Colesdad Tries Again - LED - GGG Baby Freedom - Ideal420 Soil - 12/12 From Seed

Well, so slowly chugging along. She is 21 days old now, she had been very little attention, thus very little watering. There is still water in the base, but I watered along the side of her to keep the perlite damp. I'm SO curious about her root growth, something must be happening, but with hempy the roots do all the growing first and then once they hit water the magic happens! I believe the yellowing issue was because the light was too intense using the cfl and led.
I was pondering yesterday, and had a thought.... With such intense lighting, I was probably getting light penetration through the perlite into the root area. And roots ain't going to be happy unless it is dark! I also realized I hadn't hooked my timer up since getting back from the lake. I had to borrow it from not-yet-named-marijuana-plant and loan it to Slash, our bearded dragon, so that his lights would go on and off while we were gone.
So far.....
*using cfl only
*keeping resv wet
*now will have 5 hours of darkness
*and, Colesdad is sitting back, chillin and letting her do her thing!
I'm feeling pretty good ( no, not high lol). She is growing, slowly, but surely. I'm guess the roots are halfway down, because she is showing two more sets of leaves. I'm waiting for that explosion of growth once she hits the resv!

Nothing much has changed. I'm watering every other day, right beside her, just enough to keep the roots damp. Humidity is still good, about 45ish. Temps good, never below 70, never above 80.
She is small, yet she is 31 days old. Obviously the roots have yet to reach the resv.
Because of her age, she should be receiving nutes, right? My thinking is that plants have enough "power reserve" in the seed to live and grow for a few weeks. She for sure has drained all of her power reserve, maybe that's why she isn't growing very fast. Should I use a weak dose of nutes now?
I'd say about 150-200 ppm of a general fertilizer. I gave my coco 7 day old 2 drops of GH micro and 1 drop GH Bloom 3 days ago (diluted to 200ppm) and a good soak. Letting her dry out a bit and will run it again. Inert mediums are tough with the little ones. You don't want them to dry out but still want them to work and push roots. Keep hanging in there... It's taking a bit to have her "take" but you're getting closer every day. Good luck CD!
Hello I followed your link here from LA journal. I haven't read back all the way to here but I will tell you unless you have the room and your just curious as to whet will happen with that 30 day old sprout. Throw it away and start again. Below in my sig is the life cycle of Autoflowering Cannabis you'll probably need to read that. But NO MATTER what ypu do that sprout will produce a very very small amount of bud if any.

I'm on day 37 with my current autos go to the top link in sig and read back it may help you
Yes I would give her a feed at this point in time, not much but I'd give her some.
I gave 1/4 strength, the same dosage recommended for seedlings. I'm using gh.

31 day's!!??...U gotta be fokking with us!?? disrespect Bro'...butt...uh,,,sumpin just ain't right!??...all the best...h00k...
Nope, I ain't fokking with you hook. Lol

I'd say about 150-200 ppm of a general fertilizer. I gave my coco 7 day old 2 drops of GH micro and 1 drop GH Bloom 3 days ago (diluted to 200ppm) and a good soak. Letting her dry out a bit and will run it again. Inert mediums are tough with the little ones. You don't want them to dry out but still want them to work and push roots. Keep hanging in there... It's taking a bit to have her "take" but you're getting closer every day. Good luck CD!
I feed her about 15 min ago.

Hello I followed your link here from LA journal. I haven't read back all the way to here but I will tell you unless you have the room and your just curious as to whet will happen with that 30 day old sprout. Throw it away and start again. Below in my sig is the life cycle of Autoflowering Cannabis you'll probably need to read that. But NO MATTER what ypu do that sprout will produce a very very small amount of bud if any.

I'm on day 37 with my current autos go to the top link in sig and read back it may help you
Oh hell no, I am going to grow something, even if it kills me, lol.

Don't you dare scrap her! Start another if you must... Pick up a clone of you have to.... For principal's sake, if no other reason, she lives! Good luck CD!!
She is staying, I'm not giving up on her yet. I wish I could get my hands on a clone, but my state still isn't on board. I've one more bean, a regular Baby Freedom. I'm going to give this auto as much time as she needs, well, a little more time.

Starting tonight, things are going to change. She was just feed, and in a few days, if she still looks good, she will be feed again. I've turned on the led, I wasn't going to do this until she was bigger, but, this grow hasn't really gone as planned.
Pictures, after she was feed tonight.
Hi colesdad! Just dropping in - was without computer! Keep on Keepin' on :high-five:

My feelings were starting to get hurt, I thought you had forgotten about me lol
colesdad you have has one of the toughest times growing that I know of for real I hope this works out for you and don't let it get you down

do you have access to a hydro store? can you get some soil nothing with a ton of nutes in it I use roots organics original soil it works great for me it does have plenty of nutes but every plant I have grown in it likes it just fine and get a fabric pot the are great and cheap they will help keep you from over watering and they air prune the roots also

I know you have a good led light source to grow with I just think its the medium you are using is what is killing it for you and what light schedule are you using right now ?

