Update time!
Followed by question time!
Eva is alive and well. She got her first watering this morning, just enough to wet the soil around her with a spray bottle.
Nebula, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
Now the QUESTIONS part...
Eva is very stretchy, but, he environment is different than any other plant I've grown, because, she is at 12/12 from seed. I've always run my cfls with the 6500k bulbs. But I've read that a lower spectrum is better from flowering, so, she has 2 5000k bulbs. The cfls are at the same height I've always done for my seedlings. Is her stretch because of the lower bulbs, because she is going straight 12/12, or should I not even worry?
Here is the bud from AB2
Not very pretty, I know. She is super dry and crispy, she was only hanging for a few days in the closet. But no biggie, I've learned something because of it! Here are the AB's jarred together
I have a question about the dryness of the harvest. Bag appeal isn't important, it's for me only. As far as its potency, is it fine like it is now? Should I try to rehydrate it? Do you think I may have lost some potency from it drying too quickly? I'm going to change my drying routine next time, I've learned what not to do this time. One good thing is, I certainly don't have to worry about mold lol. I'll still burb the jar though, just to be sure.
Thoughts, comments?