CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Heyy azi in a 5 gal how much does it take to fill a rez with that 3 or 4 inch space in the bottom ??
That's a better question for @Buds Buddy as I flower in 2 gal, or @Emilya Green once she finalizes her set-up. It depends on how big the plant is and what you use to define the reservoir and how much volume that establishes vs what the wicking material takes up.

Buds is using the commercial version and Em is using drainage pipe. They are probably pretty close in volume though, but I would be curious as well. I think Buds said he was using 20 oz a day for his big girl that threw off more than a pound at harvest.
That's a better question for @Buds Buddy as I flower in 2 gal, or @Emilya Green once she finalizes her set-up. It depends on how big the plant is and what you use to define the reservoir and how much volume that establishes vs what the wicking material takes up.

Buds is using the commercial version and Em is using drainage pipe. They are probably pretty close in volume though, but I would be curious as well. I think Buds said he was using 20 oz a day for his big girl that threw off more than a pound at harvest.
Not 20 oz. It takes 7 - 20 oz. cups to fill the res. I fill it once a day in Veg. That big girl I had to fill it twice per day so she was going through 280 oz. per day for a good 4 weeks. A little over 2 gallons per day. She could drink me under the table... lol!
Not 20 oz. It takes 7 - 20 oz. cups to fill the res. I fill it once a day in Veg. That big girl I had to fill it twice per day so she was going through 280 oz. per day for a good 4 weeks. A little over 2 gallons per day. She could drink me under the table... lol!
Ah, that makes more sense. Only 20 oz per day for a plant that big would have been some kind of water! :laughtwo:
That's a better question for @Buds Buddy as I flower in 2 gal, or @Emilya Green once she finalizes her set-up. It depends on how big the plant is and what you use to define the reservoir and how much volume that establishes vs what the wicking material takes up.

Buds is using the commercial version and Em is using drainage pipe. They are probably pretty close in volume though, but I would be curious as well. I think Buds said he was using 20 oz a day for his big girl that threw off more than a pound at harvest.
Well al be looking at going with 2 plants in my 2x4 tent probs with 2 5 gal or 4 gal buckets using soil a good layer of perlite at the bottom of that soil, any suggestions with this setup?
Well al be looking at going with 2 plants in my 2x4 tent probs with 2 5 gal or 4 gal buckets using soil a good layer of perlite at the bottom of that soil, any suggestions with this setup?
And in a SIP structure or no? Two plants should work great in that space depending on how long you plan to veg and whether or not you plan to train them. Quadlining is a really effective approach and you'll find a link in my sig.

Start a journal when you do and tag us so we can follow you over.
And in a SIP structure or no? Two plants should work great in that space depending on how long you plan to veg and whether or not you plan to train them. Quadlining is a really effective approach and you'll find a link in my sig.

Start a journal when you do and tag us so we can follow you over.
Hope your doing good azi, and yes a sip setup either the 2 bucket setup with a cup inserted with holes in it with drain hole or 1 bucket with false floor. Possibly 4 week veg then flowering. Just wondered what medium and nutes to use.
I think you'd be better off going with the design I shared in Buds' thread with the upside down food storage bowl-type container. That's the one that worked best for me in my experiments and I'm building a few of them later today.

Normal soil mix and nutes. Em is using Geoflora nutes with an organic mix I believe but she can better describe that part of her grow.
I think you'd be better off going with the design I shared in Buds' thread with the upside down food storage bowl-type container. That's the one that worked best for me in my experiments and I'm building a few of them later today.

Normal soil mix and nutes. Em is using Geoflora nutes with an organic mix I believe but she can better describe that part of her grow.
Ye sounds good mate al have to double check which 1 that is again ive been looking at a few it gets confusing lol. Nice one
Dog, thanks.
Only, he says no manures.
Does that include wc?

>> "No animal manure, organic nutrients are ok"
No castings are ok (but not other manures, unless amounts are 1 cup or less per 5 gal pail to avoid any leaching that will trash your reservoir) but, with or without the castings or composts, you need to add aeration. I really recommend a 30-40 percent by volume aeration product in the mix like perlite or lava stone/pumice with all SIPs, but its critical if any compost, castings - biomatter - or you're using super soils or org soil generally. These soils and org amendments hang on to moisture so well that you'll have an over-wet SIP most of the time that's not pulling water through the matrix fast enough to accel growth. Plant will sort of stall out, growth slow down, and root rot chances will go way up. Now, we're talking SIPs that are over, say, three gallons. Teeny SIPs are different as there are usually more exposed surface area as a percentage of total volume, permitting air drying from the top to influence the full system more strongly.

