Colesdad Tries Again - LED - GGG Baby Freedom - Ideal420 Soil - 12/12 From Seed

So, a piece of awesome, super duper news, yesterday I completed the process of registering with my state to possess oil. I know that my state's oil-only law is lame and too restrictive, but at least we are taking baby steps.

I had my appointment with my neurologist yesterday. I spoke to him a year ago about cannabis, and he is of the need-more-research mindset. However, he said that he wished there was more research being done and believed there to be no problems with allowing people to use natural remedies, but he, as a doctor, was unwilling to recommend it. But, since the new law was passed this August, he is allowed to say it's okay if a patient wants to try it. The wording of "a doctor to allow" vs "a doctor recommend" was changed in the bill. He cut me off mid question, and said he would write the letter for me. The university hospital he works for is heavily involved in brain tumor (which I have) research, and has since become well versed in the law. Another interesting thing he said was about current trails being done at another University Hospital just down the road. They are using GW's Epidiolex, and he wished that the whole plant could be used because he honestly believes in the entourage effect! He doesn't want to know how I obtain it, but he wants me to give him feedback on what I am doing and what kind of effect it had on my seizures.

I'm a 37 year old man's man. I curse, have tattoos and scratch whatever whenever I please, but, as my wife and I walked down the hallway I was overcome by emotions and got a "little" misty eyed. I think it was because iI have something else to try to for my seizures and have my doctor open minded. The relationship between a patient and doctor is something no politican should be a part of.

Ok, now that that is off my ches, i have a rea, honest question. Is there anyone here from NC that's wants to help me with a project? PM me and I'll send you a better email address to use so we can talk more
Baby Freedom is doing well.
Holy Grail is alive. She is in 420 Soil, straight to soil this time, no rockwool.
Nice man. Keep them under fluorescent lighting only till they're vegging hard (2-3 weeks) then turn your leds on and keep them 18-24" away. I wanna see you complete a good grow.
Nice man. Keep them under fluorescent lighting only till they're vegging hard (2-3 weeks) then turn your leds on and keep them 18-24" away. I wanna see you complete a good grow.

Yeah, that's my plan this time:thumb:
Baby freedom 16 days old. She is small, but she is in straight perlite definitely hasn't reached the resv yet. But she (i say she but it is a regular) is growing. Her second set of leaves look great, they aren't baby leaves, they are starting to shape up (see pic). The fat, older leaves are droopy but there wasn't any water left in the cup, so I filled it. Holy Grail 69 had been above ground 3 days, but just recently popped out of her helmet. I was worried, but she seems to be doing her thing now.
Baby freedom

Holy Grail 69
I watered two days ago with a little bit of nutes for baby freedom. Today, the cup was completely dry and she has a little deficiency. So, she has reached the resv and she is officially hungry! I bet you never thought I would be happy to have a nute issue, huh?
This tells me she is growing underground! I understand things are going to be slow up top when going soiless, but as long as she is growing downstairs, I'm happy. I gave her half strength GH nutes. Holy Grail is happy, so I still haven't watered yet.

Baby Freedom
Watered baby freedom again this morning. Holy Grail 69 fell over, certainly wasn't because she was too wet. I gave her some water, hopefully she bounces back.
Got 3 pieces of news to share!

Dropped two new beans today. I don't want to talk about it.

Having lunch with a grower this week. He has agreed to walk me through my issues and is willing to grow and harvest certain strains for me. He is a medicinal man, like myself.

And the shitty news, my application to posses cannabis oil was denied. I filled my form in as the patient AND the caregiver. She called, saying my application was the only one that listed the same person as both. And since the law is meant to "protect the caregiver", I do not qualify. The law defines the caregiver as "a Caregiver that is at least 18 years of age and a resident of North Carolina who is a parent, legal guardian or custodian of a patient, registered with the Department of Health and Human Services under G.S. 90-112.102."..... So, since I'm an adult, and I am my own caregiver, I cannot register.
But, guess who has two thumbs, has been on TV about medical marijuana, who was called as a witness during a Senate subcommittee, who sat with a senator to draft an amendment to add to Bill 766 that increased the thc limit to 0.9 percent up from 0.3 percent (a compromise) and just left a message on a senator's cell phone? Yup, this guy!

When I told my wife this afternoon about the news, she rolled her eyes. Because she knows I've been waiting for an opportunity to make waves.
Update :

As far as my registration with the state, things seem to be heading the right direction. My senator called me and I am submitting a new application with my wife as my caregiver /custodian. He wanted an application cc'ed to him and to share my contact info with the person at the Department. If it is approved, then 2016 we will introduce an amendment for our current bill allowing a patient to also be a caregiver. If I am again denied, then I will have to break the law. A little part of me wants to be denied again so I can make some noise, but it would be much easier to be registered and be legit and not have to watch my back.

You mean asking a member by that name, or, my post may subject me to being barred from 420mag?

I figured that post would have been deleted by a mod by now
Had an Afghani and a Blue Blood dud. Seeds sank in water, but never broke ground. I dug them up after about 5 days, brown and yucky.
I did have one Afghani sprout. I'm using peat pellets and a humidity dome for seeds, worked really well (for one), I had beautiful white roots after 2 days. I just dropped another BB, fingers crossed.
Here is the Afghani
I'm not going to pretend I know what I'm talking about, any input would be fantastic.

I know that the general concensus is that led grow need more calcium, and my first hydro grow I used Epsom sales to help with magnesium def. I was never able to get anything to help with the calcium specifically, but the salts also seemed to help help with that.

So, I face the calcium mag def using the led.

The Ideal soil has plenty of organic stuff needed during the grow, however, water is needed to make the stuff "come alive", and too much water will kill your plant. So, I'm stuck with a very luscious soil, but not a way to activate it. I've tried straight seed to soil, but I also noticed they died from too much water, or lack of food. Completely watering the soil first, makes it too hot (per Ideal420 soil) for a seedling to survive.
So I went out and bought some garden lime. Why? I'm having a calcium issue, but also a sulfur and potassium issue. I've crushed it up and created a foiler spray. My thinking, until I can water more generously and activate the soil, I can feed the leaves.

I also added some to the pot of dirt that my Blue Blood will go into.

Cross your fingers
This journal is both inspirational and frustrating. I can't imagine how you feel (being a recreational smoker) being denied the ability to provide yourself with something so beneficial to you. Best of luck to you in your journey. Peace

Yes, many ups and downs. As of now, things are looking up, both the grow and the registration!
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