Colombian Gold Grow: Come Learn With Me How To Produce Your Own Seeds!

A very kind and generous friend gifted me a Quarter Pounder auto seed. I don't guess I'm allowed to say where it's from as they're not sponsors. But if you google "quarter pounder auto seeds" you'll be right there. This is a sativa dominant strain with a very high (25%) THC level. The second plant I grew was a Quarter Pounder auto. At the time I didn't know squat and was just flying by the seat of my pants. It turned out to be a rather large plant, and the buds were quite potent and dense. I am also sure I harvested the plant too early.....probably 3 weeks too early. Had I know then what I know now I would have at least tried to spray a branch and make a bunch of seeds from that plant. More and more lately I am starting to really like and enjoy growing auto flower plants. And sadly I have very few auto seeds in my seed collection. I hope to do some trading with some friends to build up a bit of an auto flower inventory. I figured since I was doing a journal about seed making I might as well drop that QP seed in a hempy cup and see what kind of luck I have producing some seeds from her. I have one Dark Devil seed left. I am thinking about planting it in a hempy solo cup and growing it alongside that QP plant. If I'm able to get the QP to produce pollen I can cross it with the Dark Devil. Should be a good cross with both being sativa dominant strains. My hope would be that the QP could produce a larger purple budded plant.

On Monday I planted the seed in a hempy solo cup with the perlite soaked with 1/4 strength nutrients. The plant sprouted this morning and has spent all day trying to stand up straight. I will let it grow in the perlite for 2-3 more days at which time I will transplant it into it's final 3 gallon pot in ProMix BX.

The second Colombian Gold plant continues to be a head scratcher. I'm pretty confident that it is a male.....maybe 94.6% sure. Something that makes me believe this is that in the last two weeks the second CG went from being 3 inches shorter then the female CG to be about 4 inches taller then the female CG. The males will often grow taller then the females next to it so when it releases pollen it is falling down onto the girls. It's still fairly sparse which is also (for me) a good indicator when comparing two plants of the same strain. And also the second CG has a strong aroma especially when rubbing the main stalk or branches. So although it is not showing it's sex it has joined it's sister in the flowering tent. Maybe it will take some 11/13 lighting to make those balls show up. I snapped a few photos of "him" before I put him in the tent.

This is my current stable in my flowering tent. Front left is the CG "male", behind that is my "Think Different" autoflower plant. In the back left, in the autumn of it's life is my Hawaiian Mayan Gold plant in her 11th week of flower. Front right is the female Colombian Gold plant which has been in the flowering tent now since the 16th. Behind her is one of my crosses...Mother was a Sensi Seeds Northern Lights X Dark Devil auto. I will do nothing to this plant as far as training and topping goes. I want to see the natural structure of the plant and see if there is any purple in and around the buds.

That Think Different auto with the large cola is getting close too. I nearly harvested it about 10 days ago but something told me to wait. At that time the trichromes were probably 95% cloudy so ready as far as the color of the crystals goes. But that huge cola has filled out and gotten more dense (more dense then not dense at all) but the resin and trichromes really filled in. I snapped a pic of a random spot on the big cola. I figure I'll see if she can make it till I harvest the Hawaiian plant.
Nice job holding off on that harvest!
Right now it's almost 2 weeks past the the harvest time (10 weeks from seed) listed by Dutch Passion on the @SeedsMan site. But it seems a common practice to fudge a little bit and say plants take a week or two less they they actually do.
Shed, yes when I am growing a plant for my own personal use to help with insomnia. As a rule I like to see amber crystals on any plant I harvest. It tells me it's time when I start to see the ambers. A plant I grow for myself I hit that point where I start seeing amber and then go till I see 15-20% amber. A Hindu Kush I grew last fall I let go till pretty much all the leaves were dead and it had about 30-40% amber crystals. Four or five hits and it's lights out.
My friend is sending me some seeds of the new @SeedsMan strains. Three each of the following.....OG Kush auto, Bubba Kush fem, and Afghan Kush fem. He likes taking advantage of Seedsman promotions. I will pick one of those three strains and grow it out till it has lots of amber.
Between that and keeping up with a 5 month old Boston Terrier hellion I kept busy today. Just when I think the place is puppy proof he goes running by dragging something else he found to play with.
No worries he'll chill out in 3 years hahaha
've gotten through most of the buds (maybe 15-20% left) and this is my haul so far.
Sweet beans! Cloning and making beans this week. So hanging out :popcorn:
No worries he'll chill out in 3 years hahaha

Fortunately he is a dog my wife and I are fostering till he finds a forever family. But right now he's like a kid in their terrible twos. By the time he leaves here he'll be convinced his name is either NO.....LEAVE IT.......or NUH HUH
Today I will start off with a picture of the Quarter Pounder auto baby. Overnight she stood up most of the way. Later I will raise her up closer to the lights and keep her there till Saturday morning when she'll be transplanted into her forever home. By Saturday her taproot should be around 3-4" in length. Things happen quick in hempy!
Both cuttings of the Colombian Gold #1 female are looking good this morning. So today I begin the process of weening them off of the dome. Notice in the photo I've tilted the domes to create a good sized crack at the bottom to allow fresh air inside. This diminishes to a point the amount of moisture in the air inside the domes making them have to work harder to pull in enough water to survive.

It starts to trigger the plant to begin building roots as opposed to relying on the leaves for survival and water intake. Tomorrow I will start removing both domes for short periods of time beginning with 20 minutes off followed by 30 minutes with them back on again. That for me is a 50 minute cycle. Take the domes off for 20 minutes, put them back on for 30 minutes.

Watch your plants. They will tell you how they are doing. If after the first 20 minutes your plant or plants are a bit droopy give them an hour with the domes back on and check them again. They should have stood back upright again to where they were when you started the cycle.

If I do the above cycle for four or five times and the plants look exactly the same then the cycle changes to 30 minutes off and 30 minutes back on again. I will continue to watch the plants and their reaction. I will also keep increasing the time outside their domes. Generally as a rule by the second day of weening the cycle has reached 45 minutes off and 30 minutes on. The last cycle of that day would be 60 minutes off (this is day two of cycling on and off) and then I put the domes back on for the night. IF after this 60 minute cycle right before lights out your plant is looking healthy and happy then the next morning remove the domes. I set an alarm on my phone for 60 minutes. I'll check them once an hour for 3 hours. If they look good after three hours I put the domes away for future use. These cuttings are (IMO) now clones with at least enough root growth to survive without the domes.
I can use some suggestions and guidance. When I got my taller tent I felt it was time to grow some taller plants. It only made sense to me. I purchased some Hawaiian Mayan Gold seeds, a sativa dominant hybrid I guess (Kona Gold X Colombian Gold) and have been growing one now it seems like forever. In the last week to 10 days the leaves have begun changing color like fall foliage around here with yellows and tan colors. But at the same time it continues to push out more new white pistils and is foxtailing a bit too. Yesterday marked 70 days since I saw the first pistils. The breeder says 10-11 weeks flower time.

I'm seeing mostly cloudy trichromes. If it were an indica and not a Sativa dominant plant I would know what to do. But this one leaves me with questions. If it's still putting out white pistils is it ready to be harvested? If it's still drinking and not slowing down is it ready to harvest? I haven't even thought about flushing at this point which I definitely want to do.

I took a picture today of one of the buds to give you an idea how the plant is looking.

What do you guys think/suggest?
I was looking at the two new cuttings a bit ago and they look so strong I decided to start the more intensive training today. Partly because I already have two clones from this mother plant. Anyway......I started with the domes off for 20 minutes. Here they are when I took the domes off.

I set the alarm on my phone for 20 minutes. It just went off a few minutes ago. Here are pictures of the same two cuttings after a full 20 minutes outside their domes. I am guessing they will be out of their domes for good maybe by tomorrow night. These Colombian Gold plants are proving to be quite hardy.

Some pure Sativas will push out white pistils until the day they die. They never seem to "finish" the way indicas and hybrids do. Also some Sativas will never get amber trichomes. I know Bobrown and a couple others see foxtailing as a sign the Sativas are about ready. The Colombian Gold should be 18-20 weeks in flower but if it's a cross all bets are off. Post some good flower shots later and we'll see where they're at now. @bobrown14
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