Hi Emilya, I'm going to try underlining my questions in everything I post now, site-wide, to make things easier for people willing to help me out. Would you personally find that helpful and do you believe others will also?
I wanted to ask you to note any exceptional rh changes, or problems managing rh, as compared to your traditional container gardening, here on the thread. I don't have any experiences to share or fixes, per se, I'm merely interested in any comparative changes, and thought you'd be someone with a good perspective on this.
Will you be doing regular recharges of your micro-flora/fauna? (are myc flora? hmmm)
I have Microbe Monday at my house and we really tie one on. I DIY culture bacteria and mycorrihzals from commercial sources so that I'm always inputting living hyphae and bugs, as opposed to spores, reducing time to impact and increasing overall impact. It also has shown a considerable cost reduction. By only using the store-bought mycs or bennies as seed I make an expensive product stretch farther by orders of magnitude while increasing effectiveness. It requires only a basic amount of equipment and anyone can do it. I've been working on a tek to share.
I do a veg mix that includes nitrogen-fixing bacteria, a bloom mix that includes phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, and a straight endomycorrhizal mix. I apply these primarily with a top watering, but because each plant only receives 500ml it doesn't reach the reservoir. The mycs are used during transplants but because I have so much and it's in living hyphae form, I mix some in with my 500ml root drenches, then cover the soil.
Also, do you have any idea what is the colour temp of your Nextlight, w/o added reds?
Do you still use your DIY COBs? I thought you did a nice job there.
Best regards