Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Been a few days normally give her a little cal Mag and she’s never really complained
If it's been a few days ok.
Does she normally sit up and pray ?

Stay safe :cool:
Some updates

Stretch is feking beautiful
Beautiful new growth! She appears to be happy. This is the auto right? She's in pre-flower.
Grand Daddy not sure what to say about her is she growing alright? She’s been stretching but not much veg growth mind you with the rain it doesn’t surprise me to much
Is this a photoperiod? The lower fan leaf on the right has bite marks from a pest. Get on your IPM and stay consistent with it. You could take off those two lower nodes too. Might as well get it over with now. Force those hormones to push growth to the top nodes.
Suprise is just doing her thing not giving a fek
She looks healthy and happy.
The littlest death Bubba is droopy does this mean it’s time to water?
Could be slightly overwatered IMO. But don't listen to me when it comes to watering. I'm a chronic underwatering fool because I worry about overwatering. Haaa haaa. She's not quite happy but not far off either. When was the last time you watered her? And roughly how much water did you add? Maybe give her a couple days with no water and see how she responds. Or is that coco/perlite mix only? Because that's a different watering approach.
Beautiful new growth! She appears to be happy. This is the auto right? She's in pre-flower.

Is this a photoperiod? The lower fan leaf on the right has bite marks from a pest. Get on your IPM and stay consistent with it. You could take off those two lower nodes too. Might as well get it over with now. Force those hormones to push growth to the top nodes.

She looks healthy and happy.

Could be slightly overwatered IMO. But don't listen to me when it comes to watering. I'm a chronic underwatering fool because I worry about overwatering. Haaa haaa. She's not quite happy but not far off either. When was the last time you watered her? And roughly how much water did you add? Maybe give her a couple days with no water and see how she responds. Or is that coco/perlite mix only? Because that's a different watering approach.
Thanks Baked I’ve been trying to keep up with it spraying at night need to get some BT spray though. I was wondering if the twist ties that I used to brace her were to tight but ya I’ll take the lower growth off.

Surprise the one that is in ground has surprised me the most I really didn’t think it would survive but I’m happy I kept with her :)

Normally I give her a tad bit of water with Cal Mag every day she’s in pro mix hp but she hasn’t had a real water in a few days. Gave her some before I left for work we shall see how she’s doing when I get in tonight
What Bill said! Tip burn is from nutrients. If the lights are too intense it will show up a lot more places.

Sorry if I can't keep track since you have photos and autos and coco and soil. Is that one in soil or coco?
it’s in soil next grow I’m probably just going to do soil this way is a pita lol I probably put to much bloom in it then
Better than the first try but still wrong. There is no way you will eve get the top lower than the lowers that way. You want the bend to be further up the stem, so untie it and start the bend above the first node (the one with the one burnt leaf tip).
Ok will do thank you Shed
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