Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

I don't know.


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Well i decided 2 remove the ts1000 so now i have 4qb's 3k spaced ont the sides and the 4k hlg's in the back. The whole system uses 950 watts at 8.4 amps. Might b time to flip the pp's.


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I added a familiar poj that i have had for 25 yrs. A radio shack cooling fan. I gave it to the 3k lite drivers that i installed at the top of the tent. I have a 1/2" airgap between the drivers and the wood clg i installed. The fan keeps the drivers comfortable and I'm seeing lower temps.
I have 3 questions. Is this enough? Do i need different colors? How about co2 ppm in this size grow? Im seeing between 400 and 650 ppm. Anybody?
Brother, those plants and your setup look amazing.
Good morning to all. It's very bright and sunny in the Tent today and it's also very green. And it seems like even the photo periods are starting to want water everyday. I'm guessing that i would probably flip in another week to 10 days I'm figuring at 8 weeks any thoughts?


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here are a few questions. When it is time to flip the pp's, is there any amount of extra time needed during transition? Do they get a longer lights out before they start the 12/12 light cycle? Will any of this have any effect on the autoflowers?
Thanks to Emmy, i think i have a better understanding of watering and feeding.
I have tested the theory that 36 hours of darkness before the flip causes a faster flip, and I believe after several tests that there is something to this, as it does seem to shave a day or so off of the flip. I question however the value of gaining this extra day of bloom vs giving up a long day of veg. I am not too concerned whether the flip takes 7 days or 10 days... I simply mark the calendar accordingly as the start of bloom. From here on out I think I will keep the lights going strong, at least 18 hours a day all the way through veg and right up to the flip.
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