My plan...
A nickel weighs 5 grams, so, I'm thinking I have maybe 30 grams (+ or - 10g). I don't have a scale, so I'm going on cave-man measurements. Hold herb in one hand, nickels in another, and grunt a few times. I gave my sister a good amount, maybe 4 joints worth.
We are pretty close. We were army brats, so it was always us versus everyone else. She smokes for fun, so I called her back to the bedroom and poured about half of my jar out for her.
The ABs were fun to grow, but they were small and my end product wasnt enough for me to try cco. So, with what I have left, I'm going to make some alcohol tincture. I live in the south, so if course we have everclear in the ABC stores. I'm baking my weed now, 245F for an hour. Then I'll add some decarb weed and some drink to a jar, shake and put in the cupboard. I'll shake whenever I walk through the kitchen over the next week, then strain and then try. I know it isn't as good as tacking for fighting my brain tumor, but I may as well have a little buzz every once in a while and then get serious with Nebula.
So, tonight I cook and watch a movie, and next weekend I'll give it a try!
Wish me luck!