Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Yes it does. Seed to harvest.
Sometimes you need a little extra N source late in flower, but the first few grows I ran with it didn't. They did need a little bit of Epsom salts though.
Thank you sir will probably use DE as a extra soucre of silica or can I just buy Epson salts from Walmart? Also blood meal for the extra N?
Thank you sir will probably use DE as a extra soucre of silica or can I just buy Epson salts from Walmart? Also blood meal for the extra N?
I've never used blood meal, so I can't help you there. @Grand Daddy Black ran into this problem recently though. I don't remember exactly what he used.
Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate, and I used it to bump up the magnesium a bit. It's pretty cheap and you can get it at pretty much any pharmacy, so wally world will probably have it, just make sure it's unscented. It's very potent as a mag source, so I only added a small pinch at a time.
You might be able to use calmag for both though. This seems to be v2 of the MC, and I'll have to do a little searching for the calcium to magnesium ratio. I've been using v3 for a while.
Haha she finally got you to do it tubing after? She has pistils just wasn’t sure but now she has the fade around the bud sites so I figured it’s close to being time.

@Melville Hobbes does MC work for flowering as well?
So sorry TC. I have to pay better attention. :Namaste:
Collapsed before I even got the whisper snipper started.
It's either that or $120.00 to get it done.
Nice guy, does a fantastic job but not in the budget.
So Tubing tomorrow :rolleyes:
After whipper snipping. :confused:
I'll post a pic of it.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
So sorry TC. I have to pay better attention. :Namaste:
Collapsed before I even got the whisper snipper started.
It's either that or $120.00 to get it done.
Nice guy, does a fantastic job but not in the budget.
So Tubing tomorrow :rolleyes:
After whipper snipping. :confused:
I'll post a pic of it.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Shit are you ok? Tell Stacy I said your banned from mowing the lawn lol I’ll come do it if you feed me lol and it’s all good but it shows I’m learning cause I can see the difference right? Dante went swimming for the first time he enjoyed it until he got cold my sister and I took him
thinking of reducing the Part A of the nutes down
Before you start messing with the manufacturer's recommendations, make sure you read what is Part A. Don't reduce it unless there's nothing in there you want the plant to have. Cut it and you cut all the ingredients.

Post a pic of the "guaranteed analysis" on the back if you want folks to chime in!
Dialing in the RH and the fan settings got it in between 67% and 70%
Nice! Tell mother nature to cooperate. :)
should I start feeding her bloom?
What Bill said ↓
Don't give flowering nutrients until you see pistils.
Or even later for outside. I'd transition about halfway through stretch.
@Grand Daddy Black ran into this problem recently though. I don't remember exactly what he used.
I do since it was my recommendation: magnesium nitrate! Cheap from most nurseries and balances the Mg while correcting the nitrogen in MC.
Before you start messing with the manufacturer's recommendations, make sure you read what is Part A. Don't reduce it unless there's nothing in there you want the plant to have. Cut it and you cut all the ingredients.

Post a pic of the "guaranteed analysis" on the back if you want folks to chime in!

Nice! Tell mother nature to cooperate. :)

What Bill said ↓

Or even later for outside. I'd transition about halfway through stretch.

I do since it was my recommendation: magnesium nitrate! Cheap from most nurseries and balances the Mg while correcting the nitrogen in MC.
Thanks Shed, I tried looking on the manufactures website to see if there was anything originally I didn’t see any info on the manner mind you I probably missed it happens often lmao at the trailer so I don’t have the bottle in front of I’ll post it tomorrow.

I’ve been trying but she’s been stubborn just gotta keep playing with settings and do my best to check for mold every day.

So you’ve added DE as a source of magnesium? How much? Normally in my 10 gal I put roughly 1 tsp but that’s in coco using synthetic nutes

I hope your weekend is treating you well my friend :)
Who makes the nutes? There really should be a feeding schedule for the grow if it's made for cannabis rather than tomatoes!
So you’ve added DE as a source of magnesium? How much? Normally in my 10 gal I put roughly 1 tsp but that’s in coco using synthetic nutes
There's nothing in DE for your plant except possibly some silica. I tried mixing DE into my nutes and I don't believe it ever dissolved, and I just ended up with a very dusty rootball in the end. DE is really just for pests unless you buy a brand that actually says it's soluble.
Who makes the nutes? There really should be a feeding schedule for the grow if it's made for cannabis rather than tomatoes!

There's nothing in DE for your plant except possibly some silica. I tried mixing DE into my nutes and I don't believe it ever dissolved, and I just ended up with a very dusty rootball in the end. DE is really just for pests unless you buy a brand that actually says it's soluble.
Ah dang and they are from Advanced Nutrients Coco Conoiseer Bloom the chart was saying 4ml the whole way for both but the plant started showing high nitrogen how I prepare the food goes as followed
  1. Add 3 ml of Calmag to 1.5 L of water and check ph then adjust to 5.8
  2. Feed and wait for 15 minutes longest wait ever!
  3. Mix the portions of the bloom so now I’m doing 2ml of A and 4 of B then adjust ph
At 3ml it was still showing nitrogen problems and today was the first day for 2ml.
Guaranteed Analysis for Part A
Total Nitrogen (N) – 4%
3.5% Nitrate Nitrogen
0.5% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
Calcium (Ca) – 3%
3% Water Soluble Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg) – 1%
1% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Iron (Fe) – 0.1%
0.1% Chelated Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn) – 0.05%
0.005% Chelated Manganese (Mn)

Guaranteed Analysis for Part B
Total Nitrogen (N) – 1%
0.3% Nitrate Nitrogen
0.7% Urea Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) – 4%
Soluble Potash (K2O) – 5%
Boron (B) – 0.03%

If you lower the Part A you lose some calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese. But personally I don't think 5-4-5 is too much N for flower.

Is there nitrogen in your cal-mag? What brand is that?
Guaranteed Analysis for Part A
Total Nitrogen (N) – 4%
3.5% Nitrate Nitrogen
0.5% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
Calcium (Ca) – 3%
3% Water Soluble Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg) – 1%
1% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Iron (Fe) – 0.1%
0.1% Chelated Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn) – 0.05%
0.005% Chelated Manganese (Mn)

Guaranteed Analysis for Part B
Total Nitrogen (N) – 1%
0.3% Nitrate Nitrogen
0.7% Urea Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) – 4%
Soluble Potash (K2O) – 5%
Boron (B) – 0.03%

If you lower the Part A you lose some calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese. But personally I don't think 5-4-5 is too much N for flower.

Is there nitrogen in your cal-mag? What brand is that?
It’s Cronks Cal Mag I think it has nitrogen in it
Can't find anything about how much Ca or Mg is in there, which is really annoying! They should post the guaranteed analysis on their website. :grrr:

What does the actual label say is the percentage of Ca and Mg?
Like I said I’d have to look when I get home I’m off to bed and thank you man have a good night and smoke a doobie
Well as im in the uk.
Was going to ask the staff if i could gift you my 3rd prize win.
Not sure if they post to canada free of charge.
Only stickers and 420 merch i think
No sir I’m in canada about 6 hrs away from Bill

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