CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Hi @macaroniNchief, I'm Jon, an @Emilya - devotee. FYI - check out the Phototone app for your phone. It's way accurate and measures both par (ppfd) or LUX, whichever you choose. And it's FREE. The only cost is to unlock the full spectrum, red/blue, or whatever kind of lights you use, and that's only $5 a pop. So for $5 I can accurately measure however I wish. Might be a good alternative for you?
Yes, I will definitely check that app out! I'm using an ROI-e680s which I believe would be a full spectrum light but I'm not sure on that. Definitely gonna give the app a go! Right now I'm just using a $12 LUX meter off Amazon. I'm not even sure what spectrum its calibrated for.
Yes, I will definitely check that app out! I'm using an ROI-e680s which I believe would be a full spectrum light but I'm not sure on that. Definitely gonna give the app a go! Right now I'm just using a $12 LUX meter off Amazon. I'm not even sure what spectrum its calibrated for.
I know the light. Yes, that would be full spectrum on the app. Red/Blue is for blurples or lights with extreme red/blue peaks, like my big tent light. The entire ROI series would be full spectrum. They have settings for HPS and such as well. It's a real good app, a lot of folks use it. Free is the best part.
Veg Room #1
The plants today are at day 21 and will be moved to veg room #2 in 10 days to finish out their veg under the bigger light. In 3 weeks I plan on uppotting the plants again, to their final 5 gallon containers. Today they got uppotted to 1 gallon containers and fed their next round of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG at day 16 of the feeding cycle. They went 5 days between watering this time, and could have gone longer. After a good soaking to runoff in order to merge the soil regions, they should go 4 or 5 days this time before needing water again.

Bloom Room
The Bushmans continue to amaze me and I definitely could justify harvesting them in just 3 more days. Today I took pictures of the areas on the plants where there are still white pistils, trying to convince myself that they still need a little extra time. They are at day 42 right now. The Bushmans did not get fed 2 days ago when the Amnesia got another round of @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM. The trichomes continue to mature but at the very top of the top calyxes, I still do not see amber.

Veg Room #1
The plants today are at day 21 and will be moved to veg room #2 in 10 days to finish out their veg under the bigger light. In 3 weeks I plan on uppotting the plants again, to their final 5 gallon containers. Today they got uppotted to 1 gallon containers and fed their next round of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG at day 16 of the feeding cycle. They went 5 days between watering this time, and could have gone longer. After a good soaking to runoff in order to merge the soil regions, they should go 4 or 5 days this time before needing water again.

Bloom Room
The Bushmans continue to amaze me and I definitely could justify harvesting them in just 3 more days. Today I took pictures of the areas on the plants where there are still white pistils, trying to convince myself that they still need a little extra time. They are at day 42 right now. The Bushmans did not get fed 2 days ago when the Amnesia got another round of @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM. The trichomes continue to mature but at the very top of the top calyxes, I still do not see amber.

Betcha you could justify it if you tried hard enough, lol! It appears to my eye that they will need a few more than three days, completely agree. Those white hairs are consistent enough that they're not just rogue, you're still fattening up. Imho. 5 days to a week maybe? The leaves make it deceptive in the pics a bit.
Betcha you could justify it if you tried hard enough, lol! It appears to my eye that they will need a few more than three days, completely agree. Those white hairs are consistent enough that they're not just rogue, you're still fattening up. Imho. 5 days to a week maybe? The leaves make it deceptive in the pics a bit.
You are exactly right... there are enough of them that I am not yet convinced that these plants are done... they are still trying to get pollinated! Patience above all else, that is the key to this thing. So far they are still sucking up water and going strong. I have seen several strains over the years that were sold as quick finishers, at 7 weeks. That sounds more plausible after taking a good close look at these plants. We shall see.
My amnesia takes 70 days to finish for flower :(. Where did you get yours?

Mine is C99xjack herer cross from OKseeds is where I got mine. I’m drooling over mine but I’m only at week 5 or 32 days of flower. Half way there!!

