Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

Good morning to all, got up this morning to water the girls and just ironing out some issues and I took a few pics and thought I'd throw them up. y'all have a look.


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well I just got done defoliating the autoflowers and I must have taken a quarter of an ounce of leaf and small flower off the bottoms of both and lite upper defol on both. I also managed to cut halfway through one of the primary colors of the Purple Kush but I think I believe I'll be able to save it. Old mans eyes and sharp trimmers. Ooops


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Good Sunday morning to all, it's been a very interesting morning taking care of the girls. they are thirsty, thirsty, thirsty. I'm getting ready to give them both a nute feeding this afternoon before lights out and then we'll have a look in the morning.
Don't worry! :) I watch a lot of threads and a lot of times if I am at work or on my cell, responding with a like or other emoticon lets people know that I have seen it and have nothing further to add. Please don't take any meaning from that other than that during the day I am sometimes frightfully busy and just don't get a chance to chat like I might want to. You will see me a lot more active in that regard on the weekends, on Fridays when I traditionally "work from home" and late at night when we have settled in and J and I are both busy on our computers or when I get up late at night or early morning to start my day... I am usually not too far from a computer and do get chatty when I am medicating.
Good morning all, I just a watered the girls for the second time today. first thing in my day it was about midnight and they all got some nutes. This morning at 7 they all appeared thirsty so we lightly watered again. Since midnite these ladies have been given a total of 2gal between them. The way these plants consume water increases seemingly exponentially. Am i understanding this any better and I'm also guessing i should not be so surprised.


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