Coffee Tries To Grow Again

I've never had to do it, but @HashGirl is getting ready to right now. You should check out her summer journal, maybe she'll have some tips.

Edit: Here's a link to her current journal

Thanks will do Mel

Hello. I haven't done this yet since I still have 2 tents in use but @BakedARea shared his method with me in my journal.
One last thing before I go to bed these aren’t bananas right? Also I guess no more safers for it?

Safer's is safe throughout the plant's life. It's neem and ISO solutions that aren't recommended during flower.

Morning Bill, should I give her the powder bloom nutes then? Haven’t been able to grab the bloom line of the new nutes I’m using

However, your plant is not in flower. It's just showing its sex so no need for bloom nutes yet. Are your plants autoflowers or photoperiod?
Hello. I haven't done this yet since I still have 2 tents in use but @BakedARea shared his method with me in my journal.

Safer's is safe throughout the plant's life. It's neem and ISO solutions that aren't recommended during flower.

However, your plant is not in flower. It's just showing its sex so no need for bloom nutes yet. Are your plants autoflowers or photoperiod?
Thank you hash, it’s an auto flower I thought once it starts showing it’s ready hopefully I didn’t mess anything up. Awesome about safers gonna keep spraying then probably up until harvest
Unless you have a major infestation I'd go with the Safers every 4-5 days. Weekly if you just want to use it as a preventative (no bugs/damage seen).
Ah ok I misunderstood I guess weekly it is I did see a white bug borrowing into the coco when I was doing a top feed today but couldn’t get a picture. The one I was complaining about before was a inch worm I think we have tons in a tree overhanging the plants
Morning Bill, should I give her the powder bloom nutes then? Haven’t been able to grab the bloom line of the new nutes I’m using
Just showing she is female.
Not in flower yet my friend.

Stay safe
Oh, okay. Two things...Safers won't kill caterpillars (BT spray for that) and it also isn't designed for stuff living in the coco/peat/soil. That's what mosquito dunks are for.
Thanks Shed, Going to order it tonight hopefully if I have enough money and I’ll look up the dunks.
Or diatomaceous earth. If you spread it on the surface of the soil anything that has an exoskeleton and tries to crawl over or through it will be killed.
But that includes beneficial ones too, like spiders.

Edit: autocorrect
Thanks Mel, I almost killed a spider last night I was screaming nooooo come back!!!! I’m going to try it for the in ground but if I can afford it.
Just showing she is female.
Not in flower yet my friend.

Stay safe
Thanks Bill, guess I jumped the gun a little there hopefully she will be ok with going back to the grow nutes. Learning is fun!
I think I burned her a little bit
Some updates

Stretch is feking beautiful

Grand Daddy not sure what to say about her is she growing alright? She’s been stretching but not much veg growth mind you with the rain it doesn’t surprise me to much

Suprise is just doing her thing not giving a fek

The littlest death Bubba is droopy does this mean it’s time to water?

The above photo of Stretch is what has be curious if she’s still in veg or early flower
Really so I should keep the light at 75%?
I think he is referring to the strength of the nutrients.
Girls look good my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
I think he is referring to the strength of the nutrients.
Girls look good my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
Thank you Bill and ya that makes sense now that I read it again. So it’s normal for photos to do that? I was worried she was dying or something haha. Does the droopyness mean that I need to water the little death Bubba?
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