I’m also growing amnesia HAZE. Which is completely different being Hawaiian, Thai, and Jamaican Sativa lolol.
Veg Room #1
The plants today are at day 21 and will be moved to veg room #2 in 10 days to finish out their veg under the bigger light. In 3 weeks I plan on uppotting the plants again, to their final 5 gallon containers. Today they got uppotted to 1 gallon containers and fed their next round of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG at day 16 of the feeding cycle. They went 5 days between watering this time, and could have gone longer. After a good soaking to runoff in order to merge the soil regions, they should go 4 or 5 days this time before needing water again.

I thought you always advocated only uppotting when the plant uses all the water in one day. 5 days seems longer than what I thought you've always said. :hmmmm:
I thought you always advocated only uppotting when the plant uses all the water in one day. 5 days seems longer than what I thought you've always said. :hmmmm:
Lol! Ah, but the rotation must stay intact or it throws the whole thing off. If she was any good she'd have it down to two or three days by now, but you know, rookies.....

I thought you always advocated only uppotting when the plant uses all the water in one day. 5 days seems longer than what I thought you've always said. :hmmmm:
The wet/dry cycle is about 3 days right now. There is a point about now where the plants seem to stall out for one water cycle as the roots start to wrap around the outside edge. Get it passed this and within a couple of waterings they'll start draining the cups rapidly. We are early this time to stay with the 4 stage timing, but not so early as to not form most of the start of a rootball. I may have given up a bit of yield at the gaining of some time.
My amnesia takes 70 days to finish for flower :(. Where did you get yours?

Mine is C99xjack herer cross from OKseeds is where I got mine. I’m drooling over mine but I’m only at week 5 or 32 days of flower. Half way there!!

I’m also growing amnesia HAZE. Which is completely different being Hawaiian, Thai, and Jamaican Sativa lolol.
This Bloom room has been sponsored by @CannaPot Seeds. These are Amnesia F2 seeds.
Veg Room #1

It seems that the plants all liked being uppotted so gently because there has been a huge change since yesterday and the exact opposite of stunting has been seen. Instead of all slunked down and looking overwatered like they did yesterday when I closed the grow room door and went downstairs, they are now standing up and praying toward the @Mars Hydro SP-3000 and obviously liking very much the good fresh soil, @DYNOMYCO and the new larger feeding of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG that they got yesterday with the uppotting. I see signs that bugs have tried to invade, but they didn't get far before meeting my preventatives. I am determined not to let them take hold ever again in early veg. So far, I am winning.

We are now at day 22 with these plants and it looks certain that they are all going to get their 5th node chopped this next week. They are big girls for their age, just look at those trunks!


Bloom Room

Every day gets us closer to harvest. It seems that there are fewer white pistils to be found each day, but this could also be wishful thinking. The buds are still building and we are patiently waiting for them to finish. Today was watering day for the bloom room, having gone 3 days since their last. The plants are at day 43 now and the Amnesias are in their 3rd day of the @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM feeding cycle and the Bushmans should not need to be fed again. The Bushmans still seem to be looking at less than a week before finishing out and the Amnesia still have at least 2 weeks to go.

Mostly for @Jon, the Sweet Candy experiment has been continuing and as far as I can tell, the plants are loving it. Nutrient wise, it is sort of like giving Terpinator at the end, but I think it brings much more to the table in the way of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids and it seems to be helping the plants achieve a spectacular finish despite all the trouble they have had in their 222 day life so far. Just so you don't have to figure it out, that is 7 months, 1 week and 3 days since I planted these on my birthday last year.

I snapped a picture right before the big @NextLight MEGA shut off for the evening. You can see in the top of the frame that the Deep and Far Red light strip is on, and it had been on for 20 minutes prior to the end of the light period. The next picture was snapped just after the MEGA went off, basking the room in powerful far red light.

Veg Room #1

It seems that the plants all liked being uppotted so gently because there has been a huge change since yesterday and the exact opposite of stunting has been seen. Instead of all slunked down and looking overwatered like they did yesterday when I closed the grow room door and went downstairs, they are now standing up and praying toward the @Mars Hydro SP-3000 and obviously liking very much the good fresh soil, @DYNOMYCO and the new larger feeding of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG that they got yesterday with the uppotting. I see signs that bugs have tried to invade, but they didn't get far before meeting my preventatives. I am determined not to let them take hold ever again in early veg. So far, I am winning.

