in flower.
im not really sure it could be a boom pheno I do no that the other chem pheno ud got pink pistils half way through and the #5 did not but it was the frostiest of the bunch and the tastiest but the high is similar to a chem leaner I don't no if that helps con knows a lot more than me about it im sure he will have a few words to add!:)
I guess you're gonna have to wait for the harvest, @Morglie. When you get a strong whiff of pine and the effect is 50/50, then you have the Chem.
I’d like to comment on PanZam (Panama x Zamaldelica) a bit :) I think it’s an absolutely lovely bud. It reeks of passion fruit and musk and gets you happily stoned at 50/50 dose :) I think I got it from @Morglie . Fantastic work, man :passitleft:
It’s lovely and very dreamy :)
I’d like to comment on PanZam (Panama x Zamaldelica) a bit :) I think it’s an absolutely lovely bud. It reeks of passion fruit and musk and gets you happily stoned at 50/50 dose :) I think I got it from @Morglie . Fantastic work, man :passitleft:
that sounds good so many choices btw have you tried that reveg dab yet? :)
I’d like to comment on PanZam (Panama x Zamaldelica) a bit :) I think it’s an absolutely lovely bud. It reeks of passion fruit and musk and gets you happily stoned at 50/50 dose :) I think I got it from @Morglie . Fantastic work, man :passitleft:
Yes that's one of my crosses. :Namaste:
The last one I grew out has this floral smell that I've never ran across in cannabis before. I need to have my wife smell it. I can't place the smell.

Beautiful floaty high with no body buzz.
I always thought Panama was especially sensual - elevated senses ... ? What do you say?

I've noticed that before from Panama. The cross uses the green pheno from Ace which is a high energy one. Very fast finisher to. I think the red one is a bit more on the sensual side, the green one is fairly racey.
that sounds good so many choices btw have you tried that reveg dab yet? :)

No, but I'm gonna do it asap, cause I really need to give you the feedback :)

I always thought Panama was especially sensual - elevated senses ... ? What do you say?


Never tried it, so I can't say. The PanZam very sensual indeed :)

Yes that's one of my crosses. :Namaste:
The last one I grew out has this floral smell that I've never ran across in cannabis before. I need to have my wife smell it. I can't place the smell.

Beautiful floaty high with no body buzz.

I've noticed that before from Panama. The cross uses the green pheno from Ace which is a high energy one. Very fast finisher to. I think the red one is a bit more on the sensual side, the green one is fairly racey.

Hmm funny she doesn't really feel speedy to me. Focused, uplifting and dreamy, but with definite body stone. I really like what I found here and the smell is heavenly. I never really got the passion fruit so direct and here it still comes through after a few months in the jar :passitleft:
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