Colombian Gold Grow: Come Learn With Me How To Produce Your Own Seeds!

I thought I would start the cloning guide with pictures of the four Colombian Gold clones I've taken off the two plants to be used to try to produce seeds. Three of these showed roots after about 12 days. The fourth one (the one I shaved a bit too deep) didn't show roots till day 15. Here is a group shot of the clones today.

The CG1 clones are girls for sure. The CG2 clones are as yet unknown.

This is one of the main reasons I like taking cuttings in solo cups. I can pull the clear cup out to check on the roots. Girls on the left, undecided on the right.

I'm going to grab a bite of lunch and hopefully sometime this afternoon I can put the cloning guide together. I wish I could upload video from my phone to 420 but it doesn't appear possible.
Both of my tester (Columbian Red Point x Unknown) x DDA seeds broke ground today... I have a feeling it will be a good cross.

I apparently over-pollinated my SSDC (same dad). I was able to keep it off of the main cola, luckily.

I am patiently awaiting your full pollen chucking tutorial. I am getting the hang of it, I just like pictures. Lol
No it’s not possible, you could do a video but will have to upload it to youtube and then copy and paste the link here:)

Still shots it is then. :rolleyes:
I apparently over-pollinated my SSDC (same dad).

Boy that's easy to do. My first attempt at "controlled" pollination (2 buds) gave me almost 80 seeds. Roughly 40 off the two buds I pollinated and 40 from other parts of the plant. The pollen is a lot smaller and a lot lighter then I ever imagined. It floats on the air like dust.
Boy that's easy to do. My first attempt at "controlled" pollination (2 buds) gave me almost 80 seeds. Roughly 40 off the two buds I pollinated and 40 from other parts of the plant. The pollen is a lot smaller and a lot lighter then I ever imagined. It floats on the air like dust.
That pollen shouldn't have even been viable due to poor storage/age... guess I shouldn't have double dipped the Q-Tip, but here I ended up with these:

And probably at least double that many left in the buds. Lol. Somebody is going to be happy to grow them out. I was just messing around with old pollen
Well you sort of back crossed the SSDC with the Dark Devil. Offspring might see the purple. And they will all be fem autos so that's nice. I would not complain too much about that number of seeds.
My Method of Cloning

If this tutorial teaches at least one person to successfully harvest cuttings and turn them into rooted clones then this will all be worth it to me. Right up front I need to say that there are quite a number of different and similar methods for making clones. I have had great success and produced many healthy clones using this method. I'm confident that if you closely follow the instructions and use the same materials I do that you too will have great success cloning. So let's get started. I'll do the best I can with still photos since I can't upload a video from my computer files.

Saturday night I harvested two cuttings from Colombian Gold plant #1 as she has already shown herself to be a female. They have been in a cup of well water since Saturday night. This is the cutting I'll be working with in the tutorial.

This picture shows the cutting laying on the counter. From the bottom up there are three (3) sets of side branches. I cut them off as close to the stalk as I can. BE SURE YOUR CUTTING TOOLS ARE VERY SHARP!!

Here the branches are removed and I have cut half of each leaf off. This encourages the plants to grow roots more quickly.

Next step is shaving the stalk. Use a sharp, sterile razor knife for this task. Keep the blade at a 90 degree angle to the stalk. Lightly shave it from high to low. I am usually shaving about the bottom two inches or so. You can see the fibers of the skin which I pluck off with my freshly washed fingers.

After that is completed I dip the stalk back into the water and shake if off a bit. Then I dip it into the rooting powder. When removing it gently tap off the excess powder.

Now, who is old enough to remember the game "Operation"? What you're trying to do here is slide the cutting down into the hole without touching the sides. Will you touch them....sure. But your goal is to knock off as little powder as possible.

Finally the cutting is in the ProMix BX. What I do now is take the clear cup out. I hold it by the sides and gently push in as I turn the cup slowly. My goal is to bring the ProMix into contact with the stalk as much as possible. While doing this use the medium to "straighten up" the cutting the best you can.


So I finished planting the second cutting. Both went very well I believe. I'll know in 3 or 4 days when i start removing the dome for short periods. Here are both cuttings happy in their new homes.

After spraying the clear plastic (smaller) solo cups I flip them over and use them as domes. They fit perfectly inside the regular size solo cups. I don't spray the plant, just the inside of the domes.

And there you have it. I will leave the cuttings alone the rest of the day today and all day tomorrow. Next day I will tilt the domes making a crack to allow in fresh air. I'll do that for a couple days and then start weening the cuttings from under their domes. Once they are out from under the domes they are no longer cuttings, they are clones and will root.

Any questions whatsoever please feel free to ask. Comments welcome, and advice as to ways to do it better are appreciated. It's all about learning together.
Shed, I heard you're a wiz taking cuttings now.
Not a wiz, but the cloninator seems to be working better in the cool weather as Norcaliwood said it would. At least with the AK-47. Sour G seems to be a tougher nut to crack.

I've also used your method (modified to use what I have on hand and the fact that I haven't retired yet ;)) and got an AK to root directly in ProMix HP first try. I'm still waiting on roots with a Sour G in the same soil/method. Still alive and it's been 24 days, but no sign of roots yet. Time will tell.

Thanks again for all your help!
I took this picture this morning of the known female Colombian Gold plant. No matter what sex the other plant turns out to be this plant will be the mother plant and the one being pollinated.
To be honest I've never tried any other light cycle. This works well for cuttings and seedlings so I just leave it alone. I know a plant does a lot of growing during lights out and I figure that includes roots. It seems the first sighting of roots is on the morning after the dark period.

So I finished planting the second cutting. Both went very well I believe. I'll know in 3 or 4 days when i start removing the dome for short periods. Here are both cuttings happy in their new homes.

After spraying the clear plastic (smaller) solo cups I flip them over and use them as domes. They fit perfectly inside the regular size solo cups. I don't spray the plant, just the inside of the domes.

And there you have it. I will leave the cuttings alone the rest of the day today and all day tomorrow. Next day I will tilt the domes making a crack to allow in fresh air. I'll do that for a couple days and then start weening the cuttings from under their domes. Once they are out from under the domes they are no longer cuttings, they are clones and will root.

Any questions whatsoever please feel free to ask. Comments welcome, and advice as to ways to do it better are appreciated. It's all about learning together.

My clones didn’t make it :( I’ll put your cloning example to test tomorrow beez! I’ll be using promix HP in small square pots instead of the solo cups though! Maybe I’ll pick up some solo cups tomorrow though lol

Excited to put your tutorial to the test! I may pick your brain
I'll be happy to help if I can.
Snapped this picture about an hour ago. The cutting on the left is a little unhappy today, but I'm confident she'll get over it. The girl on the right looks just fine. Tomorrow I start tilting the solo cups giving them a little fresh air.
Thanks, Penny. And it would all be worthwhile if we see pictures of some rooted clones in the next 2-3 weeks.
Something I failed to mention. One of the reasons I like cloning in the solo cups is that I am able to treat each cutting individually. If I have 5 cuttings and one is lagging behind I don't have to slow the progress of the other four. I can give the slow one more time....under the dome.....with the dome cracked......a few extra days weening it out from under the dome. With a single dome over all the plants you lost that ability.
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