We are now at day 22 with these plants and it looks certain that they are all going to get their 5th node chopped this next week. They are big girls for their age, just look at those trunks!


Bloom Room

Every day gets us closer to harvest. It seems that there are fewer white pistils to be found each day, but this could also be wishful thinking. The buds are still building and we are patiently waiting for them to finish. Today was watering day for the bloom room, having gone 3 days since their last. The plants are at day 43 now and the Amnesias are in their 3rd day of the @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM feeding cycle and the Bushmans should not need to be fed again. The Bushmans still seem to be looking at less than a week before finishing out and the Amnesia still have at least 2 weeks to go.

Mostly for @Jon, the Sweet Candy experiment has been continuing and as far as I can tell, the plants are loving it. Nutrient wise, it is sort of like giving Terpinator at the end, but I think it brings much more to the table in the way of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids and it seems to be helping the plants achieve a spectacular finish despite all the trouble they have had in their 222 day life so far. Just so you don't have to figure it out, that is 7 months, 1 week and 3 days since I planted these on my birthday last year.

I snapped a picture right before the big @NextLight MEGA shut off for the evening. You can see in the top of the frame that the Deep and Far Red light strip is on, and it had been on for 20 minutes prior to the end of the light period. The next picture was snapped just after the MEGA went off, basking the room in powerful far red light.

Great update, thanks for the update on the Sweet Candy. I'm starting to wonder if the far red treatment you're giving the bloom room may also be positively affecting the mass of the buds. These guys look heavy and dense, and from where they were to now is truly amazing. I wonder.....Might increased trichome development go hand in hand with increased mass? I guess I don't see any logical reason why there would be a connection, just that there's so much we don't know....The early veg girls look super solid. What a difference from that uppotting! I didn't expect this much of a turnaround so quickly, that must have made you smile. And yes, they have nice gams those little chickadees. Great green too. I like the consistency of them.
Btw - thinking about the way you up potted, a bit earlier than you like. Same here, I got that. But you also report a way positive result. When I uppotted the Mystery plant last night, although the roots were all the way out and the root ball held together no problem, it had maybe a 1/4 to a 1/2 inch of straight soil on the outside, with just enough roots in it to keep it together for the up potting. In other words, about as early in comparison as yours were. And it's as if the plant didn't even know it got up potted. Granted a bit hard to tell on that mess of a plant, but even the little wispy three leaved branches are praying to the sky all day today. Literally like it never happened.

So here's a thought: when we wait until we are "supposed to" up pot, the Dixie (or whatever) root ball always looks the same - roots top to bottom all around, and a small mass of them at the bottom, maybe a half inch deep, right? They look like the roots are all smashed into the shape of a Dixie cup. That's the look we show pictures of and the look we supposedly "want." Okay fine. But what if the plant likes it better a little sooner? What if the massed up roots all shaped and smashed like the Dixie cup shape take longer to "let themselves out into the new mix" and get acclimated, then it does for a plant with a "spare unused dirt ring" around the root ball to do the same? Maybe in that case the roots going into the new medium are just as they were, so there's no slowdown in the least and they immediately begin to benefit from the new digs? Maybe by transplanting it a little earlier it's actually an advantage because there's no time the plant has to "unfurl" from the roots all in the shape of the Dixie and into the new?
Great update, thanks for the update on the Sweet Candy. I'm starting to wonder if the far red treatment you're giving the bloom room may also be positively affecting the mass of the buds. These guys look heavy and dense, and from where they were to now is truly amazing. I wonder.....Might increased trichome development go hand in hand with increased mass? I guess I don't see any logical reason why there would be a connection, just that there's so much we don't know....The early veg girls look super solid. What a difference from that uppotting! I didn't expect this much of a turnaround so quickly, that must have made you smile. And yes, they have nice gams those little chickadees. Great green too. I like the consistency of them.
Thank you Jon, and yes, I am quite proud of what is happening in the veg room right now. So far every start in this old house has been able to draw in bugs of all kinds and I am sick of it. This last grow got away from me when I got Omicron and it never looked great again, until now. The bugs have my attention, and I am going after them with a vengeance. The girls in veg are now able to enjoy the good soil and the layered builds of my containers the way things used to be in my basement grows at the other place without all of these attic bugs.
I should bookmark this spot as journal proof that gentle uppotting can be done, and the tremendous growth spurt that can result from it. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see the plants all achieve a 3-4 day wet/dry cycle even in this new container, and I am going to have to look into this a bit more. Maybe after preaching for so long to go to a 36 hour wet/dry cycle before transplanting, maybe at 3 days and just as the roots start wrapping around the outside is also another good place to uppot. So many experiments we need to do so we can learn just how this plant works best.

