Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Will do thanks again hopefully Bill can provide some in sight!
Good morning TC hope she stayed warm last night.
I got woke up at 1:30 , Stacey screaming for Smokey our cat.
Well he pushed the back door open and split.
Took half hour but Howie found him. :rofl:
That's my morning, hehe
Coffee time.
Ok babies in coco?
Similar rules as regular baby just different frequency and content.
Seedlings 1/4 strength for a couple days then go to half.
Cal mag in the mix every time.
It goes in first wait 10 minutes then nutrients in order.
Then set ph to 5.8 every time.
Everything going in is 5.8.
Did you read Ems watering thread?
Following that thread just water every day instead with nutrients every time at 5,8 ph.
No plain water ever.
Order potassium silicate, itll help with temp fluctuations and strength .
Ask anything I forgot to mention, I'm still half asleep, hehe.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Good morning TC hope she stayed warm last night.
I got woke up at 1:30 , Stacey screaming for Smokey our cat.
Well he pushed the back door open and split.
Took half hour but Howie found him. :rofl:
That's my morning, hehe
Coffee time.
Ok babies in coco?
Similar rules as regular baby just different frequency and content.
Seedlings 1/4 strength for a couple days then go to half.
Cal mag in the mix every time.
It goes in first wait 10 minutes then nutrients in order.
Then set ph to 5.8 every time.
Everything going in is 5.8.
Did you read Ems watering thread?
Following that thread just water every day instead with nutrients every time at 5,8 ph.
No plain water ever.
Order potassium silicate, itll help with temp fluctuations and strength .
Ask anything I forgot to mention, I'm still half asleep, hehe.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey Bill I know how that goes our old cat was an escape artiest found him one day down the street with a similar looking female I was so proud of him!

So I might be able to get some cal mag on Thursday and with the nutes I’ve been using Gaia green would I have to top dress it then? And for water I’ve been using bottled water but found out we have ph strips for the fish tank. I’m just not sure how lowering and raising it would work
Put the Purple Death Bubba with stretch she’s stretching to was falling over


Ignore the mess the dumbass that was using the space never cleaned up after himself and this is temporary
Hi Mate - when you come to hardening off, put a dome over your seedlings for the first seven days to keep out cold draughts and pests/rabbits
Hey Growings, When it comes to doing so since I do 10 hour days how should I let it harden? Bring it out during the morning then in at night?
Pretty much, maybe 8hrs to start off with - idea is to gently acclimatise
After 7-10 days start to open the dome for 1hr per day, gradually increasing - then you may be able to leave it outside overnight depending on overnight temps
You should be ok, just don't let the roots get too cold
Hey Bill I know how that goes our old cat was an escape artiest found him one day down the street with a similar looking female I was so proud of him!

So I might be able to get some cal mag on Thursday and with the nutes I’ve been using Gaia green would I have to top dress it then? And for water I’ve been using bottled water but found out we have ph strips for the fish tank. I’m just not sure how lowering and raising it would work
Test strips work.
Use lemon juice for ph down, but order both.
Just put som in and test it , do a little at a time till you get to 5.8.
Thursday is fine for calmag.
Just put it in set ph and feed according to the top dress chart.
No wonder your cat wanted out. :rofl:
Smokey is fixed.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Test strips work.
Use lemon juice for ph down, but order both.
Just put som in and test it , do a little at a time till you get to 5.8.
Thursday is fine for calmag.
Just put it in set ph and feed according to the top dress chart.
No wonder your cat wanted out. :rofl:
Smokey is fixed.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Bill I’m assuming som = small amounts? I’m new to everything haha and ya until he got fixed lol he was a little player I miss Roscoe. Just measured the light and mind you it’s only half strength cause one side of the led doesn’t work but it’s at 18” and the other is at 27”
Pretty much, maybe 8hrs to start off with - idea is to gently acclimatise
After 7-10 days start to open the dome for 1hr per day, gradually increasing - then you may be able to leave it outside overnight depending on overnight temps
You should be ok, just don't let the roots get too cold
I’ll have to try it again when the rain lets up or I can find something to make a dome out of. We have been hovering around 8-9C during the night time and around 12-15C in the day
I’ll have to try it again when the rain lets up or I can find something to make a dome out of. We have been hovering around 8-9C during the night time and around 12-15C in the day
Yes, that is a bit too cold
For a makeshift dome, 3 stakes in the pot with a clear plastic bag over the top will suffice
Will also keep rain off , as wet roots is not good combined with cold
You'll suss it TC
Yes, that is a bit too cold
For a makeshift dome, 3 stakes in the pot with a clear plastic bag over the top will suffice
Will also keep rain off , as wet roots is not good combined with cold
You'll suss it TC

I think I can do that will the bag suffocate them or is that what the stakes are for? And this is the weather forecast for the week :(

I think I can do that will the bag suffocate them or is that what the stakes are for? And this is the weather forecast for the week :(

Yeah - the stakes will hold the bag open and away from the plant
That weather report is a bit of a downer until at least Tuesday, but you can't rush it
Best of luck friend
Yeah - the stakes will hold the bag open and away from the plant
That weather report is a bit of a downer until at least Tuesday, but you can't rush it
Best of luck friend
If I have time tomorrow I’ll give it a try and sadly yes can’t rush it but atleast it’s not snowing like it was two weeks ago! I came out of work and I was like what duck it’s April why is there a blizzard lol
Stretch hasn’t grown much if at all think she’s still exploring her pot


Purple Death Bubba seems to be enjoying the light


Death Bubba is still trying to break dirt. Is it possible she’s growing upside down?


So main question is should I be worried about Stretch? Forgot to mention I put a space heater out for them as the basement is still chilly set it to 67F
Stretch hasn’t grown much if at all think she’s still exploring her pot


Purple Death Bubba seems to be enjoying the light


Death Bubba is still trying to break dirt. Is it possible she’s growing upside down?


So main question is should I be worried about Stretch? Forgot to mention I put a space heater out for them as the basement is still chilly set it to 67F
She looks fine, why are you worried?
Just water her properly, she is great.
Hope your having a great day. :ciao:

Stay safe
She looks fine, why are you worried?
Just water her properly, she is great.
Hope your having a great day. :ciao:

Stay safe
Thanks bill, I thought she’d be bigger by now it’s almost the end of week two but thank you for putting my worries at ease my friend :) I don’t really know what to look for other then the basic stuff.

Kinda miss them being in the living room could just steal a couple peaks haha
Thanks bill, I thought she’d be bigger by now it’s almost the end of week two but thank you for putting my worries at ease my friend :) I don’t really know what to look for other then the basic stuff.

Kinda miss them being in the living room could just steal a couple peaks haha
Water is the biggest cause of stunted growth in babies.
Just be careful of that and she will reward you.
I used to practice in Burlington occasionally.
I remember the exit off the qew was from the fast lane.
Never see that but great track except that feken red clay.
Everything got covered in it Everything.
Clothes , truck , tools food Everything was Red.:rofl:
Those were good days :love:

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Water is the biggest cause of stunted growth in babies.
Just be careful of that and she will reward you.
I used to practice in Burlington occasionally.
I remember the exit off the qew was from the fast lane.
Never see that but great track except that feken red clay.
Everything got covered in it Everything.
Clothes , truck , tools food Everything was Red.:rofl:
Those were good days :love:

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
It’s a interesting city to say the least been here all of my life 99% of the time it’s boring until you get people from other cities stirring up trouble haha. What did you practice?
It’s a interesting city to say the least been here all of my life 99% of the time it’s boring until you get people from other cities stirring up trouble haha. What did you practice?
I raced Motocross for 11 years or so.
There were only so many places to practice and that track in Burlington was a stunner.
Just a bit of a drive from home in TO.
Other than that never really explored the town its self.
You will have a longer dryer season than me I'm sure.
I'm about 6 or so hours north now.
Hopefully the sun decides we need some attention soon.
I think we only had 1 decent day in April and it was the last day. :(
We will get out there eventually I'm sure, maby by August. :rofl:

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:

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