Come on folks let's see your veg plants! Here's some for ya

Here is Righty!! She and lefty were potted up the same day. I've got her stretched out pretty good. As you can see I was a bit rough on her one stem. I slapped a splint with some tape and then reinforced it with the flexible garden wire. It's my go to for plant training. This first real inside grow has been very interesting thus far!!
I had one snap on me in a thunderstorm, had to do a MacGuyver job on her. She made it to harvest!!



I had one snap on me in a thunderstorm, had to do a MacGuyver job on her. She made it to harvest!!



I love my bendy garden wire!! It's been a mainstay in my garden for a while. Other than the broken limb she looks dandy as candy!! Gonna fatten up nice! Might need some bendy wire to keep her from flopping!! Happy Saturday buddy!! 😎✌️
Wedding Cake @ 3 weeks from sprout!


Have removed the feeder leaves.
Camera flash for a split second. They aren’t exposed to any light at night

you never know... it might make your crop hermie i tried to avoid flashing my plants,,,, dont show off at night time to friends etc or take pictures and stuff.. not good ..
you like to torture your plants!
I absolutely do!!! They always loved me back for it though because I feed them well and give them their own tanning salon sooooo 🤣😂🤣 happy Friday Delta!! 😎✌️
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