Coffee Tries To Grow Again

So today I did A 4 ml/L and B 4 ml/L cause I didn’t want to lose all the good stuff and Calmag was 3.5ml/L
Are those three products all you are using? Interestingly, you have no sulfur in the mix at all. Sulfur is one of the main builders of terpenes in cannabis. It's why Terpinator is potassium sulfate.

I calculated that you are currently feeding 270-70-166 with Ca at 232 and Mg at 82. If you drop the calmag completely and get down to 200-70-166 with Ca at 120 and Mg at 40.

That's still high on the N, so if this were my plant here is what I would do:
3ml A
4ml B
0.07g of Epsom Salts

That's a much more reasonable range of 162-70-166 with Ca at 92 and Mg at 37. It also adds 8ppm of sulfur which you can definitely use there.
Are those three products all you are using? Interestingly, you have no sulfur in the mix at all. Sulfur is one of the main builders of terpenes in cannabis. It's why Terpinator is potassium sulfate.

I calculated that you are currently feeding 270-70-166 with Ca at 232 and Mg at 82. If you drop the calmag completely and get down to 200-70-166 with Ca at 120 and Mg at 40.

That's still high on the N, so if this were my plant here is what I would do:
3ml A
4ml B
0.07g of Epsom Salts

That's a much more reasonable range of 162-70-166 with Ca at 92 and Mg at 37. It also adds 8ppm of sulfur which you can definitely use there.
Only other things I add is DE which we determined is useless in this case and half a handful of bone meal weekly. Just need to figure out a way to measure out the Epson salt with the MC it’s enough where it adds up to roughly one tsp gotta grab a scale the one I have doesn’t go that low used to us it for making e juice
Bone meal is "Rich in phosphorus (P), it also contains calcium and a trace of nitrogen." I'd drop that from the schedule.

MC is a completely different product. Are you switching to MC mid-grow?
Naw using MC on the D Bubba outside easier then mixing 4 different recipes don’t have time for it anymore between a ever growing scarier pregnant wife and the toddler getting riskier lol. Sounds good I read conflicting things which is better for flower blood or bone? They also have it combined mainly grabbed it in case of a pinch
Blood and bone meal are good for organic soil grows. Combining them with synthetic nutes gives you a Frankenstein mix that makes it hard to diagnose any issues that might arise.
Gotcha so it would eventually blow up in my face like the 4,4,4 did then. Still working on the asking questions before doing thing but I’m getting there!
The nice thing about the mix I mentioned is that you can use it like that for the flowering one in the tent and dilute it 10-15% with water and use that for the outside plants still in transition.
Ooo that’s a good plan and will save lots of time I’m still tempted to bring the other one in and put it in the tent but the RH and threat of pests are keeping me from doing so.

Figured just having one in there will keep it down that and it’s so freaking big I can barely move around the tent to check it as is…took a cola to the forehead today lmao
@Bill284 do you know of any places to buy the air pots in singles? I want to try but I don’t need 12 and I don’t want to spend over $100
I used to get a fair bit of equipment here.


Several different sizes.
Some new stuff too.
What size you thinking?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Hello buoy

I didn’t forget about the syngoniums. Remember we we’re talking about growing and @Roy Growin agreed with me regarding getting to know plants in general. In fact he was the one who suggested this plant.

I have spent the day in the garden and repotted (or uppotted us weed growers, who think we invented the practice call it lol) some plants, tbh I don’t know what they are, (@Roy Growin got any idea?) but I love their lace like leaves so I struck a few. From a very young age I’ve loved greenery. It didn’t matter how poor or fucked up I was, I always had plants. Not bought, grown. From cuttings (or clones as us weed growers, who think we invented the practice call it lol), and I learned to strike them in both dirt and water. I learned where to cut, what would strike best in dirt, what would strike best in water. This skill has held me in good stead when it comes to growing. I think it’s why I don’t get bogged down in the stuff I see a lot of growers get twisted over. I know when a plant needs water. I know what kind of sun it needs ie morning, day, afternoon. And tbh that’s basically all a plant needs to survive. I think understanding a plants need by a glance is half the battle won. I think growing other plants could not only help your MJ grow but it could be a teaching opportunity for your son.

