Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Oh I got tons more my friend ever seen a dude smoking crack in a bathrobe eating out of a box of ceral in the middle of winter? I just shook my head and walked away lmao
Not this specific scenario, but yeah, I used to live in a town called "Barstow" (between la, and Las Vegas on route 66, a small desert town for the railroad BNSF) they send all the people from L.A getting out of prison that they don't want there. So many homeless, and meth heads it was unreal, super glad to have left that place!

Don't know if naming an ex-city I used to live in is allowed, tbh I was never tryna hide my identity anyways xDDD
Not this specific scenario, but yeah, I used to live in a town called "Barstow" (between la, and Las Vegas on route 66, a small desert town for the railroad BNSF) they send all the people from L.A getting out of prison that they don't want there. So many homeless, and meth heads it was unreal, super glad to have left that place!

Don't know if naming an ex-city I used to live in is allowed, tbh I was never tryna hide my identity anyways xDDD
Man reminds me of when we went to Toronto for a couple days before we had our son. So for the last day Julia decided she wanted her hair cut so I booked a place.

We start walking there and there were a group of questionable people I told her to keep walking fully prepared to get jumped, I let her go ahead and just when we were almost out of the alleyway I hear foot steps, so I told her again keep walking and turned around buddy just wanted a smoke heart attack avoided.

We get to the hair dresser and she’s like oh go explore then I explained baby I’m not leaving you here alone your preggos and there’s a dude smoking meth right beside us. She used to buy weed from meth heads so she’s confident it’s fine fucking woman man.

Finally I get her inside the hair dressers and I go explore before hitting the vape store I found in order, a sex club, a sex shop with a gloryhole and got hit on by 10 gay guys lol.

We were in the LGBT part of town lmao but since Toronto has needle exchange sites it’s everywhere now
Yooo I see where all the cool peps hang out at TC dog house, heard you got tv and wifi plus a bunch of awesome weeds you growing, got room for and extra pot head? I can cook too :eek:

Plants are looking awesome G. And congrats on that package arrived your step up is getting better and better man :high-five:
Thank you kindly Dani always room we should really go into business for this lmao be millionaires by the end of the year lmao
Thank you kindly Dani always room we should really go into business for this lmao be millionaires by the end of the year lmao
I mean just saying; imagine Canada passes regulation to have smoke coffee shops like Amsterdam; YOU gots to open one called TCs dog house. Death bubba house special.
I’d be smoking death bubba at the dog house
Man reminds me of when we went to Toronto for a couple days before we had our son. So for the last day Julia decided she wanted her hair cut so I booked a place.

We start walking there and there were a group of questionable people I told her to keep walking fully prepared to get jumped, I let her go ahead and just when we were almost out of the alleyway I hear foot steps, so I told her again keep walking and turned around buddy just wanted a smoke heart attack avoided.
Glad that worked out the way it did, you were smart to tell her to keep walking/run the fuck away, my heart would be pumping so fast my limbs would go numb from the amount of adrenaline!
Finally I get her inside the hair dressers and I go explore before hitting the vape store I found in order, a sex club, a sex shop with a gloryhole and got hit on by 10 gay guys lol.

We were in the LGBT part of town lmao but since Toronto has needle exchange sites it’s everywhere now
That sounds like a good way to make some side cash ifykwIm ;) Make sure they're rich xDD
Glad that worked out the way it did, you were smart to tell her to keep walking/run the fuck away, my heart would be pumping so fast my limbs would go numb from the amount of adrenaline!

That sounds like a good way to make some side cash ifykwIm ;) Make sure they're rich xDD
Man I’ve been jumped so many times I expect it now don’t like going out after dark alone anymore unless I got my knife on me. Lmao cost of living there is so expensive I expect them to be rich

I mean just saying; imagine Canada passes regulation to have smoke coffee shops like Amsterdam; YOU gots to open one called TCs dog house. Death bubba house special.
I’d be smoking death bubba at the dog house
Honestly I can see it in the next year or two with the amount of stores open now yes sir death Bubba all day and night with the bunks for nap time bring your own sheets ;)
Man I’ve been jumped so many times I expect it now don’t like going out after dark alone anymore unless I got my knife on me. Lmao cost of living there is so expensive I expect them to be rich

Honestly I can see it in the next year or two with the amount of stores open now yes sir death Bubba all day and night with the bunks for nap time bring your own sheets ;)
Sorry man, people are scum (sometimes), I'm glad to say I've never been jumped yet, and I do live in a pretty "dangerous" city, I just stick to myself, and don't really go outside unless I have to. The "hood" I live in is like a little Mexico, everyone protects everyone, you fuck with one you fuck with all!
Sorry man, people are scum (sometimes), I'm glad to say I've never been jumped yet, and I do live in a pretty "dangerous" city, I just stick to myself, and don't really go outside unless I have to. The "hood" I live in is like a little Mexico, everyone protects everyone, you fuck with one you fuck with all!
It’s all good lived in a high end ghetto had to walk my ex home every night then coming back it was either cops stopping you or bunch of high schoolers looking to score.

I went home to get smokes one night got surrounded by 6 people knew them all one was known for carrying but I was being nice they wanted the smokes I offered each of them one but nah they wanted the bag! Either way my buddy popped his head look looking for me down the street and as soon as he called me they all ran lmao. At the time I was 6’ and 150lbs lol I wouldn’t have won it but I’m also friends with all the dealers around there they wouldn’t have lasted long
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