Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Is the trunk swelling around the brace?
So I tied them up to get this

And this is the trunk

I'm not sure what you're going for here, but shouldn't you also tie that other tall one down?
So much for

but if they didn't snap you're okay there! Not seeing a lot of girdling of the truck so that's good too.

As the tied branches grow I would tie them around the ring until the lowest node branches have good growth and then let them grow up all together to the top ring.

How come it's not in the direct sun any more?
Was scared it was going to get stolen because it was getting to tall. I still have to super crop the other one outside and start training it as well.

I mean I did go slow but I’m guessing you meant to do it over a time span and not in one sitting I’m a bad listener >.< but will do also put the last of my coco in there mainly to make room in the basement one less bag hanging around and it looked a little swallow.

I think I originally only filled it that much because it would have covered the lower growth but that doesn’t seem to be regrowing either so we shall see what happens also got rid of all the weeds I could see how the fuck did I get all these weeds?! I feel like my son had something to do with it lol

Thanks for barring with me there Shed now to make a dome for the Clones if I haven’t already killed them
You have a 12" high fence?
Was sitting in a raised flower bed but the fence is one bad storm away from falling over as well when they redid it they didn’t pour new concrete in and someone hit the lane with a car last March and now it’s leaning.

Landlord refuses to fix it and I was told not to waste money on it actually ordered to I love my home. But ya Over the last week it’s grown 4” vertically more or less preparing for the worst
Grab some scrap 1x4s from a construction site and fill in the fence. It's silly to spend money on electricity now if you have a sunny garden. It's not that tall yet!
It’s not that there is holes, because it wasn’t repoured the whole thing is leaning and will eventually come down the whole fence needs to be replaced and the supports need to be re poured. It’s not that I’m not willing to fix it I was told not to and it might come down if I try to because it’s connected to 4 other homes
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