Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Wow! Now you’re talking! You ideally look for a 45 degree prayer angle. That’s about this! More than that and it’s not enough light. Less it might be too much. Least that’s how I play it.
Thanks Jon! Earlier we had had a hope that somehow keeping the door open would drop the RH but it’s back up there only when my son is in the tent will it start dropping it’s weird lol.

My wife took me to work quickly to grab my tools and while we were gone he went into the grow room and was crying because he couldn’t find me. He doesn’t know what it is thinks it’s just flowers but now I have to be careful might be time to buy a new lock for that door don’t want my little man getting hurt
Wow! Now you’re talking! You ideally look for a 45 degree prayer angle. That’s about this! More than that and it’s not enough light. Less it might be too much. Least that’s how I play it.
You don’t need to worry about the RH in veg too much. Is there a “perfect “ RH? Sure. But you can chase that all day. I just try to keep it in a rather large range during veg. If it’s anywhere from 50% to 75% during veg I personally think that’s fine. It’s during flowering, in my opinion, when the RH really needs to be dialed in. So I wouldn’t worry too much about I now.
You don’t need to worry about the RH in veg too much. Is there a “perfect “ RH? Sure. But you can chase that all day. I just try to keep it in a rather large range during veg. If it’s anywhere from 50% to 75% during veg I personally think that’s fine. It’s during flowering, in my opinion, when the RH really needs to be dialed in. So I wouldn’t worry too much about I now.
Thanks Jon, the one that’s In the tent is flowering now as well as being waaaaayy to tall got the light as high as it will go lmao and I already lost one plant to mold just want to solve the problem before it strikes again. Luckily though the duct is here now so just waiting for the wife to get home before I start installing the intake fan and then we will go from there
The tricky part hopefully I don’t break anything

So you're exhaust fan is pulling faster than your intake is pushing?
I think so? Kinda weird since they are both the same fan Don’t know if I can change speeds per fan unless I set up the second controller right now they are both set to max on the high humidity setting
I think so? Kinda weird since they are both the same fan Don’t know if I can change speeds per fan unless I set up the second controller right now they are both set to max on the high humidity setting
Could it be cause I left the window screen in? Couldn’t get it to come out
From what to what? It should match the outside air RH within minutes with the tent closed up.
From 83% to 73% means I have a air leak or it’s the screen or the fan is a dud if I get some time later I’ll try swapping out the duct to the other fan to see what the difference is

Outside humidity is reading at 43%
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