CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

All 4 of the next round of plants are ready for harvest. These are Hulkberry, Strawberry Lemonade, Green Crack and Ghost Train Haze. Some of these plants have greatly exceeded their expected bloom time, at 10 weeks and two days. They all were affected by the light experiment in their early lives, but not as greatly as the last round was, who lived in the extended days from their first day of bloom.

In this set of plants, one out of the bunch, the Ghost Train Haze, was affected the most. She basically stopped growing 2 weeks ago, but had not ripened yet. I left her in the room for that, and in the meantime several of the buds have dried back and become unharvestable. There are still a few good branches, so I will get a taste of her, and there are clones ready to go again. Next time we will do better with her.

These plants will all be harvested as I can get to them. Lots of things are going on in the grow rooms at the moment and we have come down to crunch time. If I didn't think that I might still be passing this summer cold around, I would call in the cleaning crew to help... this time, I am on my own.

In this first shot, look at the Tangerine Dreams, now at 6 weeks and a day... we are getting close here too! Soon it is going to be time for a room rotation! And notice no signs of spider mite damage! @Sierra Natural Science SNS 217c... good stuff!

No real details other than the following... I am trim jail all by myself tonight, but have 2 more plants harvested and roughly trimmed. Ghost Train Haze gave us 396 grams and Green Crack ended up with 456 grams. Projecting forward, I estimate 3.14 oz dry and 3.62 oz dry, respectively. Strawberry Lemonade and Hulkberry will be tomorrow night. So far, no one has beat the 689g the Auto produced in the other room.
No real details other than the following... I am trim jail all by myself tonight, but have 2 more plants harvested and roughly trimmed. Ghost Train Haze gave us 396 grams and Green Crack ended up with 456 grams. Projecting forward, I estimate 3.14 oz dry and 3.62 oz dry, respectively. Strawberry Lemonade and Hulkberry will be tomorrow night. So far, no one has beat the 689g the Auto produced in the other room.
That's a sentence to vie for :love:! Have good breaks Em!
If I may, I’d like to request a smoke report on that there Hulkberry a little ways down the road.
…your grows always look awesome.
Thank you! I took last night off and simply chilaxed after a very busy last week or so. My cleaning crew has stepped up and have volunteered to help tonight, so we will harvest Strawberry Lemonade and Hulkberry this evening. Hulkberry is a hulk of a plant, and may have the best weight of all of them... I will let you know. :ciao:
No real details other than the following... I am trim jail all by myself tonight, but have 2 more plants harvested and roughly trimmed. Ghost Train Haze gave us 396 grams and Green Crack ended up with 456 grams. Projecting forward, I estimate 3.14 oz dry and 3.62 oz dry, respectively. Strawberry Lemonade and Hulkberry will be tomorrow night. So far, no one has beat the 689g the Auto produced in the other room.

Good morning, Emilya.

Congrats on the harvests! Why do you post your initial weights in grams but your projected weights in ounces? I always have to convert when people do this as I always want to know the grams.
Knowing the world goes otherwise I've kind of wanted to make the move but as many times as I've heard "this is the year", it never happened. This goes back to buying alcohol too. My dad would have a "fifth" delivered with his beer order. It took until just about yesterday to understand the "fifth" is a liter. That was back when mammals flew.
That's the real answer. We Americans can't usually visualize what 85 grams is... but when you say 3 oz, I know exactly what you mean/

I just found out this week that your American ounces are different from the metric ounces. Who knew? Not me. I can visualize 3 fluid oz. because I cook but by weight, I wouldn't have a clue.
I just found out this week that your American ounces are different from the metric ounces. Who knew? Not me. I can visualize 3 fluid oz. because I cook but by weight, I wouldn't have a clue.
This is why you see me not worrying about accuracy in a lot of cases. As long as I am close, I don't think it matters much whether I have a little more or less, because of the measurement system where I live. If it mattered a lot, I think at least once I would have read a warning somewhere stating, "Make sure you are not using the American system." I think in the end, the dosages we give with a lot of things is just a wild guess at best.

Several things are happening here, but a lot of it is without pictures. Please bear with me as we get things a little more back to normal around here.

First, I am totally over my cold/flu... whatever it was. It really slowed me down for a week, and a critical week at that! We have harvested 5 varieties of product in the last 2 weeks. Most of it is still drying, some needs to be tested and others need a smoke report. As I catch up a little more each day, these things will all be done.

There is a lot of talk these days about SIP containers, and we have been seeing some impressive results from using that method. As an official reviewer, I feel it is my duty to see how @GeoFlora Nutrients does with this system, and I have the perfect grow to start it on now sitting in Veg Room #2. I got everything I needed today except for 5 gallon buckets in order to make the SIP containers, so that project has been put on hold for one more day.

Tonight I continue to process the latest harvests. At least one or two of the batches need to be trimmed off of the branch and moved to paper sacks. The rest is still drying in this high humidity end of summer heat, and getting a good slow dry.

The harvests this time were disappointing. The buds look nice, but the excessive heat did take a toll on the final yield, and nothing got even close to doing what the XXL Auto did in the other room and a different environment entirely. I got 2oz here, 3 and 4 there, but nothing worthy of my 5gal containers and all that work. Live and learn. I may actually have to consider a dehumidifier and/or air conditioner up there, or maybe not growing during the excessive heat of the summer. Future decisions will depend a lot on what happens to American electricity costs over the next 6 months or so.

Here are a couple of bud shots from our Tangerine Dream/AK47 group. Being F1's it is common to see multiple phenotypes in the same room, and part of the excitement of creating your own hybrid seeds. This first pheno will finish first and actually could be pulled at any time. I am being very patient and have been waiting for drying space to open up. She will likely be harvested in the next few days, with her sisters being a week or two behind her.


The plan is to clear these 3 plants out and temporarily have an empty bloom room. Bleach and soap will be used to clean the floor and walls and everything will be wiped down and sprayed. I want any traces of the spider mites to be gone before we start the next round.
Tonight I built 3 SIP containers using 5 gallon buckets, some garden drainage pipe and a chunk of PVC. The first step was to prepare the expandable perforated pipe to fit in the bottom of the bucket. This took a wild guess, some squinting and shoving until I got two pieces cut for each bucket, that for the most part covered the bottom except for a wick hole in the center and on each end.


So as to keep the pipes soil free, using plant wire I attached a piece of 6ml plastic to cover each end, and then trimmed the excess plastic. Six of these were prepared as the reservoir in the bottom of the buckets.


A hole was cut for the fill pipe and it was put into place.


New FFOF was added and packed hard in the center and end spots. It was filled to about 2 inches above the tops of the pipes.


A light was lowered down into the bucket so that the soil level could easily be seen. A 3/8 inch hole was drilled 1 inch below the top of the soil so as to set the air gap.


Last, a piece of plant barrier fabric was cut to sit on top of this reservoir area, with a hole cut for the fill pipe.


New FFOF was used to backfill the plants being moved from their 3 gallon containers. Great care was taken to pack down the soil all around the sides and around the fill pipe as the plants were set in.

This first time, the plants were watered from the top and Geoflora VEG was applied. They took a surprising amount of water to both saturate the soil in the top section and push it solidly down onto the bottom layer on the other side of the plant barrier fabric, and then for the water to fill the rez area and finally start to leak out of the overflow hole. This should have primed the pump, and now they will be bottom watered until the next feeding time in 2 weeks.

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