I swear if you get some proper soil and some fabric pots you with be growing in no time at all just get something like roots organics soil and not strait coco and perlite you need to ph. like hell to get them to grow in that

trust me I have never had to ph. my soil grows ever!

if you need help or have some questions just message me and I will be more then happy to help you day or night

I feel as a fellow grower you can do it if you get the right soil and use the right light schedule and stay away from Rockwool when you use that you have to ph. like hydro to get it to grow right

sorry for the rant I just want to help that's all :ganjamon:

my autos day #29 from sprout and a clone in front

Got me some Medicann Blue Blood on the way, yay! Why spend more money on seeds when you can't keep the ones you've got? Why the Fuck not, lol.

I actually have a good reason, but I'll wait till the fam goes to bed, pop a few tops and elaborate some more tonight.
ok. im using the computer, so im not going to have autocorrect to help my spelling, punctuation and capitalization, so bear with me :cheesygrinsmiley:
I dropped my last baby freedom in a mini hempy, she soaked for a few days, then put in a tiny piece of rockwool I broke off and she broke ground last night. awesome! this was the last seed I had in my home and if she does well, she will be placed into foster care. I have found a person who will grow for me (more on this later), so I am super excited about that! like I mentioned, I ordered some BB seeds because of the positive things I have heard about this strain with regards to nerve/arthritic pain relief. I know that I can find relief for my seizures with marijuana (positive thoughts) but since I am helping someone who still has the OMG-POT-HEAD thinking about weed, I really wanted to see if I could find something special, I hope it does the trick.

colesdad is leaving the game......
I will be giving up my equipment, nutes, baby freedom seedling and my new seeds to a grower. two reason; first, im having a hard time and I need to breathe and collect myself, but more importantly, I do not need marijuana in my house. I have started a club and created a website for the residents of my state. this has been "live" for just less than 60 days. my first round of donation raised $150. I purchased cards, bumper stickers and the seeds from Herbies. just today I found out that I will get about $200 from another half dozen people. so, I need to get busy ordering more stickers and returning some phone calls. my one year goal is to have a group of growers, a group of processors (oils and creams and such) and a group of patients. my household income is from LTD disability and SSDI, and it works out "ok", my wife and I still need to pick up odd jobs, but I consider myself very fortunate to have the lifestyle that I do. I say this because I really don't think I want to "make money" on what im doing, and my wife is in total agreement. both she and I want to take advantage of our free time to help others. my hope is that our club will be self sustaining, so that growers get a "little money for time", processors get a "little money for time", I get a "little money" for gas back and forth to meetings and ink for the printer, and people in need of medicine can afford to pay super-small prices.

tooting my our horn....I, fortunately, live about 20min from my states capital, thus, I have attended all marijuana legislation bill debates this year. I spoke about the benefits of our Senates effort to expand our "oil" law. I was the only citizen at the bills reading in the Health Committee meeting about the pending leg this year, I talked mainly about upping the allowable thc amounts and expanding the approved illnesses. I was recalled about 30min later and fielded question and thc, cbd and the effects on the body. I told them that the only medical training I had was being a brain tumor patient for 7 years and tired of popping 19 pills a day, and still living with seizures. after the meeting, my countys senator asked me to stay and I say with him for about an hour in the chamber. I found the literature and he found the nuerologist, and he presented an admendment on the second reading that increased the allowable thc amount.

I knew I would be investing time into the club, but it is taking about 10 hours a week now, and as we grow, so will the consumption of my free time. I think the main reason I haven't been overwatering this grow is simply because by 8pm I am exhausted. now, I know 8pm may not sound late, but after a day full of Keppra, Lamictal, Vimpat, Celexa and serequel I get a little worn out by then, lol.
so, in conclusion, I will continue this journal until my last seedling finds its new home. not sure if the grower will join 420mag, but if they do, I will let you know so that maybe you can show them the love and support you have given me.

I don't think the admins would like me to promote my site, so, if you would like to see it just send me a pm.

here is the new little baby freedom!!
Jackie isn't going to make it, I'm 99 percent sure. She is still in the tent, only because I haven't had the time to take her out and clean the perlite and bucket blah blah blah.
Baby freedom is doing well so far. She has some stretch, but I expected this because her cfl is not very close and I'm not going to move it any closer for a few days.
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