So if you feel inclined and see a syngonium take a piece as I have shown you here.


This plant has been moving with me for over 20 years and for the first time she has been able to grown into an unrestricted ground. She has lived here for 6 years and she loves it. I first started her with a piece like the piece I’m holding and I’m not even joking, she is now a beautiful healthy gigantic waterfall of green.
As you can see I have two types. She is a creeper and I have taught her to grow like fencing between my Lilly Pilly trees, she is basically a beautiful live green fence. If you lived here I would give you some. Most people I know have been gifted with a pot with a syngonium growing in it. I also have vintage jade. It takes much longer to grow tho.

Many years ago my son as a little fellow gave that test tube vase you can see in the first pic, and it’s perfect for starting cuttings in. I always have something cooking in them and today, for you it’s syngoniums. But for you any bottle/vase will work. You just need water.

I think the tricky part when it comes to growing weed, and a clever grower taught me this, is you want those natural aspects of growing ie water/sunlight enhanced and speed it up. MJ (I think) is an annual, which means it dies each year after flower. We want to speed that up and get it there sooner to enjoy her flowers. That’s where nutes, temperature and light control come in. You are just wanting to speed up the cycle and fill her with performance enhancing minerals to produce mint bud.

My advice, not that you asked, Teach your boy the importance of nature and the active role he can play to contribute positively to it. It is such a cheap and interesting hobby that you can do together, well my son thought it was. To this day he continues to share my love of flora and fauna and respects it. Anyway I hope you find this helpful, either way I really enjoyed sharing it with you and thought of you while I snipped them :)
Hello buoy

I didn’t forget about the syngoniums. Remember we we’re talking about growing and @Roy Growin agreed with me regarding getting to know plants in general. In fact he was the one who suggested this plant.

I have spent the day in the garden and repotted (or uppotted us weed growers, who think we invented the practice call it lol) some plants, tbh I don’t know what they are, (@Roy Growin got any idea?) but I love their lace like leaves so I struck a few. From a very young age I’ve loved greenery. It didn’t matter how poor or fucked up I was, I always had plants. Not bought, grown. From cuttings (or clones as us weed growers, who think we invented the practice call it lol), and I learned to strike them in both dirt and water. I learned where to cut, what would strike best in dirt, what would strike best in water. This skill has held me in good stead when it comes to growing. I think it’s why I don’t get bogged down in the stuff I see a lot of growers get twisted over. I know when a plant needs water. I know what kind of sun it needs ie morning, day, afternoon. And tbh that’s basically all a plant needs to survive. I think understanding a plants need by a glance is half the battle won. I think growing other plants could not only help your MJ grow but it could be a teaching opportunity for your son.

So if you feel inclined and see a syngonium take a piece as I have shown you here.


This plant has been moving with me for over 20 years and for the first time she has been able to grown into an unrestricted ground. She has lived here for 6 years and she loves it. I first started her with a piece like the piece I’m holding and I’m not even joking, she is now a beautiful healthy gigantic waterfall of green.
As you can see I have two types. She is a creeper and I have taught her to grow like fencing between my Lilly Pilly trees, she is basically a beautiful live green fence. If you lived here I would give you some. Most people I know have been gifted with a pot with a syngonium growing in it. I also have vintage jade. It takes much longer to grow tho.

Many years ago my son as a little fellow gave that test tube vase you can see in the first pic, and it’s perfect for starting cutting in. I always have something cooking in them and today, for you it’s syngoniums. But for you any bottle/vase will work. You just need water.

I think the tricky part when it comes to growing weed, and a clever grower taught me this, is you want those natural aspects of growing ie water/sunlight enhanced and speed it up. MJ (I think) is an annual, which means it dies each year after flower. We want to speed that up and get it there sooner to enjoy her flowers. That’s where nutes, temperature and light control come in. You are just wanting to speed up the cycle and fill her with performance enhancing minerals to produce mint bud.

My advice, not that you asked, Teach your boy the importance of nature and the active role he can play to contribute positively to it. It is such a cheap and interesting hobby that you can do together, well my son thought it was. To this day he continues to share my love of flora and fauna and respects it. Anyway I hope you find this helpful, either way I really enjoyed sharing it with you and thought of you while I snipped them :)

L o l l I n g !
Hello buoy

I didn’t forget about the syngoniums. Remember we we’re talking about growing and @Roy Growin agreed with me regarding getting to know plants in general. In fact he was the one who suggested this plant.

I have spent the day in the garden and repotted (or uppotted us weed growers, who think we invented the practice call it lol) some plants, tbh I don’t know what they are, (@Roy Growin got any idea?) but I love their lace like leaves so I struck a few. From a very young age I’ve loved greenery. It didn’t matter how poor or fucked up I was, I always had plants. Not bought, grown. From cuttings (or clones as us weed growers, who think we invented the practice call it lol), and I learned to strike them in both dirt and water. I learned where to cut, what would strike best in dirt, what would strike best in water. This skill has held me in good stead when it comes to growing. I think it’s why I don’t get bogged down in the stuff I see a lot of growers get twisted over. I know when a plant needs water. I know what kind of sun it needs ie morning, day, afternoon. And tbh that’s basically all a plant needs to survive. I think understanding a plants need by a glance is half the battle won. I think growing other plants could not only help your MJ grow but it could be a teaching opportunity for your son.

So if you feel inclined and see a syngonium take a piece as I have shown you here.


This plant has been moving with me for over 20 years and for the first time she has been able to grown into an unrestricted ground. She has lived here for 6 years and she loves it. I first started her with a piece like the piece I’m holding and I’m not even joking, she is now a beautiful healthy gigantic waterfall of green.
As you can see I have two types. She is a creeper and I have taught her to grow like fencing between my Lilly Pilly trees, she is basically a beautiful live green fence. If you lived here I would give you some. Most people I know have been gifted with a pot with a syngonium growing in it. I also have vintage jade. It takes much longer to grow tho.

Many years ago my son as a little fellow gave that test tube vase you can see in the first pic, and it’s perfect for starting cuttings in. I always have something cooking in them and today, for you it’s syngoniums. But for you any bottle/vase will work. You just need water.

I think the tricky part when it comes to growing weed, and a clever grower taught me this, is you want those natural aspects of growing ie water/sunlight enhanced and speed it up. MJ (I think) is an annual, which means it dies each year after flower. We want to speed that up and get it there sooner to enjoy her flowers. That’s where nutes, temperature and light control come in. You are just wanting to speed up the cycle and fill her with performance enhancing minerals to produce mint bud.

My advice, not that you asked, Teach your boy the importance of nature and the active role he can play to contribute positively to it. It is such a cheap and interesting hobby that you can do together, well my son thought it was. To this day he continues to share my love of flora and fauna and respects it. Anyway I hope you find this helpful, either way I really enjoyed sharing it with you and thought of you while I snipped them :)
Thank you very much Mum I’ll give it a closer read probably at lunch got to get running to work soon and jeez it’s chilly out lol

@InTheShed if I wanted to put a net over the one in the tent is it possible?
What purpose would the net serve? Just for support?

A net is a pain because it keeps you from moving the plant at all if you need to turn it to get to the far side. If it needs support I'd go with either bamboo poles/dowels or plant yo-yos that attach to the top like these:
Just to fan it out but where I do get these yo-yos?
@Bill284 do you know of any places to buy the air pots in singles? I want to try but I don’t need 12 and I don’t want to spend over $100
You'll soon regret not getting more tbh, I've run into the issue where I don't have enough airpots! x'D
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