These things are what I've figured out so far from research, experiments and growing in SIPs, but I'm not a hydrologist, botanist or engineer.
No castings are ok (but not other manures, unless amounts are 1 cup or less per 5 gal pail to avoid any leaching that will trash your reservoir) but, with or without the castings or composts, you need to add aeration. I really recommend a 30-40 percent by volume aeration product in the mix like perlite or lava stone/pumice with all SIPs, but its critical if any compost, castings - biomatter - or you're using super soils or org soil generally. These soils and org amendments hang on to moisture so well that you'll have an over-wet SIP most of the time that's not pulling water through the matrix fast enough to accel growth. Plant will sort of stall out, growth slow down, and root rot chances will go way up. Now, we're talking SIPs that are over, say, three gallons. Teeny SIPs are different as there are usually more exposed surface area as a percentage of total volume, permitting air drying from the top to influence the full system more strongly.

These things are what I've figured out so far from research, experiments and growing in SIPs, but I'm not a hydrologist, botanist or engineer.
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

You go, dog!
Thank you!
Do you pre-treat your lava / zeolite stones with urine, or is that only bio-char?
(And what is the difference between zeolite, perlite, and biochar in practice?)
The SIP containers seem to be working. I was able to add 2 solo cups to the rez in each of the 3 buckets after 1 day of operation with the new drainage hole at the 3" level.


The next phase of changing over to SIP will involve these 6 clones. They are in 1g containers at the moment, and the plan is to move them to a SIP system in totes, 2 plants per tote. Parts and tools to make this happen will be assembled this week. The eventual goal of all of this will be to automate the watering process, and of course to grow bigger and more healthy plants.


Here is the last of what is going on in the Bloom room. The first pheno of these F1 Tangerine Dream x AK47 finished up already and is now hanging in the drying room. As you can see, I have two more phenos here, one almost done and the other needing another week or two. I like this aspect of growing with created seeds in that it opens up the genetics to anything in their line to be expressed in those plants.


I had stopped feeding these plants as they approached their end date, but this last long running pheno is looking very hungry. I am going to give her some more GeoFlora today just to get her to the end.
I forgot I had two SIP containers going this summer for flowers. For giggles, here's one with a happy ending. It was completely covered in petunia flowers for the longest time! People were stunned at their beauty back then. I mean covered! It's a good system! 8" X 8" X 36" approx. About 2" free space below.
Hi Everyone!
Welcome to my new project!

This year’s big cultivating project around here is going to be covered in this journal. As the title suggests, this work is going to concentrate on detailing a 4 month revolving perpetual grow. This is not going to be a perpetual journal designed to draw in followers or win contests, this journal will document the details of running a perpetual revolving garden, described by some as a Perpetual Harvest, and this journal will conclude early next year.

Just what is a perpetual harvest? Simply put, as plants work their way through the system, some will be harvested each month, and new ones to replace them will be planted each month. It is all about timing and there are four stages of this garden, early veg (seedlings and clones), late veg, bloom and harvest. Each month the plants will be rotated through these stages, adjusting as necessary to any troubles that might occur and for slightly longer running plants. From first to last, flexibility is the name of the game here.

Here on the back of an envelope, is a visual of what we will be doing with the various stages:

I just noticed that in the first stages of your plan shows above that you plant them in Solos and then uppot them to 3 gallon (11L) pots. Is that accurate? Most growers seem to uppot to 1 gallon containers first and then 3s, 5s, etc.

Tonight I built 3 SIP containers using 5 gallon buckets, some garden drainage pipe and a chunk of PVC. The first step was to prepare the expandable perforated pipe to fit in the bottom of the bucket. This took a wild guess, some squinting and shoving until I got two pieces cut for each bucket, that for the most part covered the bottom except for a wick hole in the center and on each end.

SIP containers seems to be a thing right now as Azi sent me something about them as well. Are they essentially in self-watering pots? We have 4 of the ones shown below but without the trellis but I was under the impression that it would be harder to know how much water your plants are taking in with them. Why do you think they're a good idea, Emilya?

Self Watering Planter w-Trellis.jpeg
I just noticed that in the first stages of your plan shows above that you plant them in Solos and then uppot them to 3 gallon (11L) pots. Is that accurate? Most growers seem to uppot to 1 gallon containers first and then 3s, 5s, etc.

SIP containers seems to be a thing right now as Azi sent me something about them as well. Are they essentially in self-watering pots? We have 4 of the ones shown below but without the trellis but I was under the impression that it would be harder to know how much water your plants are taking in with them. Why do you think they're a good idea, Emilya?

Self Watering Planter w-Trellis.jpeg
Plans change. I think I have only gone from solo to 3 gallon a couple of times, and I didn't like the result. I almost always go from solo to 1 gallon, and from there usually to 3 or occasionally a 5 depending on what I am doing.

SIP does seem to be a thing all of a sudden, but research showed me that this idea had been around for a while, but just not used very often in cannabis growing. I saw some of the huge plants that @Buds Buddy was growing with this method, and then saw nothing but good reports from anyone who tried it, mostly in vegetable gardens. For those kinds of results, it is worth trying.

It is essentially watering from the bottom, but not simply a wick system where the water is drawn up by capillary action, SIP adds what they call an air gap, that always provides oxygen to the lower roots. This is the game changer that seems to make this method superior to top watering. I am going to give it a good go, and try to see if I can automate watering using this reservoir based method as a side benefit.
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