Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Yeah sounds about right do you need to borrow the dolly? Lol
LoL, maybe a small crane?
I did think ahead a little bit and sat her on a fire-grate with some bits of wood holding it up so she's off the ground. It means I can remove the tray without too much trouble as well, to get rid of any excess water.



Been lurking around your journal, your Grand Daddy Purple is looking good!

I see your looking for a dehumidifier, I run one in my tent and it’s made a huge difference keeping the humidity under control. I bought mine second hand from Facebook marketplace, it’s been running perfectly for about 2 years now. That being said I would recommend looking for a second hand dehumidifier, you can get one that would normally cost over $300 for half that.

You can have higher humidity in your grow space up to 75% as long as it stays consistent, having big swings in humidity is asking for issues.
Been lurking around your journal, your Grand Daddy Purple is looking good!

I see your looking for a dehumidifier, I run one in my tent and it’s made a huge difference keeping the humidity under control. I bought mine second hand from Facebook marketplace, it’s been running perfectly for about 2 years now. That being said I would recommend looking for a second hand dehumidifier, you can get one that would normally cost over $300 for half that.

You can have higher humidity in your grow space up to 75% as long as it stays consistent, having big swings in humidity is asking for issues.
Thanks man! I’m looking but I’ll take another look at marketplace thank you. That’s interesting about the humidity thing though I didn’t know that.
Oh okay, thanks! What's the RH in the room the tent is in during lights out? Also in the high 80s?
Sorry man was rushing there didn’t mean to sound rude if I did. Forgot to check the room rh but I’m assuming it’s about the same if not a little less. Before I go to bed I’ve been opening the door to bring it down in the tent because it’ll shoot back to 90 if I don’t it’s been floating around 79-80% when open didn’t get to defoliate today either
Can you get the intake hose to the window? It's gotta be lower humidity outside no? You're pretty far from Florida. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Have a good day at work!
Thanks smoke break lol, if I can get a longer length was using it as a exhaust, if I can get two lengths then I can put both intake and exhaust in the window but if it’s the same window won’t they leach air with each other?
Thanks smoke break lol, if I can get a longer length was using it as a exhaust, if I can get two lengths then I can put both intake and exhaust in the window
If your intake is from the outside it's fine to exhaust into the room.
if it’s the same window won’t they leach air with each other?
If they're right next to each other and with identical fans, I'm sure there would be crosstalk between them at the window, but the air coming out will just be outside air plus whatever the plants put out, so the crosstalk will be less significant.
If your intake is from the outside it's fine to exhaust into the room.

If they're right next to each other and with identical fans, I'm sure there would be crosstalk between them at the window, but the air coming out will just be outside air plus whatever the plants put out, so the crosstalk will be less significant.
Alright I’ll see if I can pick up the supplies on Friday was a little worried not planning on using carbon filters I don’t mind the smell but didn’t want it shooting out pot smells where the neighbourhood kids play the parents are genius they let them play soccer in a little courtyard surrounded by windows lmao my dad would have killed me
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