Come on folks let's see your veg plants! Here's some for ya

Next week on day 25, these will be flipped over to a 12/12 hour light schedule. They grow fast in veg. ☮️



I enjoy all stages, from the humble begining as seed through to maturity ,, harvest time has bitter sweet emotions, thats one reason I reveg to prolong the plants life but also im useless at taking cuttings 🤗 :Rasta: 🤙✌️
I totally agree! After 90+ days of care, they get the chop! :ganjamon: Harvest time is bittersweet!! I've never cloned anything but I've had some phenos that were worth cloning. The think the seed start is pretty cool. 🌱🌱
The Wedding Cake mother and her 6 babies.
The babies will go in the tent as soon as the ones in there now are harvested. The will give them time to get used to the LED (approx two weeks) then put them into flower.

Here are the ladies @ day 50

They are looking sweet and the fragrance is Devine.
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