You also have noticed the consistency, not only in color, but in internodal spacing. It really makes a huge difference in the vertical response of the plants in how much light they are getting. I have been steadily increasing the LUX readings at the top of these plants as they get more leaves and can handle more light. At the moment I have them at 32k LUX and am just about half scale on the SP-3000. The next room is where they will get some really strong light, when I put them under the @NextLight 420h. It seems that if you keep increasing the amount of light they are getting, so that they don't feel a need to stretch, they stay short. I think being consistent in this increasing also helps when it comes to stretch, and that along with the red lights and the MEGA, they also tend to not stretch much in bloom. This working with the light has allowed me to easily handle my short 6'6" ceiling height in the attic.

Regarding the trichomes, yes it certainly increases as the mass of the buds increase. They key here again is light as far as I can tell... the stronger the light and the closer I can get it to the buds, the better trichome development. The MEGA is good at NOT burning the buds. I have to be very careful with my homebrew COB light with its Angelina reflectors... I can lay a beam of photons on the plants from that rig that I have literally bleached out and killed the top buds right under it. Right up to the point where it went sideways on me, the trichome development on those buds was spectacular. :rofl:
Thank you Jon, and yes, I am quite proud of what is happening in the veg room right now. So far every start in this old house has been able to draw in bugs of all kinds and I am sick of it. This last grow got away from me when I got Omicron and it never looked great again, until now. The bugs have my attention, and I am going after them with a vengeance. The girls in veg are now able to enjoy the good soil and the layered builds of my containers the way things used to be in my basement grows at the other place without all of these attic bugs.
I should bookmark this spot as journal proof that gentle uppotting can be done, and the tremendous growth spurt that can result from it. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see the plants all achieve a 3-4 day wet/dry cycle even in this new container, and I am going to have to look into this a bit more. Maybe after preaching for so long to go to a 36 hour wet/dry cycle before transplanting, maybe at 3 days and just as the roots start wrapping around the outside is also another good place to uppot. So many experiments we need to do so we can learn just how this plant works best.

You also have noticed the consistency, not only in color, but in internodal spacing. It really makes a huge difference in the vertical response of the plants in how much light they are getting. I have been steadily increasing the LUX readings at the top of these plants as they get more leaves and can handle more light. At the moment I have them at 32k LUX and am just about half scale on the SP-3000. The next room is where they will get some really strong light, when I put them under the @NextLight 420h. It seems that if you keep increasing the amount of light they are getting, so that they don't feel a need to stretch, they stay short. I think being consistent in this increasing also helps when it comes to stretch, and that along with the red lights and the MEGA, they also tend to not stretch much in bloom. This working with the light has allowed me to easily handle my short 6'6" ceiling height in the attic.

Regarding the trichomes, yes it certainly increases as the mass of the buds increase. They key here again is light as far as I can tell... the stronger the light and the closer I can get it to the buds, the better trichome development. The MEGA is good at NOT burning the buds. I have to be very careful with my homebrew COB light with its Angelina reflectors... I can lay a beam of photons on the plants from that rig that I have literally bleached out and killed the top buds right under it. Right up to the point where it went sideways on me, the trichome development on those buds was spectacular. :rofl:
Thanks for the detailed response. You just stated my light philosophy better than I ever could. At the end of the day, we can control a lot more of what the plants do with varying light intensity than maybe we realize. I have also seen what you say about light and stretch here. It's the other half of why I believe my 50 top plants don't stretch as much besides the diluting the energy part. And here's a bit more anecdotal evidence: my coco plants. They were outside in the natural sun for all of veg and the very beginning of the stretch. They were stretching....sort of. Nothing spectacular. Then they hit the tent and went completely nuts. No matter how high I could put my LED, it wasn't competing with the sun. So I believe they went nuts when they hit the tent because they were stretching to try and get what I had just taken from them.

Yeah the lenses on those COBs, some of them, I I shied away from them when I was researching lights for exactly that reason. I prefer the bar style LEDs, although the 420h and your MEGA are kind of making me reassess that.
Btw - thinking about the way you up potted, a bit earlier than you like. Same here, I got that. But you also report a way positive result. When I uppotted the Mystery plant last night, although the roots were all the way out and the root ball held together no problem, it had maybe a 1/4 to a 1/2 inch of straight soil on the outside, with just enough roots in it to keep it together for the up potting. In other words, about as early in comparison as yours were. And it's as if the plant didn't even know it got up potted. Granted a bit hard to tell on that mess of a plant, but even the little wispy three leaved branches are praying to the sky all day today. Literally like it never happened.

So here's a thought: when we wait until we are "supposed to" up pot, the Dixie (or whatever) root ball always looks the same - roots top to bottom all around, and a small mass of them at the bottom, maybe a half inch deep, right? They look like the roots are all smashed into the shape of a Dixie cup. That's the look we show pictures of and the look we supposedly "want." Okay fine. But what if the plant likes it better a little sooner? What if the massed up roots all shaped and smashed like the Dixie cup shape take longer to "let themselves out into the new mix" and get acclimated, then it does for a plant with a "spare unused dirt ring" around the root ball to do the same? Maybe in that case the roots going into the new medium are just as they were, so there's no slowdown in the least and they immediately begin to benefit from the new digs? Maybe by transplanting it a little earlier it's actually an advantage because there's no time the plant has to "unfurl" from the roots all in the shape of the Dixie and into the new?
Yes, I believe we may be on to something here. There is no doubt someone out there who has been making fun of me all along as I preach about the 36 hour rule, who knew all along that I was waiting too long, and actually, seeing that consistent pause about now in the solo cups before they got going again, I should have realized that I was wasting a day or two of good growth by forcing that hard rootball. Hmmm. I also can see the faintest bit of complaint on the lower fans at this point, like they do when rootbound, but I have always ignored it, striving for that artificial goal of 36 hours to drain the cup. Despite what I preach, there I go, thinking for the plant. This however is why I journal, so that we can document these things and continue moving this cultivation art forward. If everyone realized how often I end up contradicting something I preached in the past... all of my mystique would evaporate. Egads, Diva no more... what a world, what a world. :rofl:
Yes, I believe we may be on to something here. There is no doubt someone out there who has been making fun of my all along as I preach about the 36 hour rule, who knew all along that I was waiting too long, and actually, seeing that consistent pause about now in the solo cups before they got going again, I should have realized that I was wasting a day or two of good growth by forcing that hard rootball. Hmmm. I also can see the faintest bit of complaint on the lower fans at this point, like they do when rootbound, but I have always ignored it, striving for that artificial goal of 36 hours to drain the cup. Despite what I preach, there I go, thinking for the plant. This however is why I journal, so that we can document these things and continue moving this cultivation art forward. If everyone realized how often I end up contradicting something I preached in the past... all of my mystique would evaporate. Egads, Diva no more... what a world, what a world. :rofl:
Well, if that's the case, you're going to have a whole lot of people who water and up pot according to your bible (like me!) asking you WTF?

The last time this happened, I had to add an addendum to my watering article and eat some crow. Here we go again.
Lmao. Well, just cuz it worked once.....maybe you can get away with the "ongoing data collecting" excuse. But really, isn't this just once? Should we perhaps collect a bit more up potting data before we skewer ourselves? (note that by using "we" I attempt to take some of heat off you when really it should be "you"? :laugh:)
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