Come On Folks Let's See Some Eye Candy! Here's Some For Ya



707 truthband from Homboldt Seeds. 2 weeks left. Not bad for 2 free seeds.

Blueberry , just trimmed . Grown with cfls , harvested at about just the right time according to the breeder ( 9 weeks of flower ) . Trichs on this strain are crazy , but also only my second grow . So as a newb that's an I'll advised opinion . Enjoy !

Blueberry , just trimmed . Grown with cfls , harvested at about just the right time according to the breeder ( 9 weeks of flower ) . Trichs on this strain are crazy , but also only my second grow . So as a newb that's an I'll advised opinion . Enjoy !
I like your Blueberry.... Mine didn't turn out that great.. Won't be growing it again anytime soon..

Blueberry @9weeks.... She isn't finished and at this rate she's looking like a 11/12 week strain and I don't have time to be wasting time on slow pokes. She getting chopped asap.
I've been trying for a good blueberry pheno forever.. I've smoked some local grown strains that tasted off the hook and were stoney as hell,, but most I've bought from vendors left alot to be desired.. I do hear alot of praise about Dutch Passion's bb. I've even got a clone before of DJ's newest bb pheno that he had acouple years back.. I had problems that year and lost it.. Wish I had taken a cut it was pretty good

But to really get that totaly sweet taste look for super dark purple stems.. GL and Keepem Green
Naw Scottay sorry, I didn't get a final weight on her.. But my uneducated guess is atad over 6 oz's.. Took three grows to find that color.. The others all stayed green. Hopefully I can find her again and get a clone this time?? I never was the brightest bulb in the box.. Thanks and keep the pretty pic's rolling,,thanks peoples ,, Keepem Green
Its crazy how you can grow one strain but yet different genetic ticks or traits pop up. Thats why I love this plant!! Versatile!! I was just tellin sweet sue how I love the purple in that dark devil. Six zips is great!! Id be happy. Happy wednesday. Beautiful flowers peoples!!!
Pretty plant Oz.. Hard to tell how close she is from here.. She does look nice.. Afew parameters wood help,, strain and how longs shes been flowering.. Even how long she's been visibly flowering.. GL and you can ask away.. Always some help.. The hairs and the trichomes can tell when shes ready.. The hairs stop producing alot of white fresh hair and they start to 'brown out' or start to look brown as in dieing off.. 3/4 of yours hairs are brown your about there.. Or a magnifying glass and look at the trichomes,, or the crystals on the buddage, when they are all fat to busting looks, and turn cloudy and acouple looking amber your there.. Ask away.. Someone will help.. Keepem Green
Thanks Mate! Im not sure of the strain the seeds came out of some nice bud I got a while ago...These plants went in late early december... Usually would go in late september in the part of Australia im in. They have been visibly flowering since early February so roughly 8 weeks...Heres another pic =) thanks again
Your close dude.... The hairs turning dark I see,, or I think... 8-10 weeks is the normal for most strains.. If you are fertilizing,, I'd stop. Your down to the wire.. It generaly takes about a week for flowers to appear in force. But she won't need anymore food I'd imagine.. Time for straight water.. If you been using any salt based fertilizers, I'd be flushing.. And I'd steal a mid sized bud for sampling. A single small bud will dry pretty fast to give ya a idea of what you have.. Hope it rings your ears... Keepem Green
Hashhound can you throw some of that Mulan schezchuan sauce on those bad boys for me?

I'll see if Rick can get me a bottle.

Hash Hound's sure has been cranking them out.... Keepem Green

It's been a new learning curve for me.
I've been using 7gl bags with Doc's High Brix Kit or supersoils for a few years with a partner.

Now I'm solo starting over in a small space and using 2-3gl pots with my own mix of amended soil.

starting to fade, but probably chop in two weeks, shouldn't be